2024-2025 / TRAD0158-1

Spanish language in practice and an introduction to Spanish to French translation

Introduction to Spanish to French translation

Spanish language in practice


Introduction to Spanish to French translation : 30h Th
Spanish language in practice : 60h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in translation and interpretation10 crédits 
 Master in translation, professional focus10 crédits 


Introduction to Spanish to French translation : Eudoxoula Voidanidis
Spanish language in practice : Yolanda Lorente Carrillo, Eudoxoula Voidanidis


Yolanda Lorente Carrillo

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This course aims to develop the four linguistic skills, namely :

  • oral expression
  • written expression
  • listening comprehension
  • reading comprehension
The course also covers grammar and vocabulary.

Introduction to Spanish to French translation

Translation of general interest texts with different levels of language, different registers and a variety of domains. Approach to the cultural references encountered in the texts. Initiation in the procedures and problems of translation.

Spanish language in practice

This course aims to develop the four linguistic skills, namely :

  • oral expression
  • written expression
  • listening comprehension
  • reading comprehension
The course also covers grammar and vocabulary.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

  • To be able to express oneself orally in a coherent and syntactically correct manner.
  • To be able to produce a grammatically correct written text.

Introduction to Spanish to French translation

At the end of the course, students will be able to translate general interest texts, i.e. understand them and transmit and reformulate the meaning. They will be able to use basic translation tools (dictionaries,...) and take into account the specificities of the source and target languages.


Spanish language in practice

  • To be able to express oneself orally in a coherent and syntactically correct manner.
  • To be able to produce a grammatically correct written text.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

No prerequisites.

Students are divided into three groups according to their level.

Introduction to Spanish to French translation

 Good command of French.


Spanish language in practice

No prerequisites.

Students are divided into three groups according to their level.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Activities requiring constant student participation, training comprehension (reading, listening) and expression (written and oral). Grammar and vocabulary exercises are also included.

Introduction to Spanish to French translation

Written preparation of the translations at home. Comparison and critical group correction of the work prepared individually. Elaboration of a final joint version. 

Autonomous and in-class learning of the vocabulary from the book "Mot pour dire".


Spanish language in practice

Activities requiring constant student participation, training comprehension (reading, listening) and expression (written and oral). Grammar and vocabulary exercises are also included.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

This course takes place for two hours per week (face-to-face) per week.

Introduction to Spanish to French translation

One hour (face-to-face)of lessons per week in the first and the second quadrimesters. 

Spanish language in practice

This course takes place for two hours (face-to-face) per week.

Recommended or required readings

Platform(s) used for course materials:
- eCampus
- MyULiège

Further information:


- "Historia de una maestra", by Josefina Aldecoa.

- "De Melilla a Valencia", in Historias Robadas, by Enrique J. Vila Torres.

Introduction to Spanish to French translation

Platform(s) used for course materials:
- eCampus
- MyULiège

Further information:

References and media:
A Spanish-Spanish dictionary
A bilingual Spanish/French dictionary
A French-French dictionary
Texts from various sources (magazines, reviews, newspapers, etc.)

 "Le Mot pour dire" (necessary to learn the vocabulary that will be evaluated in January and June).

Spanish language in practice

Platform(s) used for course materials:
- eCampus
- MyULiège

Further information:


- "Historia de una maestra", by Josefina Aldecoa.

- "De Melilla a Valencia", in Historias Robadas, by Enrique J. Vila Torres.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam AND oral exam

Further information:

January session:

20%: written exam in January (written expression, listening comprehension, reading comprehension and vocabulary).

First session (June)

80%: oral and written exam.

  • 40%: Oral exam about the content of given texts
  • ("Historia de una maestra" de Josefina Aldecoa et "De Melilla a Valencia" in Historias robadas (at the end of the syllabus). 
  • 40%: written exam (listening comprehension, reading comprehension, written expression and vocabulary). 

Second session:

  • 50%: Oral exam about the content of given texts (see above). 
  • 50%: written exam: see above. 

Introduction to Spanish to French translation

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

Further information:

10% of the mark: two tests of vocabulary from the book "Le Mot pour dire". The first test will take place in December (first part of the book) and the second test will take place in May (second part of the book).

20% of the mark: written exam in January:

1. Exam on the vocabulary from the first part of the book "Le Mot pour dire en espagnol" AND on translation exercices similar to the ones done in class (translation of sentences and texts).

70% of the mark: written exam in Juny in two parts:

1. Exam on the vocabulary from the second part of the book "Le Mot pour dire en espagnol" AND on translation exercices similar to the ones done in class (translation of texts).

2. Translation of a text (no bilingual dictionary allowed) on a theme seen in class.

The student who didn't obtain 10/20 in the January exam will have to study ALL the vocabulary from "Le Mot pour le dire en espagnol". The student who obtained a grade of 10/20 or more will only have to study the second par of the book.

Second session : written exam according to the same modalities as used in June (100% of the mark). The student will have to study the whole book again ("Le Mot pour dire en espagnol").


This teaching unit ("Unité d'enseignement," or UE) is subject to the principle of the "note absorbante," which means that the student having obtained a mark below 8/20 for one of the learning activities ("activités d'apprentissage," or AA) will receive a failing grade for the entire unit and will have to retake the failed AA in the second session regardless of the mathematical average of the two AA grades.

Spanish language in practice

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam AND oral exam

Further information:

January session:

20%: written examination in January (written expression, listening comprehension, reading comprehension and vocabulary).

First session (June)

80%: oral and written exam

  • 40%: Oral exam about the content of given texts
  • ("Historia de una maestra" de Josefina Aldecoa et "De Melilla a Valencia" in Historias robadas (at the end of the syllabus). 
  • 40%: written exam (listening comprehension, reading comprehension, written expression and vocabulary). 
Second session:

  • 50%: Oral exam about the content of given texts (see above). 
  • 50%: written exam: see above.

Work placement(s)

Organizational remarks

COURSE LANGUAGE : spanish (very occasionally in French)

Introduction to Spanish to French translation

The syllabus is online and in eCampus. 


Spanish language in practice

COURSE LANGUAGE : spanish (very occasionally in French)


Yolanda LORENTE CARRILLO : ylorentecarrillo@uliege.be
Eudoxie VOIDANIDIS : evoidanidis@uliege.be

Introduction to Spanish to French translation

Eudoxie Voidanidis : evoidanidis@uliege.be

Spanish language in practice

Yolanda LORENTE CARRILLO : ylorentecarrillo@uliege.be
Eudoxie VOIDANIDIS : evoidanidis@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Spanish language practice 1. Group 1. E. Voidanidis

Spanish language practice 1. Group 2. E. Voidanidis