Theory : 10h Th
Practice : 6h Pr
Number of credits
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Course begins by an introduction to the scientific method, with its different sides. It continues with the analysis of the different ways we can be fooled (such as biases linked to the way the brain works or induced by the words and images used), and how to prevent them. It finishes by the definition of pseudodcience and the analysis of some cases.
Course: see DOCU-A for details. Part B concerns the practical side of this course, for students of the science faculty.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Aim is to initiate students to critical reasoning and to make them able to analyze things by themselves, in their daily life as well as in their professional life, to avoid biases and being fooled.
Aim is to initiate students to critical reasoning and to make them able to analyze things by themselves, in their daily life as well as in their professional life, to avoid biases and being fooled.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course will be in two parts, a theoretical one and a practical one. The first one is performed via a multimedia presentation, with many interactions (to avoid any misunderstandings). The second one consists in applying what was seen previously to actual cases. Moreover, training exercises are available on ecampus (for DOCU0455-A).
It consists in applying what was seen previously to actual cases. Moreover, training exercises are available on ecampus (for DOCU0455-A).
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
face-to-face (mandatory), 5 courses of 2h. The practical sessions depend on the students' faculty.
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
face-to-face (mandatory), 2 exercise sessions of 3h. The first session consists in the critical analysis of texts and numbers, the second one deals with how to communicate scientific ideas. These two practical sessions requires some preliminary work at home (details will be provided during the courses)
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Notes and bibliography will be provided. All these documents are made available exclusively for a strictly personal and private use, and shall not be shared with a third party. If a student wants to record a lesson, he/she must ask for the teacher's authorization and sign the adequate copyright form (which also requires non-sharing).
Notes and bibliography will be provided. All these documents are made available exclusively for a strictly personal and private use, and shall not be shared with a third party. If a student wants to record a lesson, he/she must ask for the teacher's authorization and sign the adequate copyright form (which also requires non-sharing).
Grading depends on the students's faculty - see practical part.
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
oral exam
Written work / report
Additional information:
Grade is attributed on the basis of a report linked to the exercise sessions (30%), a written report on the personal work (40%), an oral presentation of the work with questions related to the course (30%).
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
The theme of the personal work will be chosen after discussion with the teacher. It can be a personal idea or be chosen amongst proposed themes. It consists in the analysis of a phenomenon (e.g. a research linked to memory, a specific pseudoscience) which was the subject of at least one peer-reviewed scientific publication. The report on this work should have a presentation (hypotheses, claims,...) and a critical discussion of the publications analyzing it. This work is done individually and must follow the provided outline (see template in ecampus).
Yaël Nazé, 04 366 97 20, office 2/12 in Bat B5C (Astrophysique et Géophysique), ynaze@uliege.be
Yaël Nazé, 04 366 97 20, office 2/12 in Bat B5C (Astrophysique et Géophysique), ynaze@uliege.be