2024-2025 / LGER0007-1

English Language 1


30h Th, 60h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in modern languages and literatures : German, Dutch and English10 crédits 
 Bachelor in modern languages and literatures : general10 crédits 
 Bachelor in translation and interpretation10 crédits 


An Van Linden


Dana Louagie


An Van Linden

Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Although theory and practice cannot be dissociated in language learning, they will be covered separately, for the sake of organization.

(1) Lectures (1h per week): the main grammar areas (grammatical rank scale, basic clause types, sentence types, the use of articles, subject-verb agreement, tense and aspect, modal auxiliaries, passive voice, non-finite clauses, relative clauses, conditional constructions) will be taught systematically, without losing sight of actual language use. The lectures introduce linguistic terminology and explain the use of grammatical structures, making students play an active part in their learning process as much as possible. In addition to basic grammar, a number of lectures are devoted to phonology, phonetics and phonemic transcription (using the international phonetic alphabet) as well as writing skills (how to develop a line of argument).

(2) Practicals:

(a) grammar exercises (1h per week) in smaller groups: for each session students will need to prepare a certain number of pages before coming to class

(b) conversation classes (1h per week) in smaller groups: focus on pronunciation, overall speaking and reading comprehension skills (non-literary texts will be provided), building arguments to use in a debate

In addition to this work done in class, students are also expected to work on their own. Such self-study is of the utmost importance and should be done on a daily basis. It includes:

  • Preparing the grammar chapters to be discussed in the grammar lectures
  • Preparing the written exercises and the texts (which implies the use of a monolingual dictionary)
  • Systematic vocabulary learning in English Vocabulary in Use (Upper-intermediate) (Cambridge University Press) (including pronunciation)
  • Daily listening comprehension practice, by listening to BBC Radio 4, for example. We recommend students to record and transcribe interesting programmes (with the help of a dictionary).
  • Systematic study of English pronunciation (stress, spelling, etc.) and of the international phonetic alphabet
  • Reading the English-speaking press as much as possible. Many newspapers are now accessible online.
It should be noted that this is an English-only course. There are no exercises devoted to English-French translation (these are provided in the Translation and Interpreting programme), as this course aims to enable students to use English fluently by training them to dissociate it from their mother tongue.


Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Students should acquire an advanced level of proficiency in English, both oral and written (emphasis on the four language skills). The targeted command of English implies an in-depth study of English grammar and vocabulary, as well as the ability to use the language effectively. In addition, students have to be able to explain the use of the grammatical categories discussed in the grammar lectures in authentic language data.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Good knowledge of English, and some basic linguistic terminology.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Three hours of classes a week, organized as detailed under the heading of 'Learning unit contents' above.

In addition to these three hours, additional (optional) activities are organized:

Ms D'Onofrio teaches classes offering help with the grammar exercises in French.

Ms Horion and Ms Emonds offer pronunciation tutorials, in which student output will be audio recorded to help students recognize their own mistakes. They will also offer Q&A sessions on student demand. 

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face-to-face. 30 h th. + 60 h ex. (first and second terms).


Course materials and recommended or required readings

Lecture notes and exercises will be available at the start of the academic year. We will also use the following books:
Grammar: John Eastwood, Oxford Learner's Grammar: Grammar Finder, Oxford University Press, 2005. (scans will be made available on eCampus)
Vocabulary: Michael McCarthy and Felicity O'Dell, English Vocabulary In Use (Upper-intermediate), 4th edition, Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Dictionary: Collins Cobuild Dictionary, HarperCollins, 2006. (English only)
Among French-language reference works, we can recommend the following grammar book and dictionary:
Berland-Delépine, La grammaire anglaise de l'étudiant, new edition Ophrys, 2000.
Robert et Collins Senior anglais-français / français-anglais, Le Robert, 2010.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Additional information:

I. Obligatory assessments:

Partial exam in January, written only, consisting of, and accounting for:

  • Vocabulary and grammar exercises (50%)
  • A multiple choice questionnaire on the grammar lectures (40%)
  • A multiple choice questionnaire on phonetics/phonology/phonemic transcription (10%)
In evaluating the multiple choice questionnaires (in any exam session), we will use a scoring method to compensate for questions you answered correctly by random guessing.

If students pass the exam in January (obtaining 10/20 or more), they will already have passed 10% of the overall course grade. If they do not obtain a pass in January, their overall course grade will be fully determined by their performance at the May/June exam. If students pass the phonetics MCQ in January (obtaining 10/20 or more), they will be exempted from this component in May/June.

Final exam in May/June, both written and oral:

a) Written exam, consisting of, and accounting for:

  • Vocabulary and grammar exercises: 25%
  • A writing assignment: 20%
  • A multiple choice questionnaire on the grammar lectures: 20%
  • Unless one is exempted, a multiple choice questionnaire on phonetics/phonology/phonemic transcription: 5%
b) Oral exam, accounting for 30% of the overall course grade, and focussing on:

  • Speaking skills: students will be given a set of texts on everyday topics (hobbies, media, lifestyle, environment, politics, social issues) to be prepared at home; in the exam, they will have to answer questions in relation to one of these texts.
  • Explaining grammar: students will have to analyse a corpus example and explain the use of a certain grammatical element (e.g. basic clause type, NPs, use of tense and/or aspectual value) using the appropriate terminology.
Students can only participate in the oral exam if they have taken the written exam. The overall grade will be computed on the basis of their grades for the component parts. If they obtain an overall failing mark (i.e. below 10/20), they will be granted exemptions in August/September for any component for which they obtained 10/20 or more in May/June.

No exemptions can be carried over to the next academic year.
II. Assessments that do not bear on the overall course grade:

  • Vocabulary and grammar exercises: tests in September and March
  • Writing assignments: take-home assignment involving developing a line of argument in response to a given text in November; students will receive corrective feedback, and the opportunity to revise and resubmit their assignment in February.
The results of these tests, together with personalized comments on their writing skills, will enable students to assess their performance for this course, on the basis of which they can seek help to remedy any potential weaknesses.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

This year Dana Louagie replaces An Van linden as the course coordinator.

Students should read the ULiège charter on the use of generative artificial intelligence https://www.student.uliege.be/cms/c_19230399/fr/faq-student-charte-uliege-d-utilisation-des-intelligences-artificielles-generatives-dans-les-travaux-universitaires.

For this course, students are not allowed to use generative AI tools for their take-home writing assignments. Nor are they allowed to use such tools in the exam.


Course Coordinator
Département de Langues modernes
ULiège Bât. A2, bureau 6/5
Place Cockerill, 3-5
B-4000 Liège
E-mail: dana.louagie@uliege.be

Gwendoline HORION
Tel. 04 366 90 38
E-mail: g.horion@uliege.be

Tel. 04 366 53 77
E-mail: s.emonds@uliege.be

Pedagogical assistant
E-mail: barbara.donofrio@uliege.be

E-mail: sechitchi@uliege.be

Tel. 04 366 53 96


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