30h Th, 15h Pr
Number of credits
Bachelor in ancient and modern languages and literatures | 5 crédits | |||
Bachelor in French and Romance languages and literatures : general | 5 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
All year long, with partial in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Recommended or required readings
M. Zink, Littérature française du Moyen Age, Paris, PUF, 2004. (Quadrige).
Laurence Hélix, L'ancien français. Morphologie, syntaxe et phonétique. Paris, Armand Colin, 2018.
Geneviève Hasenohr et Guy Raynaud de Lage, Introduction à l'ancien français, Paris, Armand Colin, 2019 (3e éd. revue)
Exam(s) in session
January exam session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )
- Remote
written exam ( open-ended questions )
May-June exam session
- In-person
oral exam
- Remote
written exam ( open-ended questions )
August-September exam session
- In-person
oral exam
- Remote
written exam ( open-ended questions )
Written work / report
Additional information:
The mark of the midterm exam in January will count for 30% of the June final mark if > or = 10/20. The mark will have no effect on the final grade if it doesn't reach 10/20 and the final exam will then be cumulative.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Prof. Nadine Henrard,
Place Cockerill 3
4000 Liège
Tél: 00 32 4 366 54 51
Mail : Nadine.Henrard@ulg.ac.be
Courriel : Nadine.Henrard@uliege.be
Mme Fanny Goblet, assistant, Fanny.Goblet@uliege.be
Mrs Ariane Nusgens
Tél: 00 32 4 366 56 50
Association of one or more MOOCs
Items online
Online Notes
Notes are available on MyULg.