2024-2025 / Master
Management, teaching focus
120 credits
2024-2025 / Master
120 credits
Would you like to pursue a meaningful career and use your knowledge and skills to help educate students in upper secondary education?
This Master prepares students for teaching in upper secondary schools.
Join us and become a key player in the training of citizens capable of contributing to the development of a democratic, supportive and pluralistic society!
Through this training, you will encourage the development of a broad socio-economic culture among young people, to make them aware of the current issues facing our society. You will encourage learners to appropriate knowledge and acquire skills that will enable them to learn and take an active role in economic, social and cultural life. You will support students throughout their school career and help them prepare for their professional future.
Programme content Courses
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Information sur les Etudes
+ 32 (0)4 366 56 74
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Etudiant en mobilité pour un séjour d'études à l'ULiège
Le service des Relations Internationales est à votre disposition. Erasmus IN : mobil.in@uliege.be