2024-2025 / INTR0024-1

Simultaneous interpretation from French into Spanish


45h Th

Number of credits

 Master in interpretation, professional focus in conference interpretation5 crédits 


Maria Estalayo

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Enhancement of speaking skills in the foreign language (Spanish). Acquisition of vocabulary and terminology specific to subjects of general interest and related to current affairs (French-Spanish). Acquisition of sight translation, deverbalization and reformulation techniques. Identifying and implementing strategies for simultaneous interpreting into a foreign language. Introduction to simultaneous interpreting into a foreign language. Practical exercises based mainly on speeches prepared and delivered by the teacher and the students, as well as on recorded real-life speeches on different subjects of general interest and related to current affairs with different degrees of difficulty.

Enhancement of speaking skills in the foreign language (Spanish). Acquisition of vocabulary and terminology specific to subjects of general interest and related to current affairs (French-Spanish). Acquisition of sight translation, deverbalization and reformulation techniques. Identifying and implementing strategies for simultaneous interpreting into a foreign language. Introduction to simultaneous interpreting into a foreign language. Practical exercises based mainly on speeches prepared and delivered by the teacher and the students, as well as on recorded real-life speeches on different subjects of general interest and related to current affairs with different degrees of difficulty. Theory and practice on the preparation of assignments (in person and online), proffesionnal ethics and comunication with Spanish-speaking employers and clients.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this introductory course, students will be able to interpret simultaneously in Spanish a short speech in French on a subject of general interest or related to current affairs, avoiding literal transposition.

At the end of this introductory course, students will be able to interpret simultaneously in Spanish a short speech in French on a subject of general interest or related to current affairs, avoiding literal transposition.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Excellent listening comprehension of the source language (French). Very good spoken command of the target language (Spanish). Command of the simultaneous interpreting mode.

Excellent listening comprehension of the source language (French). Very good spoken command of the target language (Spanish). Command of the simultaneous interpreting mode.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Students are required to regularly follow subjects of general interest and current affairs through the different media (TV, Internet, press in French and Spanish), as well as study the vocabulary and terminology of different fields at home. Classes will be mainly devoted to practical exercises (shadowing, clozing and simultaneous interpreting), followed by comments on the individual performance of the students.

Students are required to regularly follow subjects of general interest and current affairs through the different media (TV, Internet, podcasts press in French and Spanish), as well as study the vocabulary and terminology of different fields at home. Classes will be mainly devoted to practical exercises (shadowing, clozing and simultaneous interpreting), followed by comments on the individual performance of the students.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to- Face. All year. 45 hours total. Composed of 2 compulsory courses.

Blended learning

Further information:

Face-to- Face with the possibly of on-line classes (RSI, conferences) 1 hour Q1 and 2 hours Q2 per week. Annual course. Compulsory course.

Recommended or required readings

Malaret, N. et Janin, C. (2009) Le Robert et Nathan Espagnol - Vocabulaire. Éditions Nathan
The Spanish press (for example, El País, El Mundo or ABC)
The French and Belgian press (for example, Le Soir or Le Monde)

Other site(s) used for course materials
- Dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/b5196mtax31qwhnf1w8o8/h?rlkey=w7hvu6zx2szfd4e00hldepmc)

Further information:

Malaret, N. et Janin, C. (2009) Le Robert et Nathan Espagnol - Vocabulaire. Éditions Nathan

Spanish-speaking media

French and Belgian media

Other texts and notes will be provided throughout the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

- Examens finaux : Simultaneous interpreting of a 6-7 minute speech in French into Spanish. 

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

- Remote

oral exam

Further information:

- 85% of the grade : Simultaneous interpreting of a 6-7 minute speech in French into Spanish. 

- 15% : Work in class

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course




Association of one or more MOOCs