Marine phanerogames ecology : 15h Th, 10h Pr
Techniques of sampling in marine ecology : 15h Th, 10h Pr
Number of credits
Master in oceanography, research focus (MER - Erasmus mundus) | 6 crédits |
Marine phanerogames ecology : Sylvie Gobert
Techniques of sampling in marine ecology : Sylvie Gobert
Language(s) of instruction
English language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
See OCEA0056-A-a and OCEA0056-B-a to have a full description.
Marine phanerogames ecology
Seagrasses (marine Magnoliophyta) live in the coastal waters of most of the worlds' continents. They provide food, habitat for many, smaller marine organisms, some of which, are commercially important. They also absorb nutrients from coastal run-off and stabilise sediment, helping to keep the water clear.
Seagrass meadows offer considerable potential for carbon sequestration.
Seagrasses are unique amongst flowering plants, they can live entirely immersed in seawater. Adaptation to a marine environment imposes major constraints on morphology and structure.
The regression of seagrass meadows is a phenomenon which has been observed over several decades, the amplitude of this regression varies depending on the species and geographical zones under consideration.
After a brief introduction (definition, distribution, adaptation, taxonomy...), the course presents a broad spectrum of researches and techniques of samplings focused on the marine magnoliophyta.
Techniques of sampling in marine ecology
The field sampling in marine environment is not easy. Some variables have to be considered: wave exposure, depth, substratum type and slope, topographical heterogeneity, salinity and the degree of human or natural perturbation. The available material (boat, nets...); budget,...
The steps in designing a field sampling program include:
- Identifying the study goals including the questions to be answered by the study or the hypothesis to be tested.
- Developing an effective and statistically powerful study design.
This course aims at introducing some general methodologies for marine ecological baseline surveys. It provides the general concepts and considerations for various standard survey methods like: Site selection, Sampling Design (adapted to Baseline, Impact or Monitoring studies)
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
See OCEA0056-A-a and OCEA0056-B-a to have a full description.
Marine phanerogames ecology
The student will be able
- to define and to determine the seagrasses, to develop effective written and oral communications skills through writing reports and delivering seminars.
- to write a short research proposal and present the project
Techniques of sampling in marine ecology
The student will be able
- to design an experimental protocol
- to write and present it
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
See OCEA0056-A-a and OCEA0056-B-a to have a full description.
Marine phanerogames ecology
To speak and understand English A good basic knowledge in Marine Ecology A good basic knowledge in Biology
Techniques of sampling in marine ecology
A good basic knowledge in Marine Ecology
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
See OCEA0056-A-a and OCEA0056-B-a to have a full description.
Marine phanerogames ecology
- Courses dedicated to theoretical aspects
- Talks of invited researchers
- A field trip on Posidonia oceanica meadow (For MER and ECT students)
Techniques of sampling in marine ecology
- Courses dedicated to theoretical aspects
- Talks of invited researchers
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
See OCEA0056-A-a and OCEA0056-B-a to have a full description.
Marine phanerogames ecology
Courses in face-to-face.
The attention of the student is regularly requested during tutorial classes
Techniques of sampling in marine ecology
Courses in face-to-face.
The attention of the student is regularly requested during tutorial classes
Recommended or required readings
See OCEA0056-A-a and OCEA0056-B-a to have a full description.
Marine phanerogames ecology
The ppt constitute the basis of the course, they contain the essential information and not all of the oral comments given during the course.
The ppts are accessible on myUlg or given at the end of each course.
Techniques of sampling in marine ecology
The ppt constitute the basis of the course, they contain the essential information and not all of the oral comments given during the course.
The ppts are accessible on myUlg or given at the end of each course.
Assessment methods and criteria
See OCEA0056-A-a and OCEA0056-B-a to have a full description.
Marine phanerogames ecology
The evaluation is based on 2 parts:
- 1. A research project (3 pages) related to seagrass
based on a research article (see publications of Sylvie Gobert on ORBI) (50 % of the total score).
- 2. A dissertation of 10 minutes on the proposed proposal (50 % of the total score). The presentation is graded not only on its content but also on its quality , clarity, respect of the timing.
