2023-2024 / Bachelor

Ancient and modern languages and literatures

180 crédits

Block view

  • Organisation
  • Théorie
  • Pratique
  • Autres
  • Crédits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

LROM0024-1Introduction to general linguistics and semiology Q130--5
LITT0004-1Introduction to the great Western literatures Q130--5
PHIL0003-1Introduction to philosophy Q145--5
LCLA0066-1Latin language I TA6030-10
LCLA0068-1Latin authors 1 : grammar and texts TA45--5
LCLA0069-1History of Greek and Latin literatures Q160--5
LCLA0015-1Ancient Graeco-Roman history (including 15 hours of Middle-East history) Q260--5
LROM0063-1Textual analysis Q21020-5
LROM1018-1History of French literature with an introduction to methods of literary historyTA5
17th-18th centuries   15-- 
19th-21th centuries   30-- 
LROM0106-1French grammatical analysis Q130--5
LROM0025-3Historical linguistics of the French language 1 : historical phonetic TA3015-5

Learning support activities

IREM0001-1Adjusting working methods after the January session (reduced course loads) - [3h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
IREM0002-1Getting organised in the specific context of reduced course loads - [2h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
IREM0003-1Preparing for the Spring block and the May-June exams (reduced course loads) - [3h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
IREM0005-1Planning the second session (reduced course loads) - [3h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
IREM0006-1#BloqueBooster: supervised exam revision in the Spring holidays - [5d Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
IREM0007-1Zen@etudes: How and why to manage stress? (reduced course loads) - [2h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
IREM0008-1Keeping or increasing motivation in a context of a reduced course loads - [2h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
IREM0009-1Hebdo MethodO support with additional help in connection to the context of repeating a year - [5h Remedial work] TA--[+]-
IREM0010-1Getting the year off to a good start - [2h Remedial work] Q1--[+]-
IREM0011-1Progressing effectively in the 1st term - [2h Remedial work] Q1--[+]-
IREM0012-1Preparing for the January exams: becoming familiar with the requirements and specificities of university exams - [3h Remedial work] Q1--[+]-
IREM0013-1Planning your January session: establishing a work programme - [3h Remedial work] Q1--[+]-
IREM0014-1Working effectively in the second term - [2h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
IREM0015-1Adapting your organisation after the January session (fewer than 30 credits approved) - [3h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
IREM0016-1Planning your May-June session (fewer than 30 credits approved) - [3h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
IREM0017-1Planning your second session (fewer than 30 credits approved) - [3h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
IREM0018-1Maintaining or rediscovering your motivation if you have to repeat a year (Q1) - [2h Remedial work] Q1--[+]-
IREM0019-1Zen@etudes: The hows and whys of stress management (fewer than 30 credits approved - Q1) - [2h Remedial work] Q1--[+]-
IREM0020-1Maintaining or rediscovering your motivation if you have to repeat a year (Q2) - [2h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
IREM0021-1Zen@etudes: How and why to manage stress? (fewer than 30 credits approved - Q2) - [2h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
LREM0010-1Taking stock of your skills in French (Q1) - [15h Remedial work] Q1--[+]-
PREM0010-1Assistantship for the LCLA0065 Greek language I course - [50h Remedial work] TA--[+]-
PREM0015-1Improving cross-cutting skills in philosophy and letters - [60h Remedial work] TA--[+]-
PREM0022-1Additional support for the Modern history - HIST0039 course - [5h Remedial work] Q2--[+]-
PREM0027-1Assistantships for the LCLA0066-1 "Latin language I" course - [50h Remedial work] Q1--[+]-
PREM0028-1Assistantships for the LCLA0068-1 "Latin authors 1 : grammar and texts" course - [50h Remedial work] TA--[+]-
PREM0029-1Mentoring - [15h Remedial work] TA--[+]-
PREM0030-1Historical and geopolitical references in Philosophy and Letters - [60h Remedial work] TA--[+]-

Block 2

Compulsory courses

HIST0055-1Introduction to historical criticism Q230--5
LCLA0078-2Introduction to the studies in classical languages and literatures, Commun Q230--5
LCLA0071-1Latin language 2 TA3060-10
LCLA0073-1Latin authors 2 TA45--5
LROM0044-1French synchronic linguistics TA1515-5
LROM0122-1Introduction to medieval French texts, including philological methods
Linguistique historique du français I : phonétique historique
LROM0121-1Historical linguistics of the French language 2 : historical morphology and history of the French language (in-depth approach) TA45--5
LROM0010-2Texts, literature and society, 17th to 21st centuries, I
Analyse textuelle

Optional courses

Choose one of the following history courses :

HIST0040-1History of the Middle Ages Q245--5
HIST0039-1Modern history Q145--5
HIST0031-1Contemporary history Q145--5

Optional free courses

INFO0958-1Introduction to typography and layout Q115--3
Notice : This course is not included in the calculation of the credits of the year. It can be chosen in B2 or B3.

