20h Pr
Number of credits
Master en logopédie, à finalité spécialisée | 2 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
This course is a clinical course using problem based learning methods, centered on contextualized acquisition and focused on the learner.
This course is an adaptation of these concepts to the specific context of Speech Therapy. Its aim is to develop students' ability in the area of clinical reasoning using general problem solving strategies, and to develop a network linking organized knowledge and specific abilities. Students will be working in small groups on clinical cases that involve the solution of a problem. With the help of a clinician acting as a tutor, they will work on specific problems together, in terms of the following steps: analysis of the case, generating a hypothesis, commenting on complementary data or documentation, assessment of all information collected regarding the case, and finally, the solution of the problem.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Professional profile competencies covered by the course :
Promotion and prevention:
- Mastery of the risk factors, protective factors and positive behaviours associated with disorders within the field of action of speech and language therapists.
- Master the existing literature on prevention in order to implement the relevant content appropriately.
- To have a critical grasp of specialist, scientific and clinical knowledge relating to the normal and pathological functioning of communication functions and relating to the methodological principles of demand analysis and assessment.
- Integrate useful knowledge from psychology, linguistics, medicine and recent neuroscience research.
- Analysing the request and taking a history, keeping a critical eye on the situation.
- Draw up a precise, well-founded assessment plan tailored to each patient and each situation.
- Carry out a descriptive, cognitive or functional assessment or an assessment of the impact on quality of life, using recent and relevant methods and tools in the field and taking account of associated disorders.
- Interpret the data obtained from the medical history and the various assessments in a reasoned manner.
- Integrate the needs, preferences and resources of patients and those close to them, as well as their cultural, social, educational and/or professional characteristics, into the analysis and interpretation.
- Make a diagnosis or draw a conclusion, highlighting the limitations of the analysis and interpretation, any missing information and the means of obtaining it.
- Establish links between risk and protective factors, and the diagnostic conclusion.
- Clearly structure and specify the data collected and conclusions in a neutral, well-argued manner.
- Select the relevant information to pass on depending on the target audience.
- Communicate by adapting your communication (content and form) to the person you are talking to and to your intentions.
- Obtains and summarises all relevant information from sources other than the patient, including relatives, with the patient's consent.
- Fostering a positive team dynamic or positive collaboration by working towards the same goals, sharing knowledge and perspectives and being willing to learn together.
- Implement strategies to foster mutual understanding, manage differences and resolve conflicts in a spirit of collaboration.
- Participate in shared decision-making for integrated patient care.
- Recognising uncertainty and gaps in knowledge during clinical, teaching or research activities, and formulating targeted questions in order to provide solutions.
- Find, select and browse resources that have been previously evaluated.
- Critically appraise the integrity, reliability and applicability of speech and language therapy research and literature.
- Integrate research evidence and clinical expertise into practice decision-making, taking into account patient preferences.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Knowledge about landmarks and stages for oral
language development, written language
acquisition and stuttering
Knowledge about oral language - written language
and stuttering assessment tools
Knowledge about strategies for oral language,
written language and stuttering therapy
YSTG9028 except for students who already possess a highschool degree in speech language therapy.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Problem-based learning
Moreover, each student has to validate the 5th module of the MOOC 'Psychologue et orthophoniste: l'EBP au service du patient'.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Further information:
Classes: 4 sessions on Fridays from 9am to 1pm. Attendance at all 4 ARC sessions is compulsory. The dates are: 04/10/2024 (introduction), 18/10/2024 (oral language assessment), 08/11/2024 (written language assessment), 22/11/2024 (stuttering assessment).
The student must inform the course leader of any absence as soon as possible and in accordance with the procedures defined by the course leader.
Due to technical constraints linked to the organisation of the course (course sessions cannot be reorganised), work will be required from the student in the event of absence. This work will depend on the content of the session at which the student was absent. Each absence, even with a medical certificate, will give rise to an assignment.
In addition, students who are absent more than once without justification will have 1 point deducted from their overall course mark.
In addition, each student must complete module 5 of the MOOC 'Psychologist and speech therapist: EBP at the service of the patient'.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Texts used in classes as resource documents will be made available to students on eCampus
The e-campus platform will be used for all other information concerning the course.
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam
Additional information:
Assessment for purposes of certification will be by written examination in January, and by written or oral evaluation in September.
Moreover, each student has to validate the 5th module of the MOOC 'Psychologue et orthophoniste: l'EBP au service du patient' to pass the exam.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
An e-learning version of this course is available on e-campus. Students are expected to participate actively in class, and to apply themselves with diligence to every assignment, in order to improve their clinical skills.
Christelle MAILLART,
Anne-Lise Leclercq,