Focus compulsory courses
- B2
- 30Cr
Code | Details | Bloc | Organization | Theory | Practical | Others | Credits |
Notice : Only open to students enrolled before the 2023-2024 academic year. |
| Operational urban planning : integrated practice - [95h Projet]
| B2 | Q2 | - | 80 | [+] | 7 |
ARCH2004-3 | Analysis seminar of the urban projects - [5d Field work]
| B2 | TA | 50 | - | [+] | 4 |
| Urban networks
| B2 | Q2 | 20 | - | - | 2 |
| Urban and territorial governance
| B2 | Q1 | 20 | - | - | 2 |
| Territorial development and the environment: Policies and legal aspects
| B2 | Q1 | 30 | - | - | 2 |
| Regional development project - [6d Field work]
| B2 | TA | 10 | 40 | [+] | 7 |
| Implications of urbanisation on the landscape and ecology
| B2 | Q1 | 20 | 10 | - | 3 |
| Urban and territorial economy: spatial development
| B2 | Q2 | 15 | 15 | - | 3 |
Students who have already followed certain courses may choose, with the jury's agreement, alternative courses in the University of Liège course programme for the same number of credits. |
Core curriculum compulsory courses
- B1
- 60Cr
- B2
- 30Cr
Code | Details | Bloc | Organization | Theory | Practical | Others | Credits |
Core courses common to the study paths
GEOG0057-1 | Spatial analysis
| B1 | Q2 | 30 | 30 | - | 5 |
GEOG0650-2 | Impact studies
| B1 | Q2 | 10 | 20 | - | 3 |
| Global warming and natural risks (english language)
| B1 | Q2 | 10 | 20 | - | 3 |
| Introduction to spatial planning: planning systems and the major challenges of the contemporary world - [1d Field work]
| B1 | Q1 | 15 | 15 | [+] | 3 |
SMEM0043-1 | Final thesis
| B2 | TA | - | - | - | 20 |
SSTG0058-1 | Placements - [6w internship]
| B2 | TA | - | - | [+] | 6 |
Course(s) specific to the study path
| The Territorial dimension of the European Green deal. Chaire Sporck (english language)
| B1 | Q1 | 15 | 6 | - | 2 |
| Tourism development Strategy - [2d Field work]
| B1 | Q1 | 15 | 10 | [+] | 4 |
RISQ2025-1 | Environmental migrations and displacements, Part 1
| B1 | Q1 | 18 | - | - | 2 |
GEOG2012-1 | Coastal geomorphology, changing sea levels and the vulnerability of coastal regions - [3d Field work]
| B1 | Q2 | 20 | 10 | [+] | 4 |
| Business and sustainable development
| B1 | Q2 | 30 | - | - | 3 |
| Sustainability challenges, Partim 1 - Les enjeux climat et énergie (english language)
| B1 | Q1 | 16 | 16 | - | 3 |
GEOG2050-1 | Natural risks - [1d Field work]
| B1 | Q1 | 24 | - | [+] | 3 |
| Remote sensing
| B1 | Q1 | 30 | 30 | - | 5 |
GEOG0062-1 | Geovisualization
| B1 | Q2 | 30 | 30 | - | 5 |
GEOG2052-1 | Field surveys in geomorphology and climatology - [5d Field work]
| B1 | Q2 | - | 15 | [+] | 5 |
| Urban and territorial economy: spatial development
| B1 | Q2 | 15 | 15 | - | 3 |
| Regional development project - [6d Field work]
| B1 | TA | 10 | 40 | [+] | 7 |
SSTG0059-1 | Work placements - [4w internship]
| B2 | TA | - | - | [+] | 4 |