2024-2025 / LANG1950-1

Dutch 5


30h Th

Number of credits

 Master in economics : general, research focus3 crédits 
 Master in economics : general, teaching focus3 crédits 
 Master in management, teaching focus3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in Banking and Asset Management3 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in digital business3 crédits 
 Master in economics, general, professional focus in economic, analysis and policy3 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in Financial Engineering3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in Financial Analysis and Audit3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in global supply chain management3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in Intrapreneurship and Management of Innovation Projects3 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in Intrapreneurship and Management of Innovation Projects3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in international strategic marketing3 crédits 
 Master in economics, general, professional focus in macroeconomics and finance3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in social and sustainable enterprise management3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in Management of Organisations and Social Dynamics3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in strategy and human resource management3 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in sustainable performance management3 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in Social Enterprise Management and Transition3 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in science and technology3 crédits 
 Master in human resource management, professional focus in management (Gestion)4 crédits 
 Master in human resource management, professional focus in HR policy and management4 crédits 
 Extra courses intended for exchange students (Erasmus, ...) (Faculty of social sciences)4 crédits 


Wannes Duponcheel, Nicole Engelen

Language(s) of instruction

Dutch language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

CEFRL levels of the course :
-Listening B2+
-Reading B2+
-Speaking B2+
-Lecturing B2+
-Writing B2

This course aims at developing and strengthening communication skills in both everyday and business contexts.

Course contents: exploitation and discussion of recent newspaper articles, audio or video documents on socio-economic and financial topics; lectures by native speakers working in Dutch firms; presentation of the visit of a firm, if possible in terms of time and organisation: exchange with native speakers or excursion to Flanders/The Netherlands. 

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Competence to use Dutch business language in oral and written communication.

The course should allow students to be able to:

  • understand Dutch-language media and speakers: summarise an article, a broadcast or a lecture; enter into a dialogue with a Dutch-speaking person on the subject of his/her work.
  • express themselves fluently and accurately - both orally and in writing - by using an appropriate technical vocabulary; summarise and comment upon socio-economic facts or situations related to the business world; write clear and well-structured business reports, application letters, a CV; explain someone's opinion and comment upon it from a personal point of view.
The student will attain the level B2+ aimed at in the KLO's. He/she will also have developed the communicational skills mentioned in the KLO's. Last but not least, this course will allow him/her to develop a critical and scientifically correct attitude, to show curiosity, creativity and autonomy so that he/she can adapt his/her managerial practice to the needs of a fast-evolving world.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Mastery of everyday Dutch and good knowledge of business Dutch.
The  level required (B2/B2+ of the CEFRL) corresponds to the level reached after completion of Dutch level 4 taught in the 1st year of the master's degree.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

  • This cours aims at improving the four language skills with respect to business Dutch through the reading of documents, case studies, debates, presentations, written tasks and listening assignments.
  • Student visit to a company

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

This course is delivered face-to-face and taught 2 hours a week during 12 to 13 weeks.

It is possible that a guest lecture in Dutch might be given on line (via Teams for example).

Active participation of the students is required. Students are asked to prepare (in advance) the exercises and documents on which the course is based.

Workload for the student:
3 credit course: 3 times 30 h = 90h

Class attendance: 22 or 24 h
Reading, preparing and studying: 68 or 66 h

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Platform(s) used for course materials:
- LOL@

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Continuous assessment

Further information:

Other : assignment: cv and cover letter (in the classroom, during the last course cfr planning)

1. Listening comprehension: 25% of the global mark

2. Written examination: 25 % of the global mark

       writing a motivation letter and a cv
       written exam (economic vocabulary)

3. Oral skills: 50% of the global mark

  • oral examination
  • presentation of the visit of a firm 
  • participation to the debates in the classroom
The different tests are compulsory. If the student doesn't present one of the tests, he obtains 0/20 as a global mark.The attendance to the sessions with debates (cfr planning lol@) is also compulsory.


Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Nicole Engelen, teacher for the Dutch language Nicole.Engelen@uliege.be

Wannes Duponcheel, teaching assistant  Wannes.Duponcheel@uliege.be

Our office is located at N1a, 2/11, rue Louvrex 14, 4000 Liège

Office phone number: 042327277

Association of one or more MOOCs