20d FW
Number of credits
Fany Brotcorne, Gilles Lepoint, Nicolas Magain, Jean-Christophe Plumier, Carole Rougeot
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
All year long
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Organized by the students, the Professional Internship allows them to meet professionals linked to the field of biological sciences and to their Master's course in Organism Biology and Ecology. It consists of completing an internship of 20 working days, which can be divided into blocks and face-to-face, in a research institution (i.e. university, institute, museum, public research organizations), a company, an administration or an association ( i.e. non-profit organizations, NGOs, etc.).
This internship can be carried out in Belgium or abroad. It will be carried out under the guidance of a tutor designated in the host infrastructure. This internship is not paid.
A list of internship places is available from the coordinators. This list is not exhaustive, and the student is free to look for other hosts. However, any internship must be approved in advance (see below).
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
The general objectives of this internship are to offer the students the opportunity to confront the professional world (academic, private or associative) and to encourage them to think about their professional future.
Various transversal skills are potentially targeted by this internship: ability to write a cover letter, a CV, autonomy in a professional place or even integration into a team.
This internship can also serve as a test for the choice of Master thesis lab or future professional orientation.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
These will be determined by the host institution and the topic of the internship.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The supervisor, in agreement with the trainee, decides on the student's practical activities, location and schedules.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Further information:
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Other modalities are possible but it is mandatory to obtain an agreement from coordinators before the start of the internship.
The student must perform the tasks predefined by the host, during 20 working days (in total).
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Platform(s) used for course materials:
- MyULiège
Further information:
Further information:
No course support. Any readings will be recommended by the local supervisor.
Written work / report
Further information:
Written work / report
Additional information:
At the end of the internship, the student writes a report of maximum 5 pages (Times 12, spacing 1.5) (this excludes any annexes and bibliographic lists).
The report will contain an internship title, an introduction, a description of the host organization from an interview with the internship supervisor (i.e. no copy and paste from a website for example), the objective of the internship, a detailed report of the activities followed and a summary of the experience acquired (scientific, social, professional, etc.). This last part is a self-evaluation of the internship (1/2 to 1 page max) focused on the experience (positive and negative) and professional perspectives.
A list of bibliographic references will be included if necessary, in accordance with the requirements of the documentation course.
The student must send a .pdf copy of his/her report (at the latest 2 weeks before the end of the exam session) to the course coordinator (currently Dr G. Lepoint, G.Lepoint@uliege.be).
The reports are distributed to and evaluated by the five course instructors.
The final score is distributed as follows:
- Report (by internal readers): 40% final grade - the evaluation will take into account the following criteria: Compliance with instructions (length, requested parts, etc.), care of the report and spelling, host information, relevance of the internship objectives, qualities of the activity report and quality of reflective self-evaluation.
- Supervisor: 60% final grade (20% for each of the following parts): Evaluation of activities during the internship - Evaluation of integration into the host structure - Evaluation of the student's personal investment in this internship. Each supervisor will appreciate freely these three parts.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
The subject of the Professional Internship cannot be the same as the master thesis (i.e. the professional internship and the final dissertation are two different courses). However, it is permitted to carry out both internships in the same research group, as long as the subjects are distinct (i.e. the data acquired during the Block 1 internship cannot be used for the dissertation). The two subjects can complement each other.
IMPORTANT: This internship is organized by the student. Prior to carrying out the internship, the student will contact the coordinator so that he or she, in consultation with the other holders, gives their agreement to carry out the internship. Students should not hesitate to contact the holders closest to their orientations (see below). A "Professional Internship" form must be returned, with the objectives of the internship and a brief description of the activities. This form is provided by the coordinator, as well as a non-exhaustive list of internship locations at the beginning of the academic year. A list of research groups in the department or with which members of the BEE department collaborate is also provided. These lists are not exhaustive.
IMPERATIVELY, the internship must be organized by January 15, even if, in agreement with the thesis supervisor and the coordinator, it takes place after this date. Students are strongly advised to contact the coordinator in the first quarter.
In the event of an internship abroad, the student must request authorization from the Authorities. In the event of an internship outside ULiège, an agreement between the internship location and Uliège must be completed in advance and sent to the coordinator for signature and then to Mrs. Kristel Karremans (kristel.karremans@uliege.be).
Some ULiège laboratories also require that an internship agreement be completed. In all cases, a risk analysis sheet must be completed and sent to Mrs. Karremans.
All of these formalities must be completed via the website: https://www.student.uliege.be/cms/c_11156513/fr/myetudiant-demande-d-autorisation-du-rector
Under no circumstances is this internship paid.
Coordinateur: Dr Gilles Lepoint, Laboratoire d'Ecologie trophique et isotopique (LETIS)
Building B6c, 2nd floor, room 2/16 g.lepoint@uliege.be
Dr Fany Brotcorne (Module Ethologie BOE, finalité approfondie)
Dr Carole Rougeot (finalité GiRAA)
Prof Nicolas Magain (finalité BCBG)
Prof Jean-Christophe Plumier (Modules BOE (sauf Etho), finalité approfondie)