2024-2025 / PEDA4043-1

Reflectives practices of construction and animation of training sequences, part 2


10h Th, 15h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in education, professional focus in teaching2 crédits 
 Master in education, professional focus in adult training2 crédits 


Daniel Faulx

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course covers the various dimensions of implementing a training sequence :

a) design aspects (objectives, resources, learning space-time, materials, environment) ;

b) action management aspects (relationship management, learning process management, learning space and time, individual and collective functioning);

c) trainer behavior (instructions, supervision, support, management of unforeseen situations, language, clinical dimensions).

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

- Understand the transition from designing a training sequence to implementing it ;

- Develop the ability to understand the principles involved in designing and implementing sequences that are coherent with an audience, a context and a set of objectives ;

- Understand the collective and individual processes involved in running a training sequence ;

- Be aware of attitudes conducive to the learning of adults and young adults ;

- Understand the technical gestures involved in running a training sequence ;

- Adopt a reflective stance on your actions ;

- Adjust practice on the basis of feedback and reflective analysis ;

- Propose a retrospective analysis.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

This module is closely linked to three courses:

- Design, management and evaluation of training systems;

- Practical issues in conducting training;

- Adult learning and development.

These three courses provide the conceptual basis for constructing, leading and analyzing learning and training sequences.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course covers the various dimensions of implementing a training sequence:

a) design aspects (objectives, resources, space-time, materials, environment),

b) action management aspects (relationship management, learning processes),

c) trainer behavior (supervision, support, clinical dimensions, language).

The aim is to enable students to apply complex, cross-disciplinary skills:

  • understand the transition from designing a training sequence to implementing it;
  • develop the ability to apply the principles of coherent sequence design and implementation to a given audience, context and set of objectives;
  • develop attitudes conducive to learning for adults and young adults;
  • test and lead a reflective action linked to the animation of a training sequence.

This course is divided into two interrelated parts.

The first consists of participation in a seminar. This is made up of sequences devised by other students (in this case, those in part 2) on subjects of interest to training and pedagogy applied to adults, followed by reflective and critical analysis.

The second part consists of designing and running a training sequence for other students.The training program as a whole will include a general theme, chosen by the students, related to training and pedagogy applied to adults. This "common thread" will be broken down into specific themes selected by the teaching duos, which will be the subject of their sequence content.

It is divided into several stages:

- collective development of a seminar project ;

- development of a training sequence in pairs ;

- development of the sequence with the support of the supervisory team;

- collective seminar meetings ;

- implementation of the sequence in two stages (attendance at both seminars required) with Partim 1 students;

- evaluation through reflective and retrospective analysis of the proposed sequence (and of the training as a whole).

Practical details

All participants will attend the project planning session on October 18, 2024 (2pm-4pm).

Supervision of sequence design by the team of supervisors is collective and compulsory (see CELCAT). Other moments of occasional accompaniment by the animation duo will be organized at a later date, as required, in collaboration with the supervisory team.

Students enrolled in partim 2 design and run their sequences during the seminars on March 7-8 & 14-15, 2025.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Further information:

After their training sequence, students are invited to reflect on their learning both from experience and from the feedback they receive. They build on their reflections after the seminar, keep track of them and present their conclusions at the oral exam.


Assessment takes the form of a discussion (oral exam) based on written material describing and analyzing the seminar experience, with the effect ranges as the main focus, but mainly showing the reflective practice experienced in the "REPLAY" modality of the device.

The expected contents are as follows:

1. Descriptive part: one or more elements experienced during the seminar(s) are described, along with the reasons for this choice (in connection with the pedagogical choices to be questioned and/or reinforced).

2. Analysis part: constructive and regulating criticism of the animation action, with a potential focus on the effects (didactic, motivational, socio-relational and identity-related) identified in the participants.

3. Synthesis: towards a transfer - projection: what can be retained with a view to becoming a professional adult trainer?

Assessment criteria :

- ability to describe a training action ;
- ability to identify relevant learning and reflection points in relation to adult training theories (focus on ranges of effects);
- ability to step back and formulate an experience;
- formal quality in writing and in structuring discussion.




Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course



Association of one or more MOOCs