Introduction to neuroanatomy : 10h Th
Advanced studies in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology : 24h Th, 6h Pr
Introduction to neurophysiology : 12h Th
Biochemistry : 2h Th
Histology : 2h QA Sess.
General pathology : 2h Th
Special pathology : 18h Th
Number of credits
Bachelor in physiotherapy and rehabilitation | 4 crédits |
Introduction to neuroanatomy : Félix Scholtes
Advanced studies in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology : Rachelle Franzen, Gaëtan Garraux, Félix Scholtes
Introduction to neurophysiology : Gaëtan Garraux
Biochemistry : Bernard Rogister
Histology : Chantal Humblet
General pathology : Yves Henrotin
Special pathology : Valérie Bartsch, Dominique Dive, Gaëtan Garraux, Jean-François Kaux, Alain Maertens de Noordhout, Pierre Maquet, Didier Martin, Laurence Pirnay, Félix Scholtes, Laurent Servais
Special pathology : Olivier Bodart
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Introduction to neuroanatomy
This unit provides the fundamental knowledge for physiotherapy and motor sciences students concerning the structure of the nervous system and its vegetative and somatic sensorimotor systems.
Advanced studies in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
* Spinal cord and spinal cord syndromes
* Vegetative nervous system
* Sensory systems including pain
* Cerebellum, coordination, balance
* Voluntary motricity and basal ganglia
* CNS Vascularisation and functional anatomy of the encephalon
* Cranial nerves and oculomotor function
* Spinal nerves
* Vision and cognition
* Meninges and CSF, consciousness
Introduction to neurophysiology
6 introductory lessons & 6 chapters:
- I. Overview on nervous system physiology
- II. Somatic sensory systems (somesthesia, vision,...)
- III. Somatic motor system
- IV. Cognitive systems
- V. State systems including the vegetative nervous system
- VI System nervous homeostasis
This module presents the nervous system through anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry and semiology. The biochemistry is concerned by neurotransmitters synthesis, their release mechanisms,the neurotransmitters receptors and their post-synaptic activities.
General pathology
Physiopathological process sustaining pain.
Special pathology
"Special Pathology of the Nervous System" concerns those neurological diseases and injuries that affect muskuloskeletal function and are relevant to physiotherapy, including general principles of their treatment. This subject matter is complementary to the course dedicated to neurological physiotherapy.
The content of the course (in French) is the following:
- General clinical manifestations of muscle tone, postural control, balance, coordination, mouvement control and abnormal movements, including the multifactorial alterations of balance in the elderly.
- Cognitive dysfunction including coma, as well as its consequences, and their impact on rehabilitation. Dementia and complications of alcoholism.
- Parkinson's and related diseases, tremor.
- Stroke, ischémic and haemorrhagic.
- Stroke rehabilitation.
- Tumours and abcesses of the central nervous system.
- Hydrocephalus.
- Head trauma.
- Spinal cord compression, acute and chronic.
- Rehabilitation of spinal cord compression.
- Multiple sclerosis and motoneuron disease.
- Peripheral neuropathy and myopathy.
- Neuromuscular junction disorders.
- Cerebral Palsy
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Introduction to neuroanatomy
The general objective of this course is to provide the student with an understanding of the structure of the normal nervous system and sensory organs. The course contents have been chosen with the help of the physiotherapy and motor science teachers in order to provide a large knowledge base that is necessary and adequate for further teaching. This course is part of a multidisciplinary strategy which leads the
- physiotherapy student from the understanding of the normal structure and function of the human nervous system to its abnormalities and to neurological disorders. This lays the ground for the course teaching neurological physiotherapy, as well as the integrative course "Problem Based Learning" ("Apprentissage par problèmes - Approche multidisciplinaire du système nerveux appliquée à la kinésithérapie."), and
- the students of motor sciences to a neuroanatomical basis for the following applied course.
Learning objectives are outlined in a list provided to the students.
Advanced studies in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
Apply knowledge from the introctury courses and build further understanding of the function of the nervous system. This course is part of a multidisciplinary strategy which leads the student from the understanding of the normal structure and function of the human nervous system to its abnormalities and to neurological disorders. This lays the ground for the course teaching neurological physiotherapy, as well as the integrative course "Problem Based Learning" ("Apprentissage par problèmes - Approche multidisciplinaire du système nerveux appliquée à la kinésithérapie.").
