2024-2025 / BIOL2013-3

General microbiology


Depth notions


Introduction : 16h Th, 8h Pr
Depth notions :

Number of credits


Introduction : Patrick Fickers, Philippe Jacques
Depth notions : Patrick Fickers, Philippe Jacques


Philippe Jacques

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents


- Introduction: microbes, man's friends or enemies

- History of microbiology

- Microbial culture (theory and exercises on mass balance)

- Microbial growth (theory and exercises on growth kinetics)

- Molecular and cellular structures

- Microbial metabolism

- Taxonomy

- Microbial interactions

- Biochemistry of macromolecules

- Regulation of gene expression

- Genome, exchange of genetic material, plasmid

- Introduction to genetic engineering

- Basic methodologies for manipulating and observing microorganisms (compulsory practical work)

Learning outcomes of the learning unit


At the end of the course, the student must:

- Know the different types of microorganisms, their classification, structure, metabolism and their positive and negative impacts on the biotic and abiotic environment

- Master the basic principles of the culture of bacteria and fungi from a qualitative and quantitative point of view

- Know the basic principles of microbial genetics and genetic manipulations

Prerequisite knowledge and skills


CHIM9239-2 Chimie des molécules biologiques

BIOL2045-1 Fondements de Biologie

CHIM9268-1 Chimie : De l'atome à la molécule

CHIM9238-3 Chimie analytique

CHIM9255-3 Chimie organique

CHIM9267-1 Chimie des équilibres

MATH0494-1 Mathématique générale 1

MATH0493-1 Mathématique générale 2

MATH0485-3 Mathématique générale 3

Planned learning activities and teaching methods


Theoretical lecture in auditorium,

Solving exercises in during lecture

Practical work sessions in the laboratory.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)


Face-to-face course

Additional information:


Course materials and recommended or required readings


Further information:

Microbiologie (Prescott et al., eds), 2018, 5ème édition française, De Boeck Université

Microbiology (Prescott et al.), 2016, 10th edition, McGraw-Hill Pub.

Text notes (power point)


Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Additional information:

Participation in the exam is subject to attendance at the practical work and the submission of an individual report at the end of the second session of practical work.

The assessment is carried out in the form of a written exam based on the theoretical part, the exercises and the practical part.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


For security reasons, access to the laboratory is only permitted to officially registered students. Each student must take care not to forget their laboratory coat, their safety glasses and the practical workbook which will be provided at the first session (one per group). No 'rescue' lab coat will be provided to those who are distracted. The laboratory is a potentially dangerous place; drinking, eating and smoking are strictly prohibited. It is essential to wear closed shoes, pants and tie up long hair.  The laboratory groups will be defined before the first session and cannot be modified afterwards. Generally speaking, the instructions relating to safety in the chemistry laboratory must be respected (vade mecum available at TERRA)



Prof. Philippe Jacques (Philippe.Jacques@uliege.be)

Prof. Patrick Fickers (PFickers@Uliege.be)

Association of one or more MOOCs