20h Th
Number of credits
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
The course will be focus on dynamic and molecular imaging in living cells: loss of fluorescence approaches (FRAP, iFRAP, FLIP) ; protein-protein interactions (FRET, BiFC) ; Fluorescence Correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
To visualise (macro)molecules and macromolecular structures and their interactions over time and space is essential to the understanding of the physiology of biological systems: from the basic organisation of a cell to the complex development of organisms. Molecular imaging today presents many possibilities - reaching the level of the nanometre and the millisecond - and it is used in the study of the dynamics of certain processes of great interest in living and functioning cells in various physiological situations, and under stress. Considerable advances in the area of cellular biology are continually being helped by technological advances. These include confocality, multiphoton, high resolution and high sensitivity detectors, etc.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Knowledge in cellular and molecular biology and in methods of molecular biology and genetic engineering.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Practicals are integrated to the course 'Stages ou travaux pratiques intégrés (y compris séminaires)'.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Lectures are given during the second quadimester to students of Master1 BBMC who have chosen the module in 'Physiology & Developmental Biology'.
The course uses a combination of state of the art ex cathedra lectures, interactive classes and problem-based learning.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Illustrations and copy of powerpoint slides (recommended textbooks : (i) Molecular Cell Biology 7th Ed, H. Lodish et al. 2013, W.H. Freeman and Company, et (ii) Lewin's CELLS 3rd Ed, Plopper et al. 2015, Jones & Bartlett Learning).
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
oral exam
Additional information:
The evaluation will include a personal project on a topic chosen among a list of suggestions. This project could involve different courses of the 'Physiology - Developmental Biology' module.
Work placement(s)
Training periods are proposed in the course 'Stages ou travaux pratiques intégrés (y compris séminaires)'
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Patrick Motte, 04 3663810