2024-2025 / OCEA0082-1

Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems and geological oceanography

Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems

Marine sediment geochemistry


Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems : 20h Th, 5h Pr
Marine sediment geochemistry : 15h Th, 15h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in oceanography, research focus (MER - Erasmus mundus)6 crédits 
 Master in oceanography, research focus (Mundus ECT+ : Environmental contamination and toxicology)6 crédits 


Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems : Alberto Borges
Marine sediment geochemistry : Nathalie Fagel

Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems

In the oceans, chemical, biological and physical processes interact in a complex and dependant way. This course specifically aims to give the basis of aquatic chemistry with a particular emphasis on greenhouse gases.
Chapters of the lectures:

2.Physico-chemical properties of water

3.Seawater composition

4.Salinity as a conservative tracer

5.Ions in seawater

6.Redox reactions - production/destruction of organic matter

7.Green-house gases (CO2, CH4, N2O)

8.Gas exchange accross the air-sea interface
Chapters 1-6 are covered in 6h (2 lectures), chapters 7-8 are covered in 14h (7 lectures)

Marine sediment geochemistry

Study of basic geochemical concepts requested for the interpretation of the geochemical signature of marine sediment records. Examples from literature and from personal proposals.
The cursus is divided in five parts:
- introduction; - diagenetic processes; - interstitial waters; - cycle of metallic elements; - paleoceanographical tracers

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems

Introduction to cycles of organic and inorganic carbon, organic and inorganic nutrients, and greenhouse gases in various marine ecosystems.

Marine sediment geochemistry

Study of chemical processes leading to formation of sedimentary rocks. Analyses of physical and chemical modifications through early diagenesis. Influence of kinetics and bacterial activity.

For more information see the introduction page on MyULiege. 

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems

Basics in chemistry.

Marine sediment geochemistry

Basic knowledge of mineral chemistry and thermodynamic.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems

20 h of therory, lectures by 3h slots, physically present.
Lectures in English, slides in french.

Marine sediment geochemistry

Analyses and interpretation of geochemical signatures of marine sediments. Treatment and interpretation of geochemical datasets. Use of excel-like software. A personal computer is requested.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

20 h of theory by 3 h slots, physically present.
Lectures in English, slides in french.

Marine sediment geochemistry

Blended learning

Further information:

Theory 7 lectures x 2h and practise work 3 x 4h. Lectures and supports are both in English. 

Course will be given face-to-face during the first semester. Recorded lectures are available on MyULiege at any time for the students 

The practical works will be given on hydrid mode. 

Some exercices and data treatments will be done in class under the supervision of the assistant. The participation to those practise works is mandatory

Other practical works (n=3) will be done at home. 

1. Reading of imposed articles. The written exam will be based on those articles. 

2.Reading of a second imposed article. Personal synthesis under the form of several slides to prepare. Presentation and collective synthesis during the next course. 

3. Selection of a paleoceanograpghical geochemical tracer. Synthesis in 5 sllides and presentation in 5 minutes: proxy definition; site description; analytical methods; main results & interpretation; points to underline. 

More information on the summary table given on the introduction page on MyULiege. 

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems

Recommended but not mandatory reading :
Lectures available at bottom of page « Items online »

Marine sediment geochemistry

A English syllabus is available. Slides are also in English.

Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Additional information:

Exam in January 2021 : written examen of 3h, without notes, 20 questions.

Marine sediment geochemistry

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

Written work / report

Further information:

Examination will include two parts.

1.Written question related to the mandatory lecture (60%). 

2. Presentation of a geochemical proxy (40%). Oral presentation within 5 minutes and 5 slides. Written abstract in 1 page and reference list. 

Work placement(s)

Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems

The schedule will be provided by Mariella Lunetta (secretary of BEE Dpt).
I do not answer to questions by e-mail, I only answer to questions during or after lectures.
For matters of adminstration or of organisation, contact Mariella Lunetta.

Marine sediment geochemistry

The lectures will take place at the Department of Geology (B18) during the first semester. 


Carbon, nutrient, greenhouse gases dynamics in marine ecosystems

Alberto Borges :
Mariella Lunetta
Secrétariat du Département BEE

Marine sediment geochemistry

Nathalie Fagel Professor, Département de Géologie Labo. AGEs - Argiles, Géochimie et Environnements sédimentaires - B18, Allée du 6 Août, B-4000 Liège, Belgium Fax:04.366.2029, Tel: 04.366.2209, e-mail: nathalie.fagel@uliege.be www.ages.ulg.ac.be

Association of one or more MOOCs