3mois Internship
Number of credits
Master in biochemistry and molecular and cell biology, research focus | 20 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Students enrolled in Block 2 of the BBMC Master's degree must complete a 12-week work placement for a total of 20 credits.
This placement, which must be part of a specific scientific theme of the host laboratory, may be carried out in a company in the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles (FWB), in an approved research centre or in a university laboratory outside the Université de Liège. This placement may also take place in a research unit located outside the FWB as part of an exchange programme (Erasmus, Erasmus Belgica, etc.).
A (non-exhaustive) list is available on the Department's website (...) or on the "Stages-Up" platform of the Union Wallonne des Entreprises.
Students must take the necessary steps themselves to find an internship.
The host entities and the subjects of the proposed placements will be approved by the BBMC Board of Studies, which will identify an internal referent. The latter will ensure that the placement runs smoothly by contacting the student and his/her supervisor.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
The aim of this work placement is to prepare students for the research profession. They will be involved in carrying out a project as part of the host organisation's activities. It will enable them to work in a new environment, enrich their training and exploit the skills acquired during the Master's course.
The skills developed by the trainee will be :
- Understanding the short- and long-term objectives of a project,
- Rapid adaptation to the scientific and technical environment,
- Integration into a research team
- Autonomy in managing day-to-day tasks
- Writing scientific reports
- Critical approach to results and techniques applied
- Good communication skills (results, problems encountered, active participation in discussions within the host organisation, etc.)
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
The student must have passed all the courses enrolled in the bachelor's degree course in biology and the M1 BBMC. If this is not the case, the BBMC Master's studies jury will decide whether or not the placement is possible.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Laboratory work
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Course materials and recommended or required readings
The documents relating to this placement (OUT placement agreement, placement description form, etc.) are available on the e-Campus platform.
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
oral exam
Written work / report
Further information:
- a Assessment of the quality of the written report and the oral presentation of the placement
- Points will be awarded as follows:
- Work in the laboratory (mark given by the promoter; 1/3 of the points)
- Written report (mark given by the 3 members of the jury before the oral presentation; 1/3 of the points)
- Oral presentation and defence (mark given by the 3 members of the jury; 1/3 of the points)
Written report (1/3 of points)
- The typed placement report must be clear and concise.
- It should be no longer than 15 pages (1.5 line spacing; font size at least 11), excluding the bibliographical list of no more than 20 references.
- The report must contain the following elements
- An introduction,
- The aim(s) of the work,
- A "Materials and Methods" section,
- The main results
- A discussion section
- A bibliography allowing the references cited to be found (full references with titles of the articles cited).
- Appendices may be added to the report.
- The written report and any appendices must be approved by the host organisation at least two weeks before the examination date and must be sent (in pdf format) to the members of the jury and to the placement coordinator (mgalleni@uliege.be) at least one week before the date of the oral presentation.
Oral presentation (1/3 of points)
- The work carried out during each placement is presented orally in a maximum of 15 minutes (in French or English, as chosen by the student) followed by a general discussion of 15 minutes before a reading committee made up of 3 or 4 members (1 supervisor appointed by the company and 3 supervisors appointed by the Board of Studies from among the BBMC course teacher(s) or members of the scientific staff of the Life Sciences department). The members of this committee must hold a doctorate (or equivalent qualification).
- The supervisor may attend the oral presentation but may not take part in the discussion.
- If necessary, the oral presentation session will be organised as a hybrid so that the supervisor can attend. In order to respect confidentiality, only the direct supervisor will be able to take part in this presentation by videoconference.
The report, oral presentation and discussion may be presented in confidence. To this end, an external placement agreement (STAGE OUT) drawn up by the Legal Department of the University of Liège will be signed between the trainee, the representative of the University of Liège and the trainee's host entity.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
- Students' choices of host companies must be forwarded to the Chairman of the Board of Studies by the end of September at the latest, together with a provisional title, a brief description containing no confidential data and a proposal for a panel of judges.
- Each work placement is based on a specific scientific theme of the host company and must include an experimental/data analysis component, which may be supported by bibliographical research and/or administrative tasks (the latter may not account for more than 20% of the work placement).
- The placement is organised in the 1st four-month term and will be the subject of a written report (see details below) and an oral presentation followed by a question and answer session.
- The report, oral presentation and discussion may be presented in confidence. To this end, an external internship agreement (STAGE OUT) drawn up by the Legal Department of the University of Liège will be signed between the intern, the representative of the University of Liège and the entity hosting the intern.
Coordinator :
Prof Galleni Moreno
Tél 04/366.35.49
e-mail: mgalleni@uliege.be