Sustainability and transition : 12h Th
The enterprise in transition : 30h AUTR
Number of credits
Bachelor in economics and business management | 2 crédits | |||
Bachelor in business engineering | 2 crédits |
Sustainability and transition : Bruno Gemenne, Sybille Mertens de Wilmars, Frédéric Ooms
The enterprise in transition : Bruno Gemenne, Frédéric Ooms
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
All year long, with partial in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Sustainability and transition
This part of this course aims to provide students with a scientific knowledge base from a full range of disciplines pertaining to the environmental and social issues of sustainability and transition.
The enterprise in transition
The course Enterprise, Sustainability and Transition, Partim 'Enterprise in Transition' is a one-credit course that aims to raise awareness among first-year bachelor students at HEC Liège of contemporary issues related to sustainability and economic, ecological and social transitions. The course is structured around an immersive workshop entitled '2Tonnes' and seminars that will enable students to explore the challenges and opportunities of the transition to more sustainable economic models. Topics covered include the concepts of calculating the carbon footprint and the levers for reducing one's footprint individually and structurally, the energy transition, corporate strategies for integrating sustainability into their activities (from an environmental, social and governance point of view) and low-techs. Through discussions with experts, students will develop an understanding of the social, economic and environmental impacts of organisational choices in a context of transition.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Sustainability and transition
At the end of this part, and on the basis of the scientific content presented, students will be able to:
- Describe, differentiate and question the dynamics and interactions of the different spheres of the Earth system;
- Describe and analyse the interactions between the human and the Earth systems;
- Demonstrate the importance of considering the issues of sustainability and transition from a systemic point of view;
- Develop a critical and reflective mindset that enables them to analyse current issues;
- Use the scientific knowledge base to combat feelings of eco-anxiety;
The enterprise in transition
- You will be able to understand the impact of individual and collective choices on CO2 emissions and on achieving climate targets.
You will be able to propose concrete actions, both on an individual scale and at the level of organisations/companies, to reduce CO2 emissions in different sectors of society. - You will be able to explain the steps involved in calculating a carbon footprint such as the one carried out as part of the 2 Tonnes workshop.
- You will be able to list the main environmental, societal and economic issues linked to economic activities. You will do this by talking directly to entrepreneurs who are implementing this transition in their businesses.
- You will be able to define the concept of low tech and distinguish it from high tech.
- You will be able to explain and list concrete examples of low-tech technologies applied to different sectors (energy, food, transport, construction) and how they can be a response to current environmental and social challenges.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Sustainability and transition
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Sustainability and transition
Contents learned autonomously include:
- Videos.
- Video transcripts.
- Additional resources (optional)
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Sustainability and transition
Remote course
Further information:
Remote course
Further information:
The teaching method is distance learning. The part of the course is made up of several videos and recommends optional reading material. Students will be invited to view the content at home independently.
The enterprise in transition
Face-to-face course
Further information:
This course will be taught mainly by experts from fields directly related to the topics covered.
We welcome any questions or comments you may have during the course.
Lol@ is the platform(s) used for the course materials in this part.
Workshops and seminars are organised during the first term, for the Welcome Sprint and during the second term according to the calendar published on Celcat and accessible using the course code.
Practical information for the 2 Tons workshops organised on 3, 6, 17 or 20 February will be sent to you by email via your student.uliege.be email address.
ATTENTION: The calendar and its content may be adapted during the year. Any changes will be communicated by email and via Celcat and the Lol@ course platform.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Sustainability and transition
Platform(s) used for course materials:
- eCampus
Further information:
Videos, optional reading material and guidelines will be provided via the eCampus platform.
3 optional evenings will be dedicated to this SPOC (meetings with certain speakers and discussions around the themes of this part of the course). The dates are 20/11, 28/11 and 9/12.
Sustainability and transition
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- Remote
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )
Continuous assessment
Further information:
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- Remote
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )
Further information:
Continuous assessment
Further information:
This part of the course must be completed by 17 December 2024 12h00. In the event of a second session, the course may be taken by 12 May 2025 12h00 and/of 2 September 2025 12h00.
The course is weighted at 10 points for the SPOC and 10 points for the second part.
Students will be awarded 10/10 if they successfully complete the SPOC.
The enterprise in transition
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )
Continuous assessment
Further information:
Five seminars are offered, spread over the first (via the Welcome Sprint) and second quarters (via the 2 Tons workshop and 3 other seminars). Each seminar is assessed on active participation and understanding of the concepts covered in the seminars. Each of these assessments is worth 2 points if passed (out of a maximum of 10 points). This assessment will take the form of group work as part of the 'Welcome Sprint', and MCQs or WooClap activities. Seminars are practical activities assessed outside the session and will only be organised once a year. In the event of a second session, the points obtained in the seminars organised in the first session will automatically be taken into account in calculating the final mark for the course.) The points obtained will be added to the 10 points obtained for successful completion of the SPOC (DURA0002-A-a).
Work placement(s)
Sustainability and transition
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Sustainability and transition
The enterprise in transition
PLEASE NOTE: The dates for the 2Tons workshops are already available via CELCAT. Students wishing to attend one of the workshops must register before 15 October. For the 2Tons workshop, you will be automatically assigned to a group. The date of the workshop will depend on the group to which you are assigned. You will also be asked to complete an online questionnaire, which will be sent to you 2 weeks before your workshop. Completion of this questionnaire is compulsory, otherwise you will be refused access to the workshop.
Sustainability and transition
Prof. Sybille Mertens et Floriane Fassotte/Elise Pirenne (durabilite.transition@uliege.be)
The enterprise in transition
Outside the seminars, you can ask your questions by e-mail using your student.uliege.be address and indicating the course code in the subject line. If this information is not provided, your e-mail will not be read. We strongly advise you to make an appointment with one of the course co-teachers
Frédéric Ooms, Lecturer
Room 1702, Building 17
Email: fooms@uliege.be
Bruno Gemenne, Sustainability Manager HEC (S'LAB)
Local : bâtiment N1D, office 2/85B
Email : bruno.gemenne@uliege.be
Association of one or more MOOCs
Sustainability and transition
There is no MOOC associated with this course.