68h Th, 18h Pr, 16h AUTR
Number of credits
Lydie Flasse, Patrick Motte, Bernard Peers, Claire Périlleux, Sébastien Rigali, Ingrid Struman, Mohammed Terrak, Marc Thiry, Pierre Tocquin
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
The module aims to provide an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the development of organisms and their regulation, based on selected examples of signalling cascades that regulate the development of bacteria, plants and animals. The lessons progress from the cell to the organism, via the formation of tissues and organs.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
At the end of the theoretical courses given as part of the "Development, from the cell to the organism" module, students will be able to understand the concepts used to study the molecular mechanisms and cellular structures involved in the development of living organisms.
At the end of the practical/guided work, students will be able to:
- Process a dataset derived from high-throughput phenotyping methods
- Design an experiment using a reporter gene
- Understand, summarise and criticize a scientific article
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
This module will build on the concepts covered in the following courses* :
BIOL0005 - Biology
BIOL0026 - Plant cell physiology
BIOL0215 - Animal cell physiology and histology
BIOL0216 - Animal Physiology
BIOL0217 - Plant Physiology
MICRO719 - Introduction to Microbiology
MICRO721 - Bacteriology
* However, these courses are not prerequisites.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Three practical sessions are planned:
Session 1 (2 half-days): Transient transformation of plants; visualisation of a component of a signalling cascade.?
Session 2 (2 half-days): Collection and analysis of phenotyping data obtained by semi-automatic imaging of plants?
Session 3 (1 half-day): Observation of wild-type, mutant and transgenic embryos of zebrafish at different stages. Study of the effect of pharmacological drugs on development
TDs entitled "Focus on the dysfunction of signalling pathways in cancer" consist of the reading/presentation of scientific articles
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Theoretical courses are ex cathedra, face-to-face lectures.
Two afternoons of lectures dealing with the evolutionary aspects of development (plants and animals) are scheduled; these could take place remotely depending on the availability of external lecturers. ?
At least part of the course preparation can be done at home.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
The slideshows and documents needed for the lessons and practical work will be available on the eCampus platform.
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( open-ended questions )
Written work / report
Further information:
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam
Additional information:
Assessment will consist of a written exam with questions on all three domains (bacteria, plants, animals). The TDs organised during the course weeks will also be assessed and will be worth 20% of the overall mark, providing that the written exam AND the TDs are passed (min. 10/20 each). If the written exam is failed, it must be retaken in its entirety. A pass mark in the TDs may be carried over from one session to the next.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Practical and/or practical work is compulsory. Any absence must be justified and, where appropriate, students are required to put their work in order. If a report is required, it must be completed even in the event of absence.?In the event of unjustified absence, the student may not be admitted to the examination.
The supervisors are available to answer your questions: either during lessons/practical sessions or by e-mail (during office hours and no later than 2 days before the examination or submission of the report).
Module coordinator :
Prof. Claire PÉRILLEUX
Tél 04/366.38.33
e-mail : cperilleux@uliege.be
Co-teachers :
Prof. Patrick MOTTE (patrick.motte@uliege.be )
Dr Bernard PEERS (bpeers@uliege.be )
Dr Sébastien RIGALI (srigali@uliege.be )
Dr Ingrid STRUMAN (i.struman@uliege.be)
Dr Mohammed TERRAK (mterrak@uliege.be)
Dr Pierre TOCQUIN (ptocquin@uliege.be )
Prof. Marc THIRY (mthiry@uliege.be )