
2024-2025 / Master

Management, professional focus in Banking and Asset Management

120 credits

Become a modern finance expert: master cutting-edge tools, unlock the secrets of financial institutions, and step into a promising international career.


Master financial analysis, asset and risk management as well as the management of financial institutions such as the banks , insurance companies and investment funds, to become a versatile and sought-after professional in the financial sector.


This specialization is recognized by the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Institute

It covers at least 70% of the "Candidate Body of Knowledge" of the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) certification and prepares you to take the professional certification exams of the CFA Institute under the best conditions. The CFA Institute is a globally recognized association that promotes professional excellence and ethical behavior in the financial community. The CFA Institute grants the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) certification.

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