30h Th
Number of credits
Bachelor in psychology and education : speech and language therapy | 3 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Course content
1 Anatomy
- general anatomy of aerodigestive cross roadd, buccal cavity and pharynx
- laryngeal anatomy
-anatomy of respiratory system
- anatomy of resonantial cavities
- anatomy of neurological control of laryngeal and pharyngeal functions
2 Physiology
- physiology of vocal folds'oscillation
-physiology of breathing and phonatory air support
-physiology of resonance
-particularities of singing voice
-voice classification aond life-span voice change
-principles ol laryngeal examination and voice evaluation
3 Phyiopathology of main laryngeal and vocal pathologies ( and therapy principles)
-benign vocal fods' lesions
-neurological pathologies
-tumoral and pre-tumoral pathologies
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
teaching method:on line
All lessons ( including the presential ones) are on line on ecampus
Course materials and recommended or required readings
All support material is on line on ecampus
- lessons'podcasts
- PDF files of each lesson
-syllabus on ecampus for anatomy and physiology, benign lesions and neurological pathologies
Reference Books
-Toute l'anatomie pour l'orthophonie. Aude Lagire
Eds DeBoeck superieur
- De la voix parlée au chant. Coordonné par Klein Dallant
Eds Klein Dallant
Any session :
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )
- Remote
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )
- If evaluation in "hybrid"
preferred remote
Additional information:
Evaluation consist in a multiple answers questionnaire
Because of sanitary situation , this will take place on line on ecampus
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course