- I will be your guide (courses, books...)
- Presentation of researchers of my lab
- The scientific posters
Research project description
The description of your research project (introduction, objectives, methodology, ...) may not exceed 3 pages, font Arial 11. A bibliography is mandatory. Requested budget You will have access to an operating, "running" costs budget for research expenses, as well as travel and mobility.
Evaluation Criteria of the research project :
-Quality of the research project and its feasibility -The intrinsic quality of the project as well as the applicants' capacity to develop and manage theresearch project is considered -Adequacy of the required research, mobility and travel expenses budget is taken into account as well as the ethical issues the applicant has to deal with.
L'étudiant peut choisir de rédiger et présenter l'ensemble de l'examen en français ou en anglais.
Techniques of sampling in marine ecology
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
oral exam
Additional information:
The evaluation is based on :
A dissertation (10 minutes) on an experimental protocol (subject define with the professor). The presentation is graded not only on its content but also on its quality , clarity, respect of the timing.
To help you:
- I will be your guide (courses, books...)
- Presentation of researchers of my lab
- The scientific posters
Work placement(s)
See OCEA0056-A-a and OCEA0056-B-a to have a full description.
Marine phanerogames ecology
Taxonomy will be the subject of one lesson (Liege)
Techniques of sampling in marine ecology
Organizational remarks
See OCEA0056-A-a and OCEA0056-B-a to have a full description.
Marine phanerogames ecology
- Respect class times.
- If you contact the secretary or the professor by e-mail, do not expect the replies to be immediate. Please, be patient.
- University-assigned student e-mail is the Official means of communication with all students.
Techniques of sampling in marine ecology
- Respect class times.
- If you contact the secretary or the professor by e-mail, do not expect the replies to be immediate. Please, be patient.
- University-assigned student e-mail is the Official means of communication with all students.
Prof Sylvie Gobert Océanologie Institut de Chimie. B6c-2/49 Tél: 04 3663329 e-mail:sylvie.gobert@uliege.be
Secretariat M Lunetta: 04 366 50 62
- Meeting with my secretary: Mrs Mariella Lunetta is in her office (B6C, room 1/21 , Sart Tilman) the Tuesday from 8:30 -10:30 and the Thursday from 13:30-15:00.
- Meeting with me: I will make time available during and directly after the classes for your questions. I rarely can be available for unscheduled meeting. To make appointment , call 04 366 50 62 (Mrs Lunetta) or send an email: M.Lunetta@uliege.be.
- My malbox is in the room 2/48.
- We ask for your co-operation with these regulations.
Marine phanerogames ecology
Prof Sylvie Gobert Océanologie Institut de Chimie. B6c-2/49 Tél: 04 3663329 e-mail:sylvie.gobert@uliege.be
Secretariat M Lunetta: 04 366 50 62
- Meeting with my secretary: Mrs Mariella Lunetta is in her office (B6C, room 1/21 , Sart Tilman) the Tuesday from 8:30 -10:30 am and the Thursday from 13:30-15:00 pm.
- Meeting with me: I will make time available during and directly after the classes for your questions. I rarely can be available for unscheduled meeting. To make appointment , call 04 366 50 62 (Mrs Lunetta) or send an email: M.Lunetta@uliege.be.
- My malbox is in the room 2/48.
- We ask for your co-operation with these regulations.
Techniques of sampling in marine ecology
Prof Sylvie Gobert Océanologie Institut de Chimie. B6c-2/49 Tél: 04 3663329 e-mail:sylvie.gobert@uliege.be
Secretariat M Lunetta: 04 366 50 62
- Meeting with my secretary: Mrs Mariella Lunetta is in her office (B6C, room 1/21 , Sart Tilman) the Tuesday from 8:30 -10:30 and the Thursday from 13:30-15:00.
- Meeting with me: I will make time available during and directly after the classes for your questions. I rarely can be available for unscheduled meeting. To make appointment , call 04 366 50 62 (Mrs Lunetta) or send an email: M.Lunetta@ulg.ac.be.
- My malbox is in the room 2/48.
- We ask for your co-operation with these regulations.