2024-2025 / Master

Performing arts, professional focus (Master international)

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

ULiège students carry out their mobility during the second four-month period of Block 1 and during the first four-block period of Block 2.
Modules 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 must, therefore, be followed in each host university.

Compulsory courses

PTRA0005-1Research project

Optional courses



Module 1 : Theory/art history and aesthetics of cinema


Choose one of the following courses :

CINE0033-1Early motion pictures Q130--5
CINE0040-1Advanced issues in the history of cinema Q130--5
ASPE0006-1Film and visual arts theory Q130--5
CINE0041-1Issues relating to aesthetics of the image Q130--5
ASPE0010-1Animation Q130--5

Module 2 : Heritage, archives and cinema history


Choose one of the following courses :

CINE0033-1Early motion pictures Q130--5
CINE0040-1Advanced issues in the history of cinema Q130--5
ASPE0006-1Film and visual arts theory Q130--5
CINE0041-1Issues relating to aesthetics of the image Q130--5
ASPE0010-1Animation Q130--5
COMU0045-1Histories of video games Q130--5

Module 3 : Sociology, economy and cinema and audio visual technology


Choose one of the following courses :

THEA0007-1Public policy of cultural institutions Q130--5
CINE0013-1Film and audiovisual production Q130--5
COMU0024-2Socioeconomics of media and journalism Q130--5
THEA0015-1The performing arts and society Q130--5

Module 4 - Visual Culture and the Anthropology of Images


Choose one of the following courses :

THEA0006-1Performing arts analysis TA30--5
CINE0033-1Early motion pictures Q130--5
ASPE0006-1Film and visual arts theory Q130--5
CINE0040-1Advanced issues in the history of cinema Q130--5

Module 5 : Image contemporary practice


Choose one of the following courses :

CINE0040-1Advanced issues in the history of cinema Q130--5
ASPE0006-1Film and visual arts theory Q130--5
CINE0041-1Issues relating to aesthetics of the image Q130--5
ASPE0010-1Animation Q130--5
COMU0045-1Histories of video games Q130--5

2nd TERM

Notice : modules 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are aimed at students who are on mobility at ULiège.

Module 6 : Theory/art history and aesthetics of cinema


Choose one of the following courses :

CINE0006-1Methods and theories of film analysis Q230--5
CINE0037-1Contemporary experimental cinema Q230--5
CINE0001-1Film Analysis Q230--5
CINE0009-1Cinema: forms and languages Q230--5

Module 7 : Heritage, archives and cinema history


Choose one of the following courses :

CINE0037-1Contemporary experimental cinema Q230--5
CINE0038-1Contemporary documentary (cinema, television, web) Q230--5
CINE0001-1Film Analysis Q230--5

Module 8 : Sociology, economy and cinema and audio visual technology


Chosir 1 cours parmi :

MEDC0001-1Analysis of cultural production (arts et médias) Q230--5
CINE0038-1Contemporary documentary (cinema, television, web) Q230--5
CINE0047-1Questions of contemporary documentary Q230--5
CINE0051-1In-depth questions on cinema economyQ2   5
International co-production of films  15-- 
Production and distribution of films  15-- 
LROM0125-1European theatre scenes* Q230--5

Module 9 : Visual culture and image anthropology


Choose one of the following courses :

CINE0038-1Contemporary documentary (cinema, television, web) Q230--5
CINE0047-1Questions of contemporary documentary Q230--5
CINE0006-1Methods and theories of film analysis Q230--5
CINE0001-1Film Analysis Q230--5
CINE0009-1Cinema: forms and languages Q230--5
COMU2149-1History and analysis of the use of video games* Q230--5
LROM0125-1European theatre scenes* Q230--5

Module 10 : Image contemporary practice


Choose one of the following courses :

CINE0037-1Contemporary experimental cinema Q230--5
CINE0047-1Questions of contemporary documentary Q230--5
CINE0009-1Cinema: forms and languages Q230--5
CINE0038-1Contemporary documentary (cinema, television, web) Q230--5
COMU2149-1History and analysis of the use of video games* Q230--5
LROM0125-1European theatre scenes* Q230--5

Optional free courses


Optional free courses (language improvement)

LANG0087-4English level 2 (english language) TA60--5
LANG0148-5Dutch level 2 (dutch language) TA60--5
LROM9066-2Italian I, Theory (italian language) TA30--5
LANG0840-2French, S2 - 2e quadrimestre Q2---5
Notice : the French course is targeted at students attending ULiege through a mobility programme. Successful completion of the exam allows a certificate to be obtained in the same way as an isolated course.
ULiège students have the opportunity to take a language course organised by the host university.

