Internship : 360h Internship
Internship support seminar : 20h Pr
Number of credits
Internship : Christelle Maillart
Internship support seminar : Christelle Maillart
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
All year long
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
The placement concerning the specialisation in inclusion and disability is a minimum of 360 hours. The student must spend at least 360 hours at the placement and take part in a placement support seminar. They can spend the amount of time allocated to the placement in different places, in which case, each place will be the subject of a specific agreement.
The placement support seminar aims to develop the student's clinical skills and better prepare them for their future as a professional. This seminar is carried out in small groups and deals with themes proposed by the students, allowing them to also share information on relationship, ethical and deontological aspects associated with the practice of speech & language therapy.
Internship support seminar
Seminars revolve around complex situations encountered by students during their intership. They aim the student's reflection on his clinical work, collaboration with peers to identify ways to explore, and the confrontation of the opinions on the relational and ethics aspects related to speech therapy practice.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
The placement objectives are determined according to ULg's speech and language therapy competency framework. The placement is essentially aimed at the development of three clinical competences in students: assess, treat and assist a patient with a problem that falls under the scope of speech and language therapy. The placement also deals with the horizontal competences of collaboration, communication, professionalism, erudition. Within this scope, the justification of the clinical actions proposed by the student, based on scientific literature, and the development of appropriate professional attitudes, are the essential competences to be achieved by the end of the placement.
Internship support seminar
Seminars help the student to 1) Present to peers relevant elements of a complex situation encountered in professional practice ; 2) To question his practice and consider the opinion of his peers ; 3) Get involved in a process of Evidence-Based Practice to improve the quality of professional practice ; 4) Collaborate with peers and contribute to the group discussion ; 5) Integrate ethical dimension of professional practice of the speech therapist.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
see study programme
Internship support seminar
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The internship will be supervised by a speech and language pathologist acting as a tutor, someone chosen by the internship teachers as a group. At the beginning of patient evaluation, the tutor and the student will agree on modes of supervision. The tutor's goal is to help the student gradually take responsibility, shifting from mere observer status to partial therapeutic autonomy.
Internship support seminar
The SAS are organized with student subgroups (9 to 12 students). At each seminar, a student present a complex situation encountered during his intership. The instructions for this presentation are announced at the first seminar. After each presentation, a moment of discussion and exchange with other students is organized.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Further information:
The aim of the placement is to ensure the clinical application of the classes taught at the University of Liège in a professional environment. Students won't ever be asked to perform any tasks they haven't learnt in class.
The placement will begin as soon as students have passed the master 1 in speech & language therapy. They should have finished them by the end of the second session of exams in the master 2 year (end August) at the latest. It is the work placement mentor (for the main placement) who counts the number of hours worked, not the student, or the clinical supervisor (for the additional placement).
Students have the possibility of validating a maximum of 24 hours of placement in external training according to the following conditions:
- The training must be specifically in speech & language therapy and linked to the theme of the placement, and validated by the academic work placement supervisor;
- The number of indicated placement hours must be strictly respected;
- Students must inform their work placement mentor of any training they wish to do and validate as placement hours.
- A paper certifying the student's presence at the training must be given to the work placement mentor and to the supervisor, and attached to the placement report;
- A critical report of the training (3 pages maximum, including a description of the training - theme, those involved, place - a rapid summary and a critical analysis) must be given to the work placement mentor and to the supervisor, and then be made available to the other students via e-Campus.
Internship support seminar
Mandatory attendance.
Work is required on student absence, even under medical certificate. This work will depend on the content of the seminar in which the student was absent. In addition, the student who would be absent once without justification will remove 2 points from its score of SAS. The student who would be absent more than once without cause will get a failing grade.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Assessment methods and criteria
June session :
- In-person
written exam
- Remote
written work
- If evaluation in "hybrid"
preferred remote
August-september session :
- In-person
written exam
- Remote
written work
- If evaluation in "hybrid"
preferred remote
Additional information:
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
oral exam
Written work / report
Continuous assessment
Further information:
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
Written work / report
Continuous assessment
Internship Assessment by the Placement Supervisor
Two assessments are scheduled: a formative assessment at mid-course and a final assessment at the end of the internship. These assessments will be conducted using an evaluation grid, based on the skills reference framework, which will be sent to both the placement supervisor and the student. The trainee is responsible for printing out two copies of the grid and providing one to the placement supervisor.
Mid-Term Assessment
- Both the trainee and the supervisor complete the mid-term evaluation grid independently. The goal is to assess the level of development achieved for each skill, indicating the degree of mastery of critical learning using a scale from 0 to 3.
- At a subsequent consultation meeting, the trainee and the placement supervisor compare their evaluations and adjust the objectives for the remainder of the internship as necessary.
- The trainee uploads the evaluation grid completed by the supervisor to their online internship log and sends a copy via email (in a single file) to the ULiège placement supervisor within 5 days of the consultation meeting.
