20h Th, 20h Pr, 12h Labo.
Number of credits
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Engineering | 5 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
- General introduction to materials science, the different classes of materials existing on the market today, resources and reserves, the life cycle of a material, recycling, the various applications of materials.
- Glasses : the genesys of a glassy state, different models for this state, raw materials for glasses (network formes, fluxes, modificators,...), the different types of glasses and their characteristic properties, the industrial processes for glass production.
- Traditional or aluminosilicate ceramics : manufacture and processing of ceramics, rheology of pasta and slips, properties and different fields of applications.
- Technical ceramics : synthesis methods (solid-solid, solid-liquid, solid-vapour, precipitations, vapour phase reactions,...), characteristic properties (anti-abrasion, mechanical, electrical,...).
- Cements : Portland cement manufacturing processes, cement setting.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- understand the concept of development and adaptation of inorganic materials;
- understand and use the theoretical and practical concepts associated with the manufacturing and use of inorganic materials;
- demonstrate practical skills, carry out proper synthesis and characterization manipulations, analysis of results;
- teamwork, searching for