Optional courses

Choose a minor from :

Notice : A * next to the course title guarantees the student that the course will be given during the specific time slot dedicated to minor subjects and that they can therefore follow all the courses in their programme.

Minor in Art, archaeology, music - Aesthetic

Coordinator: Benoit VAN DEN BOSSCHE
Notice : Not accessible to students of History of art, general and musicology.
HAAR0002-1Major movements in history of art, archaeology and history of music from the prehistoric period to the end of Antiquity* Q130--5
HAAR0252-1The major trends in History of Art, Archaeology and History of Music in the modern era* Q230--5

Minor in Theatre arts

Coordinator: Christophe PIRENNE
Notice : Not accessible to students of History of art, musicology.

Choose two courses out of the following :

LROM0125-1European theatre scenes* Q230--5
HAAR0127-1Seminar on the history of music - Music and theatre* - [30h Seminar] Q1--[+]5
TRLG0001-1Stage practice workshop* Q1---5
MUSI0043-1Campus Opera - [24h internship, 3d Field trips, travels and pract] TA30-[+]5
MUSI0047-1Music administration Q130--5

Minor in Popular Culture

Coordinator : Björn-Olav DOZO

Sélectionner 2 cours parmi :

LROM0011-1Paraliterary genres (French field) Q130--5
LROM0189-1Literature for young people Q230--5
HAAR0160-1Special question of history of art: comics* Q130--5
COMU2149-1History and analysis of the use of video games* Q230--5

Minor in Modern Legacies of Antique and Mediaeval Cultures

Coordinator : Florence CLOSE

Choose two courses out of the following :

PHIL0004-1History of Hellenistic and Roman philosophy* Q130--5
HIST0090-1Historical introduction to schools of thought in the Middle Ages* Q130--5
HIST0036-1History of humanism* Q230--5
HIST0166-1Mediaeval and modern political and legal institutions: diachronic perspectives* Q130--5
HAAR0026-1Introduction to Western Iconography Q230--5
LROM0030-1Medieval Literature and language of Southern France Q230--5

Minor in Humanities and Human resource

Coordinator : Bruno LECLERCQ

Choose 10 credits among:


at least 2 courses from:

INFO0944-1Introduction to digital humanities* Q130--5
PHIL0086-1Introduction to equality policies* Q230--5
PHIL0096-1Interdisciplinary introduction to gender studies: philosophy, literature and media* Q230--5

at most 2 courses from:

SPOL1101-1Introduction to political science, Part 1 Q130--5
SOCI0079-1Introduction to the study of migration and integration Q230--5
ANTH0001-1Social and cultural anthropology 1 Q230--5
DROI1101-3Introduction to public law Q130--5
PSYC5866-1Theoretical foundations of psychological sciences Q130--5
PSYC0017-1Social psychology Q230--5
PSYC0030-1Psychology of Emotion Q130--5
ECON2289-1Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis Q13012-5
ECON2294-1General political Economics - Macroeconomics Q23015-5

Minor in Ancient and Modern Languages


Choose one module from :


Oriental languages

Notice : Passing the entire programme of a minor in Oriental languages (or a qualification deemed equivalent) is compulsory to be able to validly enrol for the Masters in Ancient Languages and Literature, Oriental specialisation. The language studied as a minor subject must be the first language in the Masters.

Modern Arabic

Coordinator: Frédéric BAUDEN
LLOR0092-1Arab I TA3030-10

Moderne Chinese

Coordinator: Eric FLORENCE
ASIE0015-1Chinese language I (beginners)* TA3030-10

Modern Japanese

Coordinator: Andreas THELE
ASIE0012-2Japanese language I (beginners)* TA3030-10


Coordinator: Laurent COLONNA D'ISTRIA
LLOR0093-1Assyro-Babylonian 1* TA3030-10


Coordinator: Stéphane POLIS
LLOR0020-2Egyptian 1* TA60--10


Coordinator: Philippe SWENNEN
LLOR0095-1Sanskrit 1* TA60--10



LCLA0065-1Greek language ITA10
Core curriculum   3030- 
Supplement   30-- 


LCLA0066-1Latin language I TA6030-10

German Languages


Coordinator: Vera VIEHÖVER
LGER0075-1Introduction to the German language 1* Q11515-5
LGER0275-1Introduction to German language 2* Q21515-5


