Programme content
Le master en Sciences ECTplus est un master européen conjoint en Sciences organisé en collaboration avec plusieurs universités, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Norway), University of Porto (UPO, Portugal), University of Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA, France), University of Bordeaux (UBx, France), University of Liège (ULiège, Belgium) and University of the Basque Country (EHU, Spain).
Il vise à former des diplômé·e·s de haut niveau qui se consacrent à la protection de l'environnement par une approche double alliant recherche de pointe et utilisation de techniques adaptées et entend attirer des étudiant·e·s hautement qualifié·e·s et motivé·e·s, venu·e·s du monde entier, pour un master européen intégré, de très haut niveau.
Les diplômé·e·s du Master en Océanographie Erasmus Mundus ECT+ : Environmental Contamination and Toxicology pourront relever les principaux défis scientifiques et technologiques reconnus comme prioritaires par les institutions européennes. Il combine une approche scientifique totalement innovante avec l'application directe des résultats pour la protection de la santé humaine et de l'environnement.
Plus d'informations sur le site ECT+
Les 2 programmes Erasmus Mundus « Science in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (ECT+) » et « Marine Environment and Resources (MER) » intégrés dans le Master en Océanographie ont été accrédités par le EAQAJP (European Approach For Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes).
Learning outcomes
The student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a wide range of topics:
- Fundamentals of poluution and its biological consequences with the viewpoint of core disciplines (e.g. Biogeochemistry, Environment Analytical Chemistry, Toxicology, Ecotoxicology, Ecology, Risk Assessment).
- Main processes of chemical pollution and its biological consequences at different temporal and spatial scales.
- The terminology, nomenclature and classification systems used in environmental sciences.
- Theory, practice, acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data, across a range of envrionmental applications.
- The value and need for multi-disciplinary approaches in advancing knowledge.
- Application of chemical and biological knowledge to contribute to sustainable environmental management.
- Wild selection of cutting-edge research topics, together with specialised techniques used to investigate them.
Subject specific skills
The student will be able to put into practice the following subject specific skills:
- Understanding scientific processes.
- Recognise and use of theories, paradigms, concepts and principles to design and undertake primary research in environmental contamination and toxicology.
- Critically analyse, synthesise, interpret and summarise complex scientific information.
- Collect, record and analyse chemical and biological data of environmental significance (field/lab), using state-of-the-art techniques and equipment.
- Read, use and reference the published work of others, in an appropriate manner.
General and transferable skills
The student will possess various general and transferable skills:
- Apply and further devlop computing, statistical and mathematical skills.
- Appreciate statistical issues of sampling and date recording and analysis in the field and in the laboratory.
- Prepare, process and present data, using appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques and computer software packages, and solve numerical problems using computer and computer-bases techniques.
- Develop, where appropriate, advanced skills in computer programming.
- Collect and integrate several lines of evidence, to formulate and test hypotheses.
- Apply knowledge and understanding, to address familiar and unfamiliar problems.
- Design, implement and report on scientific research projects, including a major research project at the forefront of knowledge in environmental contamination and toxicology.
- Undertake field and laboratory investigations in a responsible and safe manner, paying due attention to risk assessment, rights of access, relevant health and safety regulations and sensitivity to the impact of investigations on the environment and stakeholders.
- Critically use the Internet as a mean of communication and data dissemination, and as a source of information.
- Identify individual and collective goals, take responsabilities and perform in an appropriate manner.
- Recognise and respect the views of other team members.
- Evaluate performance as an individual and as a team member.
- Understand the roles of individuals in teams and how individuals learn in team groups.
- Continue to develop the skills necessary for self-managed and life-long learning.
- Identify and work towards targets for personal, academic and career development.
- Develop an adaptable and flexible approach to study and work.
- Appreciate ethical issues in science research.
Soft skills
The student will acquire diverse soft skills:
- Use of English as lingua franca in science but recognise worldwide diversity in the use of English, which will enhance diversity in the use of English, wich will enhance her/his communication skills.
- Be aware that other languages are used in Europe and recognise the value of cultural diversity; as such will be able to enhance language proficiency in some of them: e.g.n French, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Basque language courses (mainly introductory) are offerec in parallel to the ECT+ EMJMD programme.
- Be aware of cultural diversity (both at European level, through mobility amongst Partners, and at worldwilde level, through being exposed to a multicultural international atmosphere with classmates and visiting scholars).
- Respect to gender equality by experiencing study and working activities with mates of both sexes and distinct sexual conditions.
- Identify themselves as open-minded citizens of the world.