15h Th, 15h Pr, 5h Mon. WS
Number of credits
Master in biology of organisms and ecology, research focus | 5 crédits | |||
Master in oceanography, research focus | 5 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
This course proposes a multidisciplinary scientific approach to better understand the functioning of the aquatic ecosystem, in particular in its interaction with the anthropological activities, aiming at a better water resource quality management. It allies diverse scientific disciplines: physics, chemistry, digital modelling, maps, and allows - thanks to the use of dedicated tools (model, software, SIG ...) - to model the Pressure/Impact relationships on the receiving environment. Finally, the student will get acquainted with an operational software suite (used by numerous European Administrations: Water agencies, Ministries, Administrations...) the PegOpera Community Edition model, by the execution of a water quality management plan.
The course covers, on one hand, the themes connected to the modelling of the river ecosystems, the integrated modelling of the water cycle and decision-making tools dedicated to planning; and on the other hand an approach of the marine environment (continuum from upstream sources to ocean with the DCE and the monitoring of the marine environment with the DCSMM).
To give to the students a global vision of the modelling and a critical mind for the selection of tools / software, the course presents a general introduction to the modelling, presents various methodologies (integrated modelling, planning, decision-making support, risk analysis) which come in support to the GIRE. To widen the knowledge of what can be realized with this type of tool, various models mono-and multi - compartments are presented as well as the notions of system, typology, implementation (identification, conceptualization, mathematical representation, calibration and validation, analysis) and operational exploitation.
Case studies are presented and allow to approach the question of technical / legal / socioeconomic constraints.
The student will then be placed in situation of "management" (as if he was a project leader (supervisor) of planning within an administration (in charge of sate of the art, management plan, discharge permit, license to operate, environmental study...). Concretely, the TP (Practical Classes) will allow to make a management plan by using a dedicated software and to learn to use or to create indicators to define the state of the water bodies.
The course allows to understand how to represent the ecosystem Watershed/river by means of a mathematical / numeric model with the aim of modelling it and studying projections (scenarios) as well as management plans (such as demand it the DCE). The DCE (WFD, Water Framework Directives, 2000/60/CE) is a major element of the European regulations concerning the protection of water resources (superficial, subsurface, transition, coastal ...). This directive aims at preventing and at reducing the pollution, at promoting its sustainable use, at protecting the environment, at improving the state of the aquatic ecosystems and at limiting the effects of floods and droughts.
Outline contents:
- Integrated Management of the Water Resources (stakes/scales/...) and GIRE tools
- Introduction in the digital modelling: principles, concept, constraints
- Examples of application (Climate Change, floods, integrated models, quality of the waterbodies)
- quality indicators (physico-chemical and biological)
- TP: i) Introduction and handling of PegOpera IT CE (installation on PC, tutorial, use cases and management plan) + ii) on the field to measure physico-chemical parameters (such as those that are modelled)
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
At the end of the course, the student will have been made formed to the use of tools (among others digital) for the modelling and the integrated management of the water cycle. He will have acquired the objective elements allowing him to develop a critical analysis in the use of tools AND in the analysis of the reslts. He will also realize a management plan to reach the river quality goals such as those recommended in the DCE, by using itself an operational mathematical model, as if he was in charge of this type of mission within an administration. Besides, he will be familiarized with the notions of pressure/impact relationships, ponctuel/diffuse loads, calibration/validation, field measurements ...
The objectives of practical classes are to exploit the theoretical bases and to learn to use a software dedicated to the evaluation of the physico-chemical quality of surface water, in the operational scope of water resource integrated management. He will have to realize a personal work, explained in a report, which will include a management plan proposal based on the analysis of the current situation of realistic watershed (supplied during the courses) but also based on the construction of forward-looking scenarios. He will also make a number of field measurements (which are involved in the processes of calibration and validation): temperature, pH, oxygen, nutriments ...
The student will have to be able to analyse and to comment graphics and boards of his work, by integrating the acquired theoretical notions.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
To speak and understand French language.
Basic knowledge are necessary in mathematics, biology and ecology.