- The ULiège placement supervisor will contact the placement supervisor to discuss the initial part of the internship and the objectives for the next phase. End of Internship Assessment
- Both the trainee and the supervisor complete the end-of-internship evaluation grid. The purpose is to assess the level of development for each skill, indicating the degree of mastery of critical learning on a scale from 0 to 3.
- The placement supervisor provides an overall assessment of the internship, rating it as Excellent, Very Good, Good, Satisfactory, Insufficient, or Very Insufficient.
- The trainee and supervisor then meet to discuss their evaluations.
- The trainee uploads the evaluation grid completed by the supervisor to their online internship log and sends a copy via email (in a single file) to the ULiège placement supervisor within 2 days of the meeting.
- The ULiège course supervisor will consult with the course director, and the final assessments will be converted into a grade by the teaching team after discussion with the course director.
Note on regular updates of the internship log:
The student is expected to follow the update frequency imposed by the teaching team to ensure continuous learning throughout the internship. The trainee must document a minimum amount of evidence for each of the four pillars of Evidence-Based Practice, as well as combined evidence. The expected amount of evidence will be communicated by the teaching team at SAS '0'. Failure to regularly update the internship log will result in a 4-point deduction from the final internship grade. A significant discrepancy between the required and provided evidence will result in a failing grade.
Note on evidence tracking:
All evidence tracking must be completed to qualify for the oral defense of the internship, except for evidence submitted less than 6 weeks before the oral defense.
Note on spelling in the internship log:
"Speech and language therapists/logopedists are specialists in language and communication disorders. To be competent in all the essential aspects of this work, the speech and language therapist must have a strong command of the local language and a level of expertise in the complex and technical aspects of language processing, a knowledge far beyond what is expected from other professionals." (CPLOL commentary on the opinion expressed by the Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship on the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications).
Mastery of the French language is one of the fundamental skills required for professional practice in speech and language therapy. All evidence submitted must, therefore, be spelled correctly.
If the logbook contains more than 10 spelling or grammatical errors (either in usage or agreement) 15 days before the first session, it will be graded as a fail and must be resubmitted for the second session. If the logbook is submitted during the second session and still contains more than 10 spelling errors one week before the session, the student will lose 2 points from their final internship grade.
The student must present a 30-minute oral defense during the June (or August) session. The first 10 minutes should be dedicated to presenting a patient case from the internship, where the student demonstrates how they applied the four pillars of Evidence-Based Practice to deliver high-quality care. The following 15 minutes will involve answering questions from the teaching team about the presentation, the content of their online internship log, and their clinical reflections.
To qualify for the oral defense, the student must have completed 95 to 100% of the required internship hours and adhered to the instructions for maintaining the online internship log (including the volume of evidence, frequency of updates, and follow-up of completed evidence).
Internship support seminar
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
oral exam
Written work / report
Continuous assessment
Further information:
The assessment is based on the quality of
1)the presentation of the ethical and deontological clinical case
2) The presentation of the complex situation encountered in the intership;
3) Participation in group discussions ;
4) The reflection on the contribution of SAS in skills development (clinical and / or transversals) of the student and its objectives for the intership and the seminar during Master 2.
The Seminar is related to the internship. Therefore, the student who fails the intership and follows the intership again the next year will also follows a new cycle of SAS in parallel.
Work placement(s)
Internship support seminar
Internship places allocated by the University teaching staff.
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Obligations concerning the placement:
- Students must respect the ethical and deontological principles of speech & language therapy, both with regard to the patients entrusted to them and the team receiving them.
- They may not do their placement with a work placement mentor whom they know personally (member of the family, friend, etc.) and who may subsequently fail to be impartial as regards the student's assessment.
- It is compulsory to do the 360 hours of the placement. In case of absence, even justified by a medical certificate, the hours not worked will not be counted by the work placement mentor or the clinical supervisor.
- Before the beginning of the year, and before starting the placements, students must complete and hand in the following documents to the department in question: the agreements for the main placement and for the additional placement, to be handed into the 'Apparitorat' (documents required in order to be covered by the university's insurance) and the agreements to be handed into the 'Logopédie Clinique' department (specifying the role of the student and that of their work placement mentor).
Internship support seminar
- The rules for Intership of the Faculty applies.
- Before beginning the internship, students must complete and turn in to the service the internship agreements and service agreement (setting forth the duties of the intern and his/her tutor).
- Students shall adhere to the code of ethics of speech therapy, with regard to patients they are allowed to observe or treat, and with regard to the team of which they will be a part.
Prof. Christelle Maillart
Malika Dupont
Internship support seminar
Pr. Christelle Maillart
Malika Dupont: malika.dupont@uliege.be
Association of one or more MOOCs
Items online
Items online
Items online are available on e-campus