15h Th
Number of credits
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
The course presents various optical methods used in biochemistry.
Spectroscopic methods taught in the course are : UV-Visible absorption, linear and circular dichroisms, fluorescence, vibrational spectroscopy (i.e. infrared and raman), surface plasmon resonance and biolayer interfrometry.
For each method, principles, technical aspects and applications focused on biological macromolecules will be developed.
The course will concludes with a review of the optical properties of proteins.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Increase the student skills regarding the available spectroscopic methods for the study of the conformational dynamics of biological macromolecules.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Basic chemistry and physics
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures are given with the help of powerpoint presentations, blackboard and chalk
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Due to the 2023-2024 reform of the BBMC Master, this course is no longer organised and is only accessible to students who did not pass the exam before the reform started.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Powerpoint presentations or lecture notes will be available following the lectures Reference books: - Biophysical Chemistry, Cantor and Schimmel - Principles of Physical Chemistry, Van Holde et al. - Biological Spectroscopy, Campbell and Dwek - Physical Biochemistry, Sheehan
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam
Additional information:
Student evaluation will be based on a written or oral exam. Students will be informed in due time.
Work placement(s)
Non applicable
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Lectures will be organized following the schedule known by the students. The professor will inform the students in advance of any possible modification to this
Christian Damblon, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Institut de Chimie B6c, room 3/71, Allée de la Chimie, 3, University of Liège, B4000 Liège (Sart-Tilman), Tel.: +32 (0)4 3663788, Fax: +32 (0)4 3663413, E-mail: c.damblon@ulg.ac.be
André Matagne, PhD, Full Professor, Enzymology and Protein Folding, Centre for Protein Engineering, Life Science Department, Institut de Chimie B6c, room 3/61, Quartier Agora, Allée du 6 Août, 13, University of Liège, B4000 Liège (Sart-Tilman), Tel.: +32 (0)4 3663419, Email: amatagne@uliege.be (to be preferred)