Block 2

Focus optional courses


Notice : modules 11, 12 and 13 are targeted at students attending ULiege through a mobility programme.

Module 11 : Theory of visual and sound forms


Choose one of the following courses :

CINE0033-1Early motion pictures Q130--5
CINE0040-1Advanced issues in the history of cinema Q130--5
ASPE0006-1Film and visual arts theory Q130--5
CINE0004-1Cinema and Video Documentaries Q130--5
CINE0008-1Semiotics of photography Q130--5
ASPE0010-1Animation Q130--5

Module 12 : History of visual and sound forms


Choose one of the following courses :

CINE0033-1Early motion pictures Q130--5
CINE0040-1Advanced issues in the history of cinema Q130--5
ASPE0006-1Film and visual arts theory Q130--5
CINE0004-1Cinema and Video Documentaries Q130--5
CINE0008-1Semiotics of photography Q130--5
ASPE0010-1Animation Q130--5
COMU0045-1Histories of video games Q130--5

Module 13 : New media practice and image culture


Choose one of the following courses :

THEA0006-1Performing arts analysis TA30--5
ASPE0006-1Film and visual arts theory Q130--5
CINE0004-1Cinema and Video Documentaries Q130--5
CINE0008-1Semiotics of photography Q130--5
CINE0039-1Audiovisual techniques: shooting, audio shooting, montage and mixing TA30--5
ASPE0010-1Animation Q130--5
COMU0045-1Histories of video games Q130--5

2nd TERM


Module 14 : Theory of visual and sound forms


Choose one of the following courses :

CINE0037-1Contemporary experimental cinema Q230--5
CINE0038-1Contemporary documentary (cinema, television, web) Q230--5
CINE0047-1Questions of contemporary documentary Q230--5
CINE0001-1Film Analysis Q230--5

Module 15 : History of visual and sound forms


Choose one of the following courses :

CINE0037-1Contemporary experimental cinema Q230--5
CINE0038-1Contemporary documentary (cinema, television, web) Q230--5
CINE0047-1Questions of contemporary documentary Q230--5
CINE0001-1Film Analysis Q230--5

Module 16 : Practice of new media and images culture


Choose one of the following courses :

CINE0037-1Contemporary experimental cinema Q230--5
CINE0038-1Contemporary documentary (cinema, television, web) Q230--5
CINE0047-1Questions of contemporary documentary Q230--5

Compulsory courses

PTFE0026-1Final work

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Bridging courses Master in performing arts (120 credits)


Compulsory courses

CINE0006-1Methods and theories of film analysis Q230--5
CINE0004-1Cinema and Video Documentaries Q130--5
CINE0007-1History of Cinema TA3030-5
CINE0009-1Cinema: forms and languages Q230--5
CINE0039-1Audiovisual techniques: shooting, audio shooting, montage and mixing TA30--5
COMU0008-1Analysis of Cultural Institutions Q130--5
COMU0019-1Introduction to Cultural Policies and Economics Q230--5
HIST0055-1Introduction to historical criticism Q230--5
THEA0004-1History of theatre Q230--5
THEA0001-1Dance and cinema Q130--5

Optional courses

Choose two courses out of the following :

ANTH0001-1Introduction to anthropology Q230--5
CINE0008-1Semiotics of photography Q130--5
MEDC0009-1Introduction to mediation Q230--5
COMU0003-1Theory and analysis of mass culture Q230--5
COMU0016-1Theories of Communication Q130--5
HIST0022-2Cultural history Q230--5
LANG0086-3English level 1 (english language) TA60--5
LANG0044-6Dutch level 1 (dutch language) TA60--5
PHIL0034-1Aesthetics and philosophy of art Q130--5