36h Th, 8h Pr, 24h AUTR
Number of credits
François Beaufay, Franck Dequiedt, Emmanuel Di Valentin, Mireille Dumoulin, Moreno Galleni, Frédéric Kerff, André Matagne, Sébastien Rigali, Catherine Sadzot, Ingrid Struman, Mohammed Terrak, Marylène Vandevenne
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Applications of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the context of human health (diagnosis and innovative treatments of diseases representing major public health problems).
Week #1:
New strategies: towards personalised medicine (2*2h) : I Struman
- Research of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers (2 hrs)
- New therapeutic approaches: (2h)
Nucleic acid therapies (4h): F Dequiedt
- mRNA vaccines
- Other mRNA-based therapies
- RNA interference therapies
- Antisense applications
- DNA editing
- Nanoparticles
- Oncolytic viruses (2h):
- Immunotherapies and CAR-T cells (2 hrs)
- Principles
- Advantages and disadvantages of the different viral vectors
- Bacteriophages and derived bacteriolytic enzymes (2h Th)
- Therapeutic applications of bacteriophages and derived enzymes (2h TD)
Nanobodies and protein folding (4h Th + 8h TD): M. Dumoulin
- Degenerative diseases and protein folding defects (4h Th)
Aggregation of proteins into amyloid fibres: definition and structural characteristics of amyloid fibres. Mechanism of amyloid fibre formation (nucleation/polymerisation, primary and secondary nucleation, role of lipids, role of post-translational modifications, separation and phase transition mediated by intrinsically disordered protein regions). Cytotoxicity of amyloid fibres or soluble aggregates.
Degenerative diseases associated with amyloid fibres: systemic amyloidosis, local and non-neurodegenerative amyloidosis, local and neurodegenerative amyloidosis (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, spongiform encephalopathies and Huntington's disease): definition, prevalence, associated protein/peptide, symptoms, pathophysiological mechanisms, treatments, etc.
- Diagnostic and therapeutic applications of nanobodies (TD, 2*2 h)
Diagnostic applications: ELISA, biosensors, lateral flow diagnostic tests, imaging
Therapeutic applications: oncology, infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases
Analysis of documents and articles, video viewing
- Selection techniques by display (phage-, ribosome-, yeast-display, etc) (TD, 2h) - Application to the selection of Nanobodies.
Examples of therapeutic molecules selected for display
Analysis of articles and documents
- Approaches enabling proteins to be modified (chemically or enzymatically) to adapt their properties to the needs of the applications (increasing their half-life in the blood, their stability, labelling them with a fluorophore, a radioisotope, etc) (TD, 2h)
Illustration of theoretical concepts through analysis of 3D structures and models using PyMOL software (2 hrs): F. Kerff
Students will follow a defined scenario based on several theoretical concepts seen in the course. They will consult public databases and use the main functions of the PyMOL software to analyse selected structures. They will use their own PC and the software will already have been installed during the Structural Biology BO.
Analysis of Protein-Protein and Protein-Ligand interactions, in particular antibodies (3*2h, TD): M. Vandevenne
Use of the BioLayer Interferometry method to measure interactions between antibody fragments and their target antigen. This approach is commonly used in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries as a quality control method for batches of antibodies produced. It is used to determine the affinity of an antibody for its antigen on the basis of kinetic measurements monitored in real time.
External speakers: Bacteriophage applications in clinical settings (2 hrs)
Week #2:
The problem of antibiotic resistance (3*4h, Th?): F Beaufay
Genetic and biochemical bases of antibiotic resistance; Detection of resistance genes; Design of new antibacterial drugs; Importance of the human microbiota; Anti-bacterial virulence strategies.
Development of a microfluidic potentiometric test for the detection and identification of bacterial resistance factors against beta-lactam antibiotics (2h, Th): M. Galleni
New bacterial bioactives (4h th +/ 4h, TD): S. Rigali :
- Strategies for identifying new bioactives (2*2h Th)
- Analysis tools for bacterial genomes to list and identify bioactive molecules (4h TD).
Dicussion articles (2*2h, other): A. Matagne
- Publication BMP
- Publication B-lactamase
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
- Acquire cutting-edge training in biotechnologies in the healthcare field
- Train managers capable of working in academic laboratories or biotechnology companies in the health/pharmaceutical sectors (in therapy and diagnostics). The training offered will enable them to grasp the upstream complexity (R&D) of the world of the biotechnology industry.
- Provide the practical and theoretical foundations underlying the development of new diagnostic tools, innovative therapeutic treatments and the production of molecules for therapeutic purposes.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Toolbox prerequisites :
- nucleic acid techniques
- protein techniques
- imaging and experimental models
- structural biology
- Genetic engineering
- Recombinant nucleic acids
- Biophysics
- Protein chemistry
- Molecular interactions (macromolecule-macromolecule, macromolecule-ligand)
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The teaching, spread over 2 weeks, will combine theoretical classes, practical and supervised work, directed scientific analyses and participation in seminars.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Classroom-based (theory, practical and practical work) with independent assignments.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Platform(s) used for course materials:
- eCampus
Further information:
Powerpoints and TP/DD notes will be available to students.
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )
Written work / report
Further information:
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )
Additional information:
Learning outcomes will be assessed in a multi-modal format, which may include projects, practical exercises, open questions, MCQs, etc.
The assessment will consist of a written examination (60%) with questions on all the lessons. Some questions may incorporate related concepts covered in different lessons within the module. there will be not partial exemption for the written examination
The TDs and TPs organised during the course weeks will also be assessed and will each be worth 20% of the overall mark.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Practical and/or practical work is compulsory. Any absence must be justified and, where appropriate, students are required to put their work in order. If a report is required, it must be completed even in the event of absence. In the event of unjustified absence, the student may not be admitted to the examination.
Module coordinator :
Franck Dequiedt
Tel: 04/366.90.28
e-mail : fdequiedt@uliege.be
Co-teachers :
Ingrid Struman: i.struman@uliege.be
Emmanuel Di Valentin: edivalentin@uliege.be
Mohammed Terrak: mterrak@uliege.be
Mireille Dumoulin: mdumoulin@uliege.be
Frédéric Kerff: fkerff@uliege.be
Sébastien Rigali : srigali@uliege.be
Moreno Galleni: mgalleni@uliege.be
Marylène Vandevenne : mvandevenne@uliege.be
André Matagne : amatagne@uliege.be
Catherine Sadzot: csadzot@uliege.be