International mobility
Study visits and internships
More than 200 partner institutions can host you in more than 25 countries for Erasmus stays in Europe (Spain, France, Sweden, Italy, Norway, Portugal, etc.) or outside the EU (Canada, Brazil, etc.).
The Faculty of Science also participates in very high-level programmes and joint degrees. It offers 6 joint degree programmes: the Bachelor's in Biological Sciences (with the University of Luxembourg), the Master's in Science and Environmental Management with a specialism in Renewable Energy (with the University of Luxembourg) and with a specialism in Developing Countries (with the University of Sherbrooke), the Master's in Space Sciences (with the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis), the Erasmus Mundus FAME Master's (with the Universities of Grenoble and Augsburg), the Erasmus Mundus MER Master's (with the Universities of Bordeaux, the Basque Country and Southampton). Foreign internships are also available. There are plenty of options.
Discover all the destinations.
You'll soon realise that the international dimension is evident throughout the entire degree programme. To encourage you to broaden your horizons, discover other cultures and meet students from different countries, there are many opportunities and ways to open yourself up to the world which go beyond the Erasmus programmes.
Foreign study in the course of one's time at university remains one of the most popular paths for mobility, and its effectiveness in terms of training, culture and personal development is undisputed. Study abroad provides the perfect opportunity to practise a foreign language on a daily basis, discover subjects from a new angle and thus garner a unique experience in either Europe or further afield. ULiège does everything it can to ensure that you are fully informed and prepared. It offers:
- information sessions,
- international days,
- language and intercultural training.
Once you have graduated, you will also have the opportunity to apply for an Erasmus+ grant to undertake an internship abroad and acquire your first international professional work experience. ULiège also offers its students internships in development cooperation.
Informations administratives
Contactez le secrétariat académique en priorité via l'email
Secrétaires académiques : Fabienne ANDRE - Nadège LEGARDEUR
Informations générales sur le programme
Responsable du Service Académique : Antoine DENIS
Informations sur les modules (contactez de préférence les assistants)
Energies renouvelables et bâtiments durables
Coordinateur : Philippe ANDRE
Assistante : Pauline ABRAHAMS
Contacts pour la double diplomation
A l'Université du Luxembourg : Inès CHIHI (coordinatrice), Polina PAUL (secrétariat)
A l'Université de Liège : Antoine DENIS
Gestion intégrée des ressources en eau
Assistant : Joost WELLENS
Médiation et transitions
Coordinatrice : Dorothée DENAYER
Assistante : Eléonore KIRSCH
Monitoring des atmosphères polluées
Coordinatrice : Anne-Claude ROMAIN
Assistante : Claudia FALZONE
Pays en développement
Coordinateur : Bernard TYCHON
Assistant : Antoine DENIS
Assistant : Moussa El JARROUDI