Coordinator: Julien PERREZ
LGER0088-1Introduction to the Dutch language 1* Q11515-5
LGER0288-1Introduction to Dutch language 2* Q21515-5

Minor in Linguistics

Coordinator : Philippe SWENNEN

Choose two courses out of the following :

PHIL0219-1Introduction to the philosophy of language* Q130--5
LING0009-1The typology of languages and language universals* Q130--5
LING0016-3Comparative grammar of Indo-European languages* Q230--5
LING0005-1Sociolinguistics* Q230--5

Minor in Literature

Coordinators: Alvaro CEBALLOS VIRO and Vera VIEHÖVER
LGER0289-1World literature* Q130--5
LGER0082-1Literary theory: texts* Q230--5

Minor in Sciences

Coordinator: Laurence BOUQUIAUX
PHIL0077-2Introduction to philosophy and sciences history* Q115--5

Choose one of the following courses :

MATH0509-1General mathematics I Q12530-5
PHYS0985-1General physics I Q24540-5
Theory   30-- 
Pratique   -40- 
BIOL0006-2Biology Q13040-5

Block 3

Compulsory courses

LCLA0075-1Latin language 3
Langue latine I
LCLA0077-1Latin authors 3 TA45--5
LROM1013-1History of modern French literatureQ15
17th-18th centuries   15-- 
19th-21th centuries
Histoire de la littérature française, avec une introduction aux méthodes de l'histoire littéraire
LROM0068-1Syntactic modelling of French Q230--5

Optional courses

Choose one of the following courses :

PTRA0008-1End-of-cycle project (classical languages and literatures) TA---5
LROM0196-1Introduction to research in Roman studies and the thesis Q215--5

Select 1 course of arts and civilization from the following:

HAAR0069-1History of art and archeology of Greco-Roman antiquity (sculpture and painting) - [3d Field trips, travels and pract] Q230-[+]5
HAAR0054-1History of Art and Archaeology in the Middle Ages : from the Paleochristian Era to the 11th century - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] Q230-[+]5
HAAR0055-1History of Art and Archaeology in the Middle Ages : the Gothic period - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] Q230-[+]5
HAAR0056-1History of art and archaeology in the modern era : 15th and 16th centuries Q230--5
HAAR0057-1History of art and archeology in the modern era : 17th and 18th centuries Q130--5
HAAR0007-1History of Art and Archaeology : the modern era : the 19th century Q230--5
HAAR0008-1History of Art and Archaeology : the modern era : the 20th century Q130--5

Choose 3 courses of commentary on French authors among:

LROM0009-1In-depth study of Francophone authors (from the beginnings to 1350) Q23015-5
LROM0006-2Commentary on French Authors from 1350 to 1600 Q13015-5
LROM0007-1Applied poetics (17th-21st centuries) Q245--5
LROM0008-1Texts, literature and society (17th-21st centuries) II
Textes, littérature et société, 17e -21e siècles, I

Optional courses

Choose a minor from :

Notice : A * next to the course title guarantees the student that the course will be given during the specific time slot dedicated to minor subjects and that they can therefore follow all the courses in their programme.

Minor in Art, archaeology, music - Aesthetic

Coordinator: Benoit VAN DEN BOSSCHE
Notice : Not accessible to students of History of art, general and musicology.
PHIL0036-1Art and the frontiers of art* Q230--5

Choose one of the following courses :

HAAR0026-1Introduction to Western Iconography Q230--5
HAAR0001-1Archaeometry Q130--5
MUSI0007-3Introduction to musicology Q130--5
HAAR0161-1Introduction to museology - [10d Field trips, travels and pract] Q130-[+]5
HAAR0029-1Visual arts technology Q130--5

Minor in Theatre arts

Coordinator: Christophe PIRENNE
Notice : Not accessible to students of History of art, musicology.

