2024-2025 / Master

Biochemistry and molecular and cell biology, research focus

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Programme selection

In agreement with the Jury, choose one of the two programmes according to the studen's background:


Reformed programme

Only accessible to students starting their Masters programme in 2023-2024 or who have just gained the credits from Block 0.
BIOC0726-1Toolbox: nucleic acid analysis techniques - [4h Autres] Q12412[+]3
BIOC0727-1Toolbox: imaging and experimental models - [14h Autres] Q1224[+]3
BIOC0728-1Toolbox: protein analysis techniques - [20h Autres] Q120-[+]3
BIOC0729-1Adaptation, evolution and diversity - [30h Autres] Q1406[+]5
BIOC0730-1Development, from the cell to the organism - [16h Autres] Q16818[+]7
BIOC0731-1Responses to the environment - [20h Autres] Q14020[+]5
BIOC0732-1Interaction between organisms - [16h Autres] Q13616[+]5
BIOC0733-1Toolbox: structural biology - [5h Autres] Q22015[+]3
BIOC0734-1Metabolism - [30h Autres] Q24010[+]5
BIOC0735-1Biotechnologies - [15h Autres] Q25445[+]7
Biomedical strategies - [24h Autres] Q2368[+]5
SSTG0065-1Laboratory internship - [6w internship] TA--[+]9

Old progamme

Only open to students enrolled for the master's programme before the 2023-2024 academic year.
BIOC0709-4Bioenergetics Q120--3
BIOC0210-5Enzymology - [10h Monitored workshops] Q120-[+]3
BIOC0720-1Structural biology - [15h Monitored workshops] Q125-[+]4
BIOC0721-1Optical spectroscopy for biochemistry Q115--2
GENE0001-4Genetic engineering Q120--3
GENE0432-4Genetic and biochemical evolution Q130--3
GENE0003-1Genomics Q220--3
BIOL0008-1Bioinformatics - [5h Monitored workshops] Q120-[+]3
BIOL0021-1Biology of the systems - [10h Monitored workshops] Q110-[+]2
SSTG0009-1Placement or practical integrated work (including seminars) - [8w internship] TA--[+]12

In agreement with the Jury, choose an option among :



Notice : Only accessible to students who have chosen this subject before the academic year 2019-2020.


Notice : Only accessible to students who have chosen this subject before the academic year 2019-2020.

Physiology and developmenal biology

Notice : Only accessible to students who have chosen this subject before the academic year 2019-2020.

Microbiology and Immunology

Notice : Only accessible to students who have chosen this subject before the academic year 2019-2020.

Biochemistry and microbiology

BIOC0723-1Applied bioenergetics Q215--2
BIOC0722-1Application of spectroscopic techniques to the study of folding and stability of proteins - [10h Monitored workshops] Q220-[+]3
CHIM0688-1Biological mass spectrometry - [5h Monitored workshops] Q215-[+]2
BIOC0003-2Biochemistry and physiology of the micro-organisms Q215--2
BIOL0013-1Development of microorganisms - [5h Monitored workshops] Q215-[+]2
MICR1713-1Extremophile microorganisms - [5h Monitored workshops] Q210-[+]2
MICR0004-1Bacterial pathogenesis
MICR0005-1Prostistology Q215--2
MICR0006-1Virology, immunology and vaccinology Q225--3
CHIM0059-6Industrial Microbiology

Genetics, physiology and developmental biology

GENE0445-1Quantitative genetics - [15h Monitored workshops] Q215-[+]3
GENE0441-2Organelle genetics, Part A Q215--2
BIOL0009-1Molecular and cellular physiology and animal signaling pathways Q225--3
BIOL0010-1Molecular and cellular physiology and plant signaling pathways Q220--3
BIOL0011-1Biology of animal development Q225--3
BIOL0012-1Biology of plant development Q225--3
BIOL0032-1Evolutionary developmental biology Q215--2
BIOL0014-1Dynamic molecular imaging Q220--3

Optional free courses

AESS0320-1Initiation to biology didactics Q22020-3
SBIM0486-2Methodology of animal experimentation (english language) Q12510-3

Block 2

Focus compulsory courses

BBMC0020-1Final thesis (complement)
Collégialité, Claire Périlleux

Focus optional courses

In agreement with the Jury, choose a placement from among:

SSTG0044-1Research internship within an university outside ULiege or a company of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation - [3mois internship]
SSTG0045-1Research internship within the framework of an exchange scheme - [3mois internship]

Poursuite du choix du programme

En accord avec le Jury, poursuivre le programme choisi en fonction du parcours de l'étudiant :


Reformed programme

SMEM0019-1Final thesis
Collégialité, Claire Périlleux
BIOL0033-1From the laboratory to the private sector - [20h Autres] Q120-[+]3
BIOL0034-1Scientific writing - [20h Autres] Q116-[+]2

Old progamme

SMEM0019-1Final thesis
Collégialité, Claire Périlleux
BIOL0033-1From the laboratory to the private sector - [20h Autres] Q120-[+]3
BIOL0034-1Scientific writing - [20h Autres] Q116-[+]2

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Bridging courses Master in biochemistry and molecular and cell biology


Compulsory courses

STAT0750-1Multivariate statistical analysis (software R) Q21010-3
STAT0077-1Computing analysis and processing of biological data Q125--2
MICR0720-1Phycology and mycology Q12010-3
MICR0721-1Bacteriology Q12010-3
MICR1716-1Virology Q220--2
BIOL0216-1Animal physiology Q16030-7
BIOL0217-1Vegetal physiologyQ2   5
Theory  35-- 
Practice  -20- 
IMMU0521-1Immunology Q22520-3
BIOL0868-1Biology of multicellular animal organisms Q11515-3
BIOL0869-1Biology of multicellular plant organisms Q11515-3
GENE9002-1Molecular biology of gene I Q130--3
GENE9003-1Molecular biology of gene II - [1d internship] Q23030[+]6
BIOC9242-2Biological macromolecules chemistry Q1   4
Part A  40-- 
Part B - Thermodynamics of biological systems  10-- 
BIOC9243-1Equilibria in biochemistry and enzime kinetics Q22040-5
BIOL0024-1Molecular physiology of the cell Q21515-2
PHIL1227-1Philosophy and bioethicsQ2   2
Eléments de philosophie des sciences  15-- 
Bioéthique  15-- 
LANG0077-8English 2 (english language) Q124--2
AESS0320-1Initiation to biology didactics Q22020-2