2024-2025 / GEOL1039-2

Geological oceanography, From theory to field work


20h Th, 20h Pr, 1d FW

Number of credits

 Master in geology, research focus4 crédits 


Nathalie Fagel

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course is divided into 2 parts:
A. Geological oceanography;
B. Geochemical oceanography.

It is divided into 5 chapters:
- Formation and evolution of the oceans;
- Input to the ocean and transport in the water column;
- Marine sedimentation;
- Water-sediment interface and diagenetic evolution;
- Distribution of trace elements in the ocean and paleoceanographic tracers.

The first part of the course corresponds to an introduction to geological oceanography (10 h). The course covers the basic concepts of plate tectonics and oceanic expansiin in order to understand the mechanisms of formation and evolution of ocean basins. The objective of this part of the course is to understand the dynamics of the ocean system.

In the second part of the course (10h), the ocean is considered as a geochemical reservoir. The emphasis is on particulate and dissolved exchanges with adjacent reservoirs (continent, atmosphere, lithosphere). The cycle of the elements is studied vertically, from the atmosphere / ocean interface to the water / sediment interface. The objective is to understand the use of geochemical tracers to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions.

A graphical abstract  with the aim, the structure and the activities of the course is available on the MyULiegeplatform (see tag introduction).

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this learning unit, the student will have acquired knowledge about the origin and evolution of the oceans. In terms of know-how, the student will be able to 1) identify the main tectonic mechanisms at the origin of an ocean basin, 2) understand and explain the distribution of sediments observed on the ocean floor, 3 ) to reconstruct the evolution of an ocean basin on the basis of the succession of sedimentary deposits accumulated on the ocean floor.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

None. The ccourse will be adapted according to the audience.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Face-to-face teaching method.

Course divided into sub-sections of about thirty slides.

A record is available on MyULiege to allow a deferred consultation by the students.

Presentation of slides including links to interesting sites, reading suggestions and / or videos as well as questions to better understand the material. These additional elements are indicated by symbols on the slides.

The participation of the students is mandatory. Any absence has to be justified. 
a) Various kind of exercices. Resolution of exercice, analyse of cartographic documents and charts. Observation of marine sediments (sands) and rocks (binocular loup, microscope). Preparation and sedimentological analyse(s).

(b) Research work by two or eventually 3 students.
Oral presentation with supports (15 minutes) of one selected oceanic borehole and short written report (max. 5 pages + full list of references). The talk must presented the four following parts: the general characteristics of the basin (location, climate, hydrodynamics..), its geological formation and evolution, its sedimentology, a synthesis of one paleoceanographic proxy based on scientific papers.

c) One-day fieldtrip on an oceanographical boat in North Sea. Demonstration and sampling of water and sediments. Samples will be analyzed on board or during the practises. Collective exercice to present oceanographical researches for general audience. Note the organisation of the fieldrip depends on the availability of the vessel. 


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

First semester= 7 x 2 x 50 min.
First semester= 7 x 2 x 50 min.

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Platform(s) used for course materials:
- MyULiège

Further information:

For each course, the slides will be available on the MyULiege platform

A syllabus is available on campus at "Point de vue". This syllabus only covers part of the material covered in class.

For the figures, the bibliographical references are indicated next to the illustrations.

The additional resources indicated on the slides are available upon request. 

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Further information:

Examination will include two parts.

Theory. Written examination based on open-ended questions (60 % of final quotation).

Personal work (40 % of quotation). Selection of one selected coring site : description of hydrodynamic, geological origin géologique of the basin, sedimentologie andt stratigraphy, description of 1 paleoceanographic proxy. Oral presentation (15 minutes) with supports and written report (max. 5 pages + full reference list to provide).

In case of a second session, the evaluation wil be based only on the written exam. 

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Any comment on the syllabus are welcome.


Nathalie Fagel Professor, Geology Departement AGEs - Argiles, Géochimie et Environnements sédimentaires
B18, Allée du 6 Août, B-4000 Liège, Belgium Fax: 04.366.2029 Tel: 04.366.2209
nathalie.fagel@uliege.be www.ages.ulg.ac.be

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