2024-2025 / MTFE0351-3

Officinal Internship and Thesis

Record of learning and participation to clinical research project

Officinal internship and Thesis


Record of learning and participation to clinical research project : 100h Pers. Res.
Officinal internship and Thesis : 6mois Internship

Number of credits

 Master in pharmacy, research focus20 crédits 
 Master in pharmacy, professional focus in conception and development of medicine - bioanalysis20 crédits 
 Master in pharmacy, professional focus in community pharmacy management and professional issues20 crédits 
 Master in pharmacy, professional focus in officinal practice, advice and pharmaceutical follow-up20 crédits 


Record of learning and participation to clinical research project : Corinne Charlier, Brigitte Evrard, Marianne Fillet, Pierre Francotte, Michel Frederich, Philippe Hubert, Frédéric Lecomte, Geneviève Philippe, Marie Piette, Isabelle Roland
Officinal internship and Thesis : Brigitte Evrard


Brigitte Evrard

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

 26 weeks internship in a community pharmacy

Record of learning and participation to clinical research project

not available

Officinal internship and Thesis

 internship in community pharmacy of 26 weeks

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Development of 7 skills : - pharmaceutical expertise - drug preparation and dispensing - health care advice - communication - scientific approach (problem solving / risk management) - sense of responsibility - quality (management)    

Officinal internship and Thesis

not available

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Not available

Officinal internship and Thesis

Not available

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Not available

Record of learning and participation to clinical research project

Not available

Officinal internship and Thesis

Not available
Not available

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Not available

Record of learning and participation to clinical research project

not available

Officinal internship and Thesis

Not available
not available

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Assessment methods and criteria

Other : Not available

Further information:

Not available

Record of learning and participation to clinical research project

Written work / report

Further information:

Not available

Officinal internship and Thesis

Other : Not available

Further information:

Not available


Not available

Work placement(s)

Not available

Officinal internship and Thesis

Not available

Organizational remarks

Not available

Officinal internship and Thesis

Not available


Pr Brigitte EVRARD, Présidente de la Commission de stages
04/ 366 43 00     
Vanessa STRAUVEN, secrétariat de la Commission de stages
04/ 366 43 01

Record of learning and participation to clinical research project

Geneviève PHILIPPE






Officinal internship and Thesis

Pr Brigitte EVRARD, Présidente de la Commission de stages
04/ 366 43 00     
Vanessa STRAUVEN, secrétariat de la Commission de stages
04/ 366 43 01

Association of one or more MOOCs