2024-2025 / Master

French and Romance languages and literatures : French as a foreign language, professional focus

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

Focus compulsory courses

FLES0002-3Didactics and methodology of French as a foreign or second language Q130--5
FLES0004-2Pedagogy of the grammar of French as a foreign and second language Q130--5
PSTG1004-1On site training : teaching French as a foreign language (part I) - [30h internship] TA--[+]5

Core curriculum compulsory courses

LROM0131-1Lexicology and Lexicography Q130--5
LROM0132-1Medieval philology and literature Q145--5
LROM0110-1Critical theories of literature Q130--5
LROM0130-1Questions of rhetoric and semiology Q230--5
LROM0078-1Issues in romance linguistics Q230--5

Common core courses

Select 4 courses from the following modules:


Modern French language

Notice : this module is only given to non French native speaker students.
LANG0910-1Command of the French language Q230--5
LROM0106-1French grammatical analysis Q130--5


Discourse analysis and typology Q230--5
LROM0170-1Phonetics and phonology Q130--5
LROM0173-1Practical issues Q130--5
LING0016-3Comparative grammar of Indo-European languages* Q230--5

Sociology and sociolinguistics

LING0005-1Sociolinguistics* Q230--5
SOCI0208-1Sociology of families Q23015-5
SOCI0112-1Populations, families and health in the South (Africa) Q130--5

Psychology and psycholinguistics

LOGO5005-1Oral language acquisition Q230--5
LOGO5008-1Psycholinguistics and speech therapy in bilingualism and multilingualism Q130--5
PSYC5868-1Psychology of cognition and language Part I Q230--5

Culture and intercultural communication

ANTH0003-1Anthropology of moods and communication Q130--5
MEDC1012-1Intercultural mediation and acculturation processes Q115--5
LROM0177-2In-depth history of French literature in Belgium Q245--5

Block 2

Focus compulsory courses

PSTG9009-1On site training: teaching French as a foreign language, part II - [30h internship] TA--[+]10
FLES0010-1Problems faced by Immigrants who learn French as a Second Language Q230--5

Core curriculum compulsory courses

FLES0012-2Practical issues related to the Teaching of French as a Foreign and Second LanguageTA   10
Part I  30-- 
Part II  30-- 
LGER0117-1Linguistics as applied to language learning and acquisition Q130--5
PTFE0031-1Final work TA---25

Common core courses

Choose one of the following courses :

TRAD0096-1Comparative method in linguistics, English-French (english language) Q130--5
TRAD0062-1Comparative method in linguistics, German-French Q130--5
TRAD0067-1Comparative method in linguistics, Dutch-French Q130--5
TRAD0074-1Comparative linguistics Spanish-French (spanish language) Q130--5

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Bridging courses Master in French and Romance languages and literatures : French as a second language (120 credits)


Compulsory courses

LROM0111-2History of Romance languagesQ2   5
Common  30-- 
and especially history of the French language  -15- 
LROM0056-2Narratology Q12010-5
LROM1018-1History of French literature with an introduction to methods of literary historyTA   5
17th-18th centuries  15-- 
19th-21th centuries  30-- 
LROM0121-1Historical linguistics of the French language 2 : historical morphology and history of the French language (in-depth approach) TA45--5
LROM0044-1French synchronic linguistics TA1515-5
LROM0122-1Introduction to medieval French texts, including philological methods TA3015-5

Optional courses

Commentary on French authors

Choose two courses out of the following :

LROM0009-1In-depth study of Francophone authors (from the beginnings to 1350) Q23015-5
LROM0006-2Commentary on French Authors from 1350 to 1600 Q13015-5
LROM0007-1Applied poetics (17th-21st centuries) Q245--5
LROM0010-2Texts, literature and society, 17th to 21st centuries, I Q11530-5

Foreign Romance language

Choose one of the following languages :


Spanish Language

LROM9028-2Spanish II (spanish language) TA   10
Theory  30-- 
Practice  -45- 
LROM0197-1History of Hispanic literature (spanish language) Q245--5

Italian Language

LROM0031-2Italian 2 (italian language) TA   10
Theory  30-- 
Practice  -45- 
LROM0198-1Italian literature history (italian language) Q2   5
from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance  15-- 
from the Baroque period to the 20th century  30--