2024-2025 / MATH7373-1

Mathematics for economics and management (Part 1A)


24h Th, 18h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in economics and business management3 crédits 


Morgane Dumont

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

  • Logic and set theory
  • Sum symbol
  • Newton's binomial.
  • Elementary functions (linear, polynomials, powers, exponentials, logarithms).
  • Graphical representation of the functions and properties
  • Equations and inequations
  • Analysis in one variable (limits, continuity, derivatives)
  • Analysis in 2 variables (graphs, sections, contour lines, partial derivatives, first degree approximation).  

Each topic is illustrated with a great variety of examples in management as well as in economics.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Learning outcomes :

The aim is to learn how to use adequately the mathematics in the context of the management or the economics.

With this course, the student will

  • acquire the mathematical tools needed in the models used in economics as well as the basics to be able to undertake statistics courses, essential for futur managers or economists.
  • be aware of the need to think, to reason rigorously, argue, interpret (from a practical point of view) results and communicate its approach and conclusions in the context and the appropriate language.
  • be able to structure and to organize knowledge so that it can integrate them later in his studies and later in his career.

The course will allow students to demonstrate scientific precision and a critical mind in the analysis of a complex situation.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Elementary algebra : fraction, power, operations priority, proper use of parenthesis; First and second degree functions and their graphs.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods


The course consists of two sessions a week. Each session alternates theory and practice. Students will need to be active during the sessions, as exercises will need to be solved during the session, with the course team available to answer questions.

Selected exercises are to prepare outside of class and before the exercise sessions. The exercises will be announced a few days to prepare in advance. 

Personal work, outside of class sessions and exercises is expected of the student throughout the year. Regular work is essential to achieve the objectives.

In addition to the ongoing large group classes, exercise sessions are held in small groups. Formative evaluations ("blank exams") are organized.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Further information:

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

  • Face-to-face lectures.
  • Possibility to attend "questions-and-answers" sessions several times a week

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Platform(s) used for course materials:
- LOL@

Further information:

Several documents will be available on the course website: Lola (Identification needed to access)

There is no syllabus and no must-buy reference book.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Further information:

Exam(s) in session

Additional information:

See French version

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The course is taught in French.

Mobile phones are not useful during the course and impair concentration. These devices must be switched off, alarm deactivated, during the courses, except if it's asked by the professor to use it for pedagogical purposes. You can have tablets or other computers if it is used to take notes.


M. Dumont, E-mail: Morgane.Dumont@uliege.be


  • S. Maron, Bât. N1, Local 3/6. Tél. : 04 232 73 01 - E-mail : Sabine.Maron@uliege.be
  • E. Flas, Bât. N1, Local 3/6. Tél. : 04 232 73 15  - E-mail : eddy.flas@uliege.be
  • L. De Rudder, Bât. N1, Local 3/6 - E-mail : L.DeRudder@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs