40h Th, 10h Pr, 30h AUTR
Number of credits
Pierre Cardol, Christian Damblon, Stéphanie Herkenne, Frédéric Kerff, Sylvie Legrand, Patrick Meyer, N..., Loïc Quinton, Claire Remacle
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
This module will look at cellular energy metabolism from different angles (bioenergetics, metabolic pathways, organelle dynamics, metabolomics, visualisation of macromolecules, construction of a metabolic network).
This module also aims to take a cross-disciplinary approach to a biological issue through group synthesis work.
Table of contents of theoretical courses
Metabolic pathways (P. Cardol, S. Herkenne)
- Metabolic pathways: catabolism and anabolism
- Notion of metabolic control
- Theoretical and practical concepts
- Chemosmotic theory
- The mitochondrial electron transport chain
- ATP synthetase, structure and function
- Photosynthesis, from photon absorption to charge separation
- Respiratory and photosynthetic control
- Assembly of respiratory complexes
- Assembly of Fe-S centres and maturation of Fe-S proteins
- Redox signalling pathways
Metabolomics (C. Damblon, L. Quinton)
- Mass spectrometry and NMR applied to the study of metabolites
- Matrix modelling of metabolic networks
- Simulation of metabolic networks and flux balance
Table of contents for practical sessions, practical work, etc.
Photosynthesis (P. Cardol)
- Extraction of chlorophyll pigments and analysis of pigment composition by HPLC. Analysis of pigment absorption spectra
- Analysis of photosynthetic electron transport by measuring variable chlorophyll fluorescence. Imaging of photosynthetic activity.
- Analysis of photoprotection mechanisms by measuring changes in maximum fluorescence.
- Illustration of theoretical concepts through the analysis of 3D structures and models using PyMOL software.
- The students will follow a defined scenario based on several theoretical concepts seen in the course. They will consult public databases and use the main functions of the PyMOL software to analyse selected structures. They will use their own PC and the software will already be installed during the Structural Biology BO.
- Metabolic networks (P. Meyer) : Practical computer exercises
- Matrix modelling of metabolic networks
- Periods 1-4: Choice of theme, collection of articles
- Periods 5-6: Individual presentation of articles (10 min)
- Periods 7-10: Summing up
- Periods 11-14 Presentation of a summary in class by group (15 min + 15 min discussion)
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
- Understand (after observation and study of the relevant literature) a biological question and formulate relevant biological interpretations of the results obtained.
- Understand how techniques such as mass spectrometry, NMR, time-resolved fluorometry, oximetry, etc. contribute to an understanding of metabolism.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
- Notions of chemistry, physics and general biochemistry.
- Notions of programming with R.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
- Theoretical lessons
- Practical work, tutorials, laboratory visits
- The module will end with a presentation of the group's summary work.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Further information:
Teaching will be organised as follows:?
- As a general rule, theory classes will be given in the mornings. Unless otherwise stated, these will take place Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 12:30 (4 periods of 50 min).?
- The afternoons, devoted to practical/guided work, will take place face-to-face from 13:30 to 17:30, except for one or two periods per week which will be devoted to preparing the final paper.???
Recommended or compulsory reading and course notes.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Slideshows and articles related to the module's theme and the mini-symposium presentations will be made available to students on the eCampus platform.
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )
Further information:
Written exam during the June session (open questions and/or MCQs, including on practical work) (60% of points)?. Il n'y aura pas de dispense partielle dans la matière théorique
Self-evaluation of the synthesis and presentation of a theme (40% of points) at the end of the second week.
Work placement(s)
Not applicable.
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Students are required to bring a computer (or tablet) with them for the practical work and the summary assignment.
Module coordination :??
Pierre Cardol
Tel : 04/366 38 40?
e-mail : Pierre.cardol@uliege.be
The teachers are available to answer your questions: either during the lessons/practical work sessions given as part of this module, or by e-mail (during office hours).?
List of teachers :?
Pierre Cardol (pierre.cardol@uliege.be)?
Christian Damblon (C.Damblon@uliege.be)
Stéphanie Herkenne (sherkenne@uliege.be)
Frédéric Kerff (fkerff@uliege.be)
Sylvie Legrand (S.Legrand@uliege.be)?
Patrick Meyer (Patrick.Meyer@uliege.be)
Loïc Quinton (Loic.Quinton@uliege.be)
Claire Remacle (c.remacle@uliege.be)
Association of one or more MOOCs
There is no MOOC associated with this course.