2024-2025 / DROI8066-1

Law of obligations 2 (Effects of a contract on third parties - General system of obligations - Quasi-contracts)


45h Th, 10h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in law5 crédits 
 Master in management, professional focus in law5 crédits 


Christine Biquet

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The Law of Obligations 2 course follows on from the Law of Obligations 1 course. As a reminder, the Law of Obligations 1 course was devoted to the study of the sources of obligations, especially extra-contractual liability, and the formation and performance of contracts.

Law of Obligations 2 course begins with a study of the effects of contracts on third parties. The principle of the relativity of the internal effects of a contract and the principle of the opposability to third parties of the extrernal effects of a contract are developped, together with exceptions and institutions wich revolve around them : stipulation for third parties, "porte-fort", direct action, third-party complicity in the breach of a contractual obligation, simulation, actio pauliana, indirect action.

The course continues with topics relating to the general regime of obligations. It deals with the active and passive transmission of obligations (assignment of a claim, assignment of a debt, assignment of a contract), the extinction of the obligations (payment, subrogatory payment, novation, delegation, set-off, extinctive prescription, remission of a debt, renunciation, etc.), obligations with multiple debtors (or creditors) (principle of the divisibility of the debt but obligation to pay the full amount in the case of joint and several obligation, indivisibility and in solidum) and the terms and conditions of the obligation (suspensive terme, extinctive term, suspensive condition, resolutory condition).

The course concludes with a study of "quasi-contracts", namely negotiorum gestio, undue payment and unjust enrichment.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Students must be able to understand the legal concepts and rules governing the law of obligations and to apply those concepts and rules to practical cases.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Introduction to private law. Law of obligations 1.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures - Practical cases and coached exercises

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Platform(s) used for course materials:
- MyULiège

Further information:

A syllabus covering the main parts of the course and a syllabus containing exercises and practical problems are available.

Recommended references

  • F. George and R. Jafferali, A. Cataldo, B. Fosséprez et X. Thunis, Manuel de droit des obligations, Larcier Intersentia, 2024.
  • P. Wéry, Droit des obligations, Vol. 1, Théorie générale du contrat, Larcier, 3e éd., 2021.
  • P. Wéry, Droit des obligations, Vol. 2, Les sources des obligations extracontractuelles - Le régime général des obligations, Larcier, 1ère éd., 2016.
  • P. Van Ommeslaghe, Les obligations, Coll. De Page - Traité de droit civil belge, Bruylant, 2013, Vol. 1, 2 et 3.
  • S. Stijns, Leerboek verbintenissenrecht, vol. 1, die Keure, 2022, vol. 1bis et 2, die Keure, 2020.
  • T. Vansweevelt and B. Weyts (ed.), Handboek Verbintenissenrecht, Intersentia, 2e éd., 2023.
  • I. Claeys and T. Tanghe, Nieuw algemeen contractenrecht, Mortsel, Intersentia, 2023.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Although learning material is available, students are advised to attend lectures and coached exercises sessions to be able to fully understand the course contents. The syllabus aims at providing students with learning material. It does not replace attendance of lectures and coached exercises sessions. Examination is based on materials discussed during those lectures.


Teacher : Ch. BIQUET-MATHIEU, Bât. B31, Local R4, Tél. 04 366 27 63 - E-mail : cbiquet@uliege.be
Secretary: N. BLEVE, Bât. B31, Local I 77, Tél. 04 366 31 90 - E-mail : nbleve@uliege.be

Assistant lecturers - Bât. B 31, Locaux R 7 et R 9, Tél. 04 366 30 03 - 04 366 30 01 - E-mail : lorene.ceulemans@uliege.be - constance.therasse@uliege.be -Saskia.Krzanik@uliege.be

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