2024-2025 / LANG1939-1

Advanced German 5


30h Th

Number of credits

 Master in economics : general, research focus3 crédits 
 Master in economics : general, teaching focus3 crédits 
 Master in management, teaching focus3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in Banking and Asset Management3 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in digital business3 crédits 
 Master in economics, general, professional focus in economic, analysis and policy3 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in Financial Engineering3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in Financial Analysis and Audit3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in global supply chain management3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in Intrapreneurship and Management of Innovation Projects3 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in Intrapreneurship and Management of Innovation Projects3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in international strategic marketing3 crédits 
 Master in economics, general, professional focus in macroeconomics and finance3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in social and sustainable enterprise management3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in Management of Organisations and Social Dynamics3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in strategy and human resource management3 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in sustainable performance management3 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics3 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in Social Enterprise Management and Transition3 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in science and technology3 crédits 
 Master in human resource management, professional focus in management (Gestion)4 crédits 
 Master in human resource management, professional focus in HR policy and management4 crédits 
 Extra courses intended for exchange students (Erasmus, ...) (Faculty of social sciences)4 crédits 


Marie Mawhin

Language(s) of instruction

German language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The aim of this course is to improve the knowledge and the know-how acquired by the student in LANG1926-1), on a linguistic level (structures, specific vocabulary) and in the understanding of German (business-) culture.

Taught in German - and in French for grammar explanations

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

In connection with the KLOs, this course aims to help the students:

- to communicate in a precise and fluent way in German, orally and in writing;

- to adapt their language and their register to the situation, being aware of its multicultural components;

- to be autonomous;

- to be curious and rigorous;

- to take the social, economic, political and environmental reality of German speaking countries into account.


Level that can be reached after taking the course: European level B2(+)



Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Having passed the exam for advanced students in the 1st year of the Master's degree or having a european B2

(European Language Portfolio)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Discovering different aspects of working and business life in Germany (vocabulary, cultural and economical aspects).

Debates; presentations.

Looking for a job in a german-speaking country.

An excursion related to the course could be organized if circumstances allow, and would then be part of the assessment.

NOT IN 2024-25

(If possible: Field trip in a German-speaking region, that substitutes some of the lectures of the semester and will be the object of an assessment. 

The active preparation of this Field trip would be considered an integral part of the tasks that have to be done for the course. )



Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Further information:

24 hours of lectures (or less if field trip) and homework.




Course materials and recommended or required readings

Consulting lol@ regularly is absolutely necessary!

Exercises and documents online on Lol@.

Course files 

Other documents:

TV-broadcasts; press articles, audio files

Recommanded books:

Translating dictionary, for example Harrap's or Langenscheidt or online dictionary.

Grammar book, for example H. DREYER et R. SCHMITT: Grammaire allemande avec exercices. Hueber, or : H. BOUILLON: "Grammaire pratique de l'allemand", De Boeck, 4th edition, 2015.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Written work / report

Out-of-session test(s)

Further information:

Written exam (40 %): 
- grammar and vocabulary

- writing

- listening comprehension

Oral exam (60 %): 
Presentations during the semester and oral exam in January

Students have to take all the different parts of the examination, otherwise the final mark will be 0/20.

An alternative assessment will be offered to native speakers of German and bilingual students (one language = German). 




Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course






N1 (Rue Louvrex 14), office 218, 2nd floor

Phone: + 32 (0)4 232 72 75.


Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

German for advanced learners 5
Information on lol@

Document en ligne
A consulter sur newlola