Introduction to satellite oceanography : 15h Th, 15h Pr
Advanced satellite oceanography : 15h Th, 15h Pr
Number of credits
Master in oceanography, research focus (MER - Erasmus mundus) | 6 crédits |
Introduction to satellite oceanography : Aida Alvera Azcarate
Advanced satellite oceanography : Aida Alvera Azcarate
Language(s) of instruction
English language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
See educational commitments of the two component courses:
OCEA0059-Aa: Introduction to satellite oceanography, 15h Th, 15h Pr
OCEA0059-Ba: Advanced satellite oceanography, 15h Th, 15h Pr
Introduction to satellite oceanography
The main objective of this course is to provide a basic training on Earth Observation, and more specifically, on the remote sensing of the ocean. The theoretical contents of this course are as follows:
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Types of satellite sensors
Orbits, geolocation
Atmospheric effects, atmospheric transmission of the signal
Visible waveband radiometers - Ocean Colour
Infrared waveband radiometers - Sea Surface Temperature (SST)
Microwave waveband radiometers - SST, salinity, wind, sea ice, rain
Satellite data processing
Applications of ocean remote sensing data
Advanced satellite oceanography
This practical course consists in brief theoretical introductions, followed by practical exercises on various techniques related to the observation of water bodies (oceans, seas, lakes), mainly using satellite imaging sensors with low spatial resolution and high radiometric and spectral resolutions that detect visible light, reflective infrared and thermal infrared (AVHRR and MODIS e.g.).
The techniques studied deal with the extraction of biogeophysical parameters from the upper layer of the water column, based on the multi-spectral information recorded by these sensors. The biogeophysical parameters studied are surface temperature (Sea Surface Temperature - SST) and Ocean Color (OC). This one is related to chlorophyll-a concentration, CDOM and suspended mineral particles.
We place emphasis on the qualification of input data as well as on its meaning, on its oceanological representativeness, and on calculation protocols for bio-geo-physical parameters.
Several datasets will be used. The students will select their product, then download product and documentation, data qualification, organization and management. This operation is followed by the creation of the time series, an PCA extraction and the oceanographical interpretation. Finally the spatially generalized time series are extracted by region and their oceanological interpretation is performed.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Introduction to satellite oceanography
The students will know, at the end of the course: the basic concepts, the most relevant sensors and satellites, the treatment of the signal, the complementarity between different satellite data and between satellite and other sources of oceanographic data. The students will be able to work with satellite data, interpreting them and using them in some study cases.
Advanced satellite oceanography
* Understand the nature and the oceanological meaning of the data recorded by sensors studied in the course, as well as the various levels of pre-processing used.
*Apply standard processing protocols and understand their limits and how they work.
* Understand the relevance of these processes' results and interpret their oceanological meaning.
* Learn how to use the features of software application that perform these processes.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Introduction to satellite oceanography
Basic concepts of mathematics, statistics and physics
Advanced satellite oceanography
The course builds upon the skills acquired during the introductory course on satellite oceanography. All the prerequisites of this introductory course are of course required for the advanced course. Students must also have an interest in using digital tools, as well as basic training and practical experience in programming. However, due to the variety of scientific backgrounds among the students who enroll in this class, the teaching will be adapted to the students' needs.
Students will also be helped by the mindset they have acquired through various scientific courses (mathematics, statistics, physics, spatial analysis ...) and technical courses (numerical methods, programming, cartography, etc.) of their former academic programmes.
The oceanographical interpretation of the results of the methods used in class will rely on knowledge of lake, sea and ocean hydrodynamics, physical oceanography, and climatology... If necessary, students will search through the scientific literature in order to carry out this interpretation.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Introduction to satellite oceanography
Theoretical courses will lead the students through the basic concepts. Exercises aimed at applying some of the theoretical concepts will be performed, using SNAP and Acolyte, two softwares installed in the computers used for the exercices but also openly available for download.