Learning objectives are provided to the students.
Introduction to neurophysiology
Teaching will guide the student to develop a general knowledge on:
- How is the information coded by electrical signals
- How does the information spread in nerve cells
- How is the information transmitted from one cell to another
- How extrernal and internal stimuli are coded by the nervous system, including nociceptive stimuli
- how postures and movements are controlled
- the main cognitive domains: memory, langage, attention,...
- the multiple organisation levels of somatic sensory and motor systems, cognitive systems and state system
- the multiple interactions between somatic motor systems, sensory systems, cognition, emotion, sleep-wake mechanisms and the vegetative nervous system
To known the biochemical, anatomical, histological and physiological basis of the nervous system in order to be able to understand the diseases of this system.
The Biochemistry partim is focused on neurotransmitters : synthesis, release mechanisms, receptors and post-synaptic effects.
microscopy of nervous tissu
Special pathology
To teach the principal neurologic disorders that impact on muskuloskeletal function. More detailed learning objectives are provided by each participating teacher.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Introduction to neuroanatomy
- Elementary information on the Anatomy of the nervous system as provided in preuniversity teaching and in the introductory course to human anatomy.
Advanced studies in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
Prerequisite: see course programme for the pre- and co-requisite courses.
- Elementary information on the Anatomy and Physiology of the nervous system as provided in preuniversity teaching and in the introductory course to human anatomy, as well as the introduction to neuroanatomy (NERF0537-A-a) and neurophysiology (NERF0537-G-a).
Introduction to neurophysiology
General Physiology
Biochimie générale
General chemistry, general biology, histologie, cytology, general physiology, general biochemistry, human biochemistry.
Special pathology
- Required: anatomy, physiology, general notions of physiotherapy.
- Course on the massage theory and practice, Re-education of the musculoskeletal system theory and practice, hydro and mechano-therapy, electro-physiotherapy...
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Introduction to neuroanatomy
Lectures in the auditorium.
Advanced studies in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
Teaching method
- Lectures.
- Optional: Work on learning objectives in presence of teachers.
- Practical exercise sessions ("labs") : application of the theoretical notions from the lectures.
Introduction to neurophysiology
Ex-cathedra lectures (two hours).
Special pathology
Traditional teaching in auditorium.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Introduction to neuroanatomy
Blended learning
Additional information:
On site ("face-to-face" - auditorium) in principle, but online sessions possible depending on conditions.
Advanced studies in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
Blended learning
Additional information:
On site ("face-to-face" - auditorium), but some courses can be given online depending on conditions.
Introduction to neurophysiology
Ex cathedra lessons - face-to-face
These teaching conditions will be adapted according to the requirements of the sanitary situation (COVID-19) and partially or completely moved online into virtual classrooms.
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
See the timetable notice board. Class normally given face-to-face. As long as it is possible, the lessons will be saved (POD-CAST system) to be viewed later.
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
face-to-face (support on e-campus-MyUliege)
General pathology
Special pathology
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Introduction to neuroanatomy
- Course book available online for all students, in French.
- The "Vade Mecum" of the course book includes a list of suggested references, many of which are available in English.
Advanced studies in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
- Course book available online for all students, in French.
- The "Vade Mecum" of the course book includes a list of suggested references, many of which are available in English.
- Slides, courses notes and learning objectives are available on the eCampucs platform
- Neurophysiologie:Many learning objectives can also be reached by referring the following optional textbooks:
Neurosciences, 6ème édition, 2019 (traduite en français). D. Purves, G.J. Augustine, D. Fitzpatrick, W.C. Hall, A.-S LaMantia, J.O. McNamara, L.E. White. Editions de boeck.
Introduction to neurophysiology
Platform(s) used for course materials:
- eCampus
- MyULiège
Further information:
Diaporama & learning objectives available on the eCampus platform
Many learning objectives can also be reached by referring the following optional textbooks:
Mémo visuel de neurosciences : Du neurone aux sciences cognitives - 2ème édition. 2024. Daniel Richard. Editions: Dunod
Mayo Clinic Medical Neurosciences: Organized by Neurologic Systems and Levels, (6 edn) 2017. Eduardo E. Benarroch, Jeremy K. Cutsforth-Gregory, Kelly D. Flemming. Edition Oxford academic
Neurosciences, 6ème édition, 2019 (translated in franch). D. Purves, G.J. Augustine, D. Fitzpatrick, W.C. Hall, A.-S LaMantia, J.O. McNamara, L.E. White. Editions de boeck.