Choose two courses out of the following :

LROM0125-1European theatre scenes* Q230--5
HAAR0127-1Seminar on the history of music - Music and theatre* - [30h Seminar] Q1--[+]5
TRLG0001-1Stage practice workshop* Q1---5
MUSI0043-1Campus Opera - [24h internship, 3d Field trips, travels and pract] TA30-[+]5
MUSI0047-1Music administration Q130--5

Minor in Popular Culture

Coordinator : Björn-Olav DOZO

Sélectionner les 2 cours non sélectionnés en B2 :

LROM0011-1Paraliterary genres (French field) Q130--5
LROM0189-1Literature for young people Q230--5
HAAR0160-1Special question of history of art: comics* Q130--5
COMU2149-1History and analysis of the use of video games* Q230--5

Minor in Modern Legacies of Antique and Mediaeval Cultures

Coordinator : Florence CLOSE

Choose two courses out of the following :

PHIL0004-1History of Hellenistic and Roman philosophy* Q130--5
HIST0090-1Historical introduction to schools of thought in the Middle Ages* Q130--5
HIST0036-1History of humanism* Q230--5
HIST0166-1Mediaeval and modern political and legal institutions: diachronic perspectives* Q130--5
HAAR0026-1Introduction to Western Iconography Q230--5
LROM0030-1Medieval Literature and language of Southern France Q230--5

Minor in Humanities and Human resource

Coordinator : Bruno LECLERCQ

Choose 10 credits among:


at least 2 courses from:

INFO0944-1Introduction to digital humanities* Q130--5
PHIL0086-1Introduction to equality policies* Q230--5
PHIL0096-1Interdisciplinary introduction to gender studies: philosophy, literature and media* Q230--5

at most 2 courses from:

SPOL1101-4Introduction to political science, Part 2
Introduction à la science politique
SOCI0079-1Introduction to the study of migration and integration Q230--5
ANTH0033-1Social and cultural anthropology 2
Anthropologie sociale et culturelle 1
DROI1101-3Introduction to public law Q130--5
PSYC5866-1Theoretical foundations of psychological sciences Q130--5
PSYC0017-1Social psychology Q230--5
PSYC0030-1Psychology of Emotion Q130--5
ECON2289-1Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis Q13012-5
ECON2294-1General political Economics - Macroeconomics Q23015-5

Minor in Ancient and Modern Languages


Poursuite du choix de module :


Oriental languages

Notice : Passing the entire programme of a minor in Oriental languages (or a qualification deemed equivalent) is compulsory to be able to validly enrol for the Masters in Ancient Languages and Literature, Oriental specialisation. The language studied as a minor subject must be the first language in the Masters.

Modern Arabic

Coordinator: Frédéric BAUDEN
LLOR0096-1Arab II TA3045-10

Moderne Chinese

Coordinator: Eric FLORENCE
ASIE0016-1Chinese language 2 (intermediate)* TA3030-10

Modern Japanese

Coordinator: Andreas THELE
ASIE0013-2Japanese language II (intermediate)* TA3030-10


Coordinator: Laurent COLONNA D'ISTRIA
LLOR0040-2Assyro-Babylonian II* TA3030-10


Coordinator: Stéphane POLIS
LLOR0048-2Egyptian 2* TA60--10


Coordinator: Philippe SWENNEN
LLOR0037-1Sanskrit 2* TA60--10



LCLA0070-1Greek language 2 TA3060-10


LCLA0071-1Latin language 2 TA3060-10

German Languages


Coordinator: Vera VIEHÖVER
TRAD0005-1Advanced German language and elements of German-speaking culture 1* Q130--5
TRAD2005-1Advanced German language and elements of German-speaking culture 2* Q21515-5


Coordinator: Julien PERREZ
TRAD0008-1Advanced Dutch language and elements of Dutch-speaking culture 1* Q130--5
TRAD2008-1Advanced Dutch language and elements of Dutch-speaking culture 2* Q21515-5

Minor in Linguistics

Coordinator : Philippe SWENNEN

Choisir les 2 cours non suivi en bloc 2 parmi :

PHIL0219-1Introduction to the philosophy of language* Q130--5
LING0009-1The typology of languages and language universals* Q130--5
LING0016-3Comparative grammar of Indo-European languages* Q230--5
LING0005-1Sociolinguistics* Q230--5

Minor in Literature

Coordinators: Alvaro CEBALLOS VIRO and Vera VIEHÖVER
LROM0210-1History of reading and the use of literary texts* Q130--5
LITT0005-1Literary and avant-garde movements in Europe (19th and 20th centuries)* Q230--5

Minor in Sciences

Coordinator: Laurence BOUQUIAUX

Choose two courses out of the following :

MATH0509-1General mathematics I Q12530-5
SPAT0050-1History of sciences of the universe Q215--5
PHYS0985-1General physics I Q24540-5
Theory   30-- 
Pratique   -40- 
BIOL0006-2Biology Q13040-5
BIOL2032-1Biological Anthropology Q21515-5
PSYC5868-1Psychology of cognition and language Part I Q230--5