Advanced satellite oceanography
The theoretical introduction of each topic will consist in a lecture before each exercise. The theoretical concepts and the technical protocol will be explained.
The practical assignment will be done using various software tools (SNAP, Acolyte, DINEOF, Julia). They will be organized as projects, and supervised at all times by the teaching staff in order for students to self-assess their skills by closely interacting with teachers. These practical assignments will also attempt to foster the students' curiosity and ability to come up with original solutions using free software if possible.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Introduction to satellite oceanography
Advanced satellite oceanography
The teaching activities are mostly face-to-face, but students can install open software on their laptops, thereby learning at their own pace outside class.
Attendance is mandatory.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Introduction to satellite oceanography
A comprehensive list of relevant books and articles will be provided during te course. The books most used for the development of the theoretical concepts are:
- Measuring the Oceans from Space: The principles and methods of satellite oceanography, Ian Robinson, 2004
- Discovering the Ocean from Space: The Unique Applications of Satellite Oceanography, Ian Robinson, 2010.
- An Introduction to Ocean Remote Sensing. Seelye Martin. (2nd edition, 2014). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139094368.
Advanced satellite oceanography
Students are, of course, encouraged to gather scientific and technical documentation in addition to the material provided in class (online literature, software help resources, online forums, reference books ...).
Introduction to satellite oceanography
A theoretical exam plus a practical exercise. Details will be iven during teh course.
> Online oral examination (update 10/12/2020)
Advanced satellite oceanography
A non-certifying evaluation is carried out throughout practical classes, as a close interaction between students and teachers.
The certificational evaluation will consist in a personal presentation using digital slides, during the January exam session. It will deal with the three topics studied in class, and the teaching staff will ask questions about the presentation.
This standard evaluation procedure may however be modified in agreement with the students, who will be notified of any change.
The assessment criteria are as follows: clarity, coherence, logic, meticulousness, precision, completeness, brevity, relevance, cross-cutting nature (within the course and between courses), quality of mathematical interpretations (mathematical meaning of the different coefficients of the equation, e.g.), physical interpretations (dimensions and units, order of magnitude - scaling, e.g.) and geographical and oceanological interpretations (mono and multivariate spatial and temporal interaction and meaning - type - of the variables e.g.).
Furthermore, answers will also be evaluated based on the quality and the originality of the graphic illustration since graphic expression is the scientist's specificity. It further allows demonstrating a good understanding of the phenomenon.
Finally, enriching an answer with a rich personal scientific culture will also be considered a factor of excellence in the assessment.
> Online oral examination (update 10/12/2020)
Work placement(s)
Introduction to satellite oceanography
Advanced satellite oceanography
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Introduction to satellite oceanography
no content
Advanced satellite oceanography
Ideally, classes should begin after the introductory course on ocean remote sensing; however, practical considerations related to the MER master mean classes must be held during the first term. This will not be a problem for students in the second year of the master in oceanography, but for students in the MER master this course will have to be held at the end of the term, so that enough progress will have been made in this introductory course. The scheduling, which is unfortunately not ideal, will be determined based on the timetables of students in the second year of the master in oceanography and the MER master, as well as on the availability of computer-equipped classrooms and the teaching staff.
Introduction to satellite oceanography
Aida Alvera-Azcárate
Université de Liège
Allée du 6 Août, 17, Bât. B5
4000 Liège, Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)4 366 3664
Mail : a.alvera@uliege.be
Advanced satellite oceanography
Aida Alvera-Azcárate
Université de Liège
Allée du 6 Août, 17, Bât. B5
4000 Liège, Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)4 366 3664
Mail: a.alvera@uliege.be
Association of one or more MOOCs
Items online
Introduction to satellite oceanography
Remote Sensing of the Oceans, Introduction to satellite oceanography,
Remote Sensing of the Oceans, Introduction to satellite oceanography
Advanced satellite oceanography
Remote Sensing of the Oceans, Advanced satellite oceanography
Remote Sensing of the Oceans, Advanced satellite oceanography