Course reading available from the lecturer which is responsible for this module and on MyULiege. The lecture presentation will be also added on MyULiege.
Platform(s) used for course materials:
- eCampus
- MyULiège
Further information:
notes and slides ( myUliege)
Special pathology
Provided by each teacher. Available on ecampus.
Introduction to neuroanatomy
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )
Out-of-session test(s)
Further information:
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )
Out-of-session test(s)
Additional information:
Out of session questionnaire, accounting for 10% of the final result of the first exam session.
Written examination in session: MCQ. This accounts
- in kinésithérapie-réadaptation : for 90% of the final result (of NERF0537-A-a, -G-a et -H-a) in the first exam session and 100% in the second exam session (out of session points are not taken into account for the second session)
- in "sciences de la motricité" : 60% in the first exam session (for the remainining 30%: see NERF0537-J-a) and 50% in the second exam session (out of session points are not taken into account for the second session ; for the remainining 50%: see NERF0537-J-a)
Advanced studies in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )
Out-of-session test(s)
Further information:
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )
Additional information:
Written examination in session: MCQ. Open questions possible.
This accounts for 90% of the final result (of NERF0537-A-a, -G-a et -H-a) in the first exam session and 100% in the second exam session (out of session points are not taken into account for the second session).
Introduction to neurophysiology
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )
Out-of-session test(s)
Additional information:
Written examination: Questions with open answers, MCQ
Depending on the sanitary conditions (COVID-19 pandemic), the exam will be organised on site (physical presence: codes green and yellow, possibly orange) or online (virtual: code red, possibly orange).
The evaluation criterias are available on the Faculty Website: www.facmed.ulg.ac.be/examens
Additional information:
Out of session questionnaire, accounting for 10% of the final result for the physiotherapy students (NERF0537-1).
Written examination: MCQ. This accounts for 90% of the final result for the physiotherapy students (NERF0537-1) and 100% of the final result for the "Motor Sciences" students (NERF0537-2).
On site except if conditions do not allow for that.
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( open-ended questions )
Additional information:
Theoritical evaluation to be defined within the framework of an integrated evaluation (integrated written exam). In recent years, those in charge of the module asked for an MCQ with an implicit general solution for the Biochemistry part.
in accordance with the method recommended for the module
Special pathology
Written exam. Open questions or multiple choice questions.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Introduction to neuroanatomy
Secrétariat :
- Jessica THYS Tél. 04/366.51.91 Jessica.Thys@ulg.ac.be
Advanced studies in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
Secrétariat :
- F. SCHOLTES: Jessica THYS Tél. 04/366.51.91 Jessica.Thys@ulg.ac.be
- G. GARRAUX: Larisia BOURDOUX Tél. 04 366 59 50 larisia.bourdoux@ulg.ac.be
Introduction to neurophysiology
Prof Gaetan GARRAUX
Secretary : Mrs Larisia BOURDOUX
Tél : 04/3665950
Lecturer : B. ROGISTER, Full Professor
Tour de pathologie 2, étage +1, CHU
Tel. : +32 4 366 59 50
e-mail Bernard.Rogister@uliege.be
Larisia Bourdoux, Secretary Tel : 32 4 366 59 50 e-mail : Larisia.Bourdoux@uliege.be
Laboratoire d'Histologie Cytologie
04 3662403
General pathology
Enseignant : Y. HENROTIN Bât. B23 Unité de recherche sur l'os et le cartillage (U.R.O.C.) - Tél. : 04/366.25.16 - Email : yhenrotin@uliege.be
Special pathology
Course coordination.
Secretary 04/366 5191 to establish contact with the different teachers.
Email jessica.thys@uliege.be // felix.scholtes@uliege.be
Association of one or more MOOCs
Items online
Headache and tumours
Headache and tumours
Lecture 6 Servais
General pathology
definition - classification - pathophysiology - treatments