Mathematical equations that allow to describe modelled processes as well as numerical schema implemented in the model, will only be evocated. We will not go ahead in the mathematical formalism (solving equation) no more than in the numerical formalism (implementation, programing language, OS, Compiler, optimisation, parallelism ...).
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The courses consist of ex-cathedra sessions and dedicated exercises. These exercises relate to the material seen in the theoretical courses and are organised during the 1st quarter.
General overview :
The courses are given by Profs JF Deliège and S. Gobert (both or in alternatively):
- Approximatively, half of the sessions are dedicated to theoretical courses, the other half to practical works and to help in preparing oral exam;
- An entire course will be dedicated to install the software (tutorial and specific question-and-answer session);
- Half a day will be necessary to address field measurements concerning necessary and useful physico-chemical parameters (for describing the physical and chemical structure of the water bodies as well as for water bodies modelling purposes).
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Courses in face-to-face, in french
A PC is necessary (OS windows preferably).
As numerous new notions (often cumulative) are explained, it is strongly recommended to interact during the courses in order to keep a good understanding. Several PPTs, videos, documents, ... constitute the support of the courses. As they don't contain all the oral comments given during the courses, do not hesitate to take notes.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
The Power Points constitute the basis of the courses, they contain the essential information and not all of the oral comments given during the courses.
The PPTs are accessible on myUlg or given at the end of each course.
Some parts of PPTs, videos, articles may be in English but the whole course is given in French.
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
oral exam
Written work / report
Additional information:
Any session :
- In-person
oral exam
- Remote
oral exam
- If evaluation in "hybrid"
preferred in-person
Additional information:
The students will be evaluated on
- For 25% : an individual report based on the use of a dedicated software in the scope of surface water quality assessment (operational integrated management of water resources). The students have to create appropriate measures in order to reach the good physico-chemical state for water bodies as described in the EU water framework directive 2000/60/CE. They also have to use a (given) database to simulate (numerically) different scenarios to finally choose the most appropriate measures (+ justification of their choice). Additional information will be given when necessary;
- An oral exam will be organised (with Profs. Jf Deliège an S. Gobert). The questions will address (i) for 50% : the notions presented during the theoretical courses, (ii) for 25% : the PegOpera Software methodology presented during the courses and the way the student achieved their exercise (as presented in their previously mentioned report).
The student will also be evaluated on the base of his clarity, his knowledge, his rigour and the relevance of his analysis.
Work placement(s)
(Half a) day will be organised on the field depending on the progress in the courses. It will imply a short trip in a near watershed during which the student will learn to use
- HACH DR 1900 Spectro-photometer + its reactive, to measure nutrients, turbidity, ...
- An HACH SL 1000 parallel portable analyser + its multi-parameters sensors to measure pH, Conductivity, oxygen, ...
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Courses take place in the Sart Tilman.
- Respect class times
- If you contact the secretary or the professors by e-mail, do not expect immediate replies, we will answer as soon as possible. Please, be patient
- Note that University-assigned student e-mail is the (only) Official means of communication
Deliège Jean-François, Associate Professor, Dr, Directeur de l'Aquapôle, ULiège
Aquapôle, B53 Quartier Polytech 1 - Allée de la découverte, 11
e-mail : JFDeliege@uliege.be
Tel + 32 4 366 23 56
Research Unit : Freshwater and OCeanic sciences Unit of reSearch (FOCUS)
Prof Sylvie Gobert
Océanologie Institut de Chimie B6c-2/49
e-mail : sylvie.gobert@uliege.be
Tél: +32 4 366 33 29
- Secretary : M Lunetta : 04 366 50 62
You can meet Madame Mariella Lunetta at her desk (B6C, local 1/21, Sart Tilman) on Tuesday from 8:30 to 10:30 and on Thursday from 13:30 to 15:00 - We are also available during or after the courses to answer specific questions. If you want to reach us at another moment, do not hesitate to ask for an appointment (ask to Madame Lunetta 04/366 50 62 or by email: M.Lunetta@ulg.ac.be)
- You also have a drop box (for any document) in the 2/48 room
- Thank you in advance for respecting these instructions and schedules