30h Th
Number of credits
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
All year long, with partial in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Analysing a performance is a specific challenge which goes beyond simple description or subjective commentary. It requires the development of a methodology allowing the multiciplicity of current aesthetics to be addressed, while retaining a certain objectivity. This is all the more true of the signs used in theatrical language, which was relatively hierarchical until the 20th century, but which today completely blurs all established boundaries. The structure of the character and the story, the role of space, the status of the text, the relationship with the audience ... all this transforms and gives rise to limitless experimentation of possible configurations.
How to read a performance? How to analyse the effects which it produces? The course will look at analytical tools which can be used in critical analysis through given performances. Video extracts of performances and the seasonal theatre programme will be used.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
The aim of the course is that students will become independent in their objective analysis of theatre performances.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course will take the form of lectures (theoretical and analytical) by the teacher. It will be based on documents, including excerpts from performances. This format includes moments of exchange with the class group.
The student will attend a dozen shows scheduled in the theatrical season 2024-2025. He will write during the year a "Journal du spectateur".
Students will also attend seminars or study days organized by CERTES.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Further information:
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Class attendance is requiered.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Further information:
Texts will be distributed during the course.
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
oral exam
Written work / report
Further information:
The course exam consists of an oral exam and a written work.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Nancy Delhalle Professor 04 366 57 61 ndelhalle@uliege.be