2024-2025 / LLOR0092-1

Arab I


30h Th, 30h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in anthropology, research focus10 crédits 
 Extra courses intended for exchange students (Erasmus, ...) (Faculty of social sciences)10 crédits 
 Bachelor in ancient and modern languages and literatures10 crédits 
 Bachelor in ancient languages and literatures : classics10 crédits 
 Bachelor in information and communication10 crédits 
 Bachelor in modern languages and literatures : German, Dutch and English10 crédits 
 Bachelor in history of art and archaeology : general10 crédits 
 Bachelor in history10 crédits 
 Bachelor in modern languages and literatures : general10 crédits 
 Bachelor in history of art and archaeology : musicology10 crédits 
 Bachelor in ancient languages and literatures : Oriental studies (Registrations are closed)10 crédits 
 Bachelor in philosophy10 crédits 
 Bachelor in French and Romance languages and literatures : general10 crédits 
 Master in linguistics, research focus10 crédits 
 Master in ancient languages and literatures : Oriental studies, research focus10 crédits 
 Master in linguistics, professional focus in analysis of textual data10 crédits 
 Master in multilingual communication, professional focus in language and culture10 crédits 
 Master in ancient languages and literatures : Oriental studies, professional focus in languages and civilisation of Far East : China-Japan10 crédits 
 Master in ancient languages and literatures: Oriental studies, professional focus in Oriental studies (China/Japan)10 crédits 
 Master in ancient languages and literatures : Oriental studies (60 ECTS)10 crédits 


Frédéric Bauden, Elise Franssen


Frédéric Bauden

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course is divided in two parts:

- an hour per week of Standard Arabic;

- an hour per week of practice and spoken Arabic 

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Basics of Standard and spoken Arabic

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Deheuvels, Luc-Willy. Nouvelle Méthode d'arabe - arabe littéral - volume 1. Paris : L'Asiathèque (Langues INALCO), 2022.  

ATTENTION : the new method, not the one published in 1993 (last edition 2021). https://www.asiatheque.com/fr/livre/methode-d-arabe 

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Additional information:

The mark of the midterm exam in January will count for 10% of the June final grade.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Attendance at the lectures and exercises is compulsory. Any student who is absent at more than three classes (lectures and exercises) without any valid and fully justified reason will not be allowed to the take the examination.


Association of one or more MOOCs