2024-2025 / VETE2078-1

Health management and ruminant production


98h Th

Number of credits

 Veterinary surgeon10 crédits 


Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux, Calixte Bayrou, Valeria Busoni, Isabelle Dufrasne, Hugues Guyot, N..., Frédéric Rollin


Frédéric Rollin, Calixte Bayrou, Hugues Guyot, Sylvie Chastant


Frédéric Rollin

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The various contents of the course concern the internal medicine, surgery, theriogenology, imagery, nutrition, genetics and socio-economy of ruminants' health. They begin at birth (neonatal period) and continue by PUBERTY, PARTURITION, POSTPARTUM REPRODUCTION PERIOD  and PREGNANCY.  It begins with individual cases and ends with a herd approach.

The course emphasizes the reasoning at the expense of factual knowledge. It is conceived as a set. Are essential overlap between its different parts. Links will be established with other courses given in both bachelor and master.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The general objectives of this course are (1) to describe a the various pathologies within the Internal medicine, Surgery and reproduction in individual approach and herds (knowledge objectives) including their economical impacts (2) to understand the relationships may exist between these diseases and their effect mechanism on the health of ruminants (understanding objectives); (3) to inform the learners about the preventive and curative attitude to take when diagnosing these pathologies (application objectives). The specific objectives are specified where appropriate in the various chapters of the course.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The prerequisites are
VETE2061-1 -
VETE2064-1 -
VETE2065-1 -
VETE2066-1 -
VETE2071-1 -
VETE2073-1 -
VETE2074-1 -

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The courses is provided with the organization of clinical activities (see individual cases clinics and herds medicine, each totaling 17.5 hours of training).

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Further information:

Theoretical courses are taught in face to face as interactive as possible. Additional information and formative tests are available to learners via the eCampus platform. Class attendance is highly recommended.

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Lecture notes are available through the eCampus platform.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Further information:

The course is subject to an exam in January 2025.  The assessment will consist of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) of knowledge, understanding and application, questions with short open answer (QROC) or long open answer questions (QROL).
The terms of the second session of examination will be the same as those of the first session.

Work placement(s)

The theoretical contents are completed with clinical and paraclinical training: Clinic of production animals, 2 weeks. (Clinic for Ruminants, 17,5h; 17,5h ruminant flocks of Medicine);

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The student is invited to consult the additional information available through the eCampus platform.


rof. Frédéric Rollin, coordinateur du cours

E-mail : frollin@uliege.be     Tél secrétariat : 04/366.40.20

Prof. Hugues Guyot

E-mail : hugues.guyot@uliege.be

Prof. Sylvie Chastant : sylvie.chastant@vet-alfort.fr

Dr Calixte Bayrou

E-mail : calixte.bayrou@uliege.be

Prof. Valéria Busoni

E-mail : vbusoni@uliege.be

Prof. Isabelle Dufrasne

E-mail : isabelle.dufrasne@uliege.be

Prof. Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux

E-mail : nantoine@uliege.be

Dr. Hélène Casalta

E-mail : hcasalta@uliege.be

Prof. Tom Druet

E-mail : tom.druet@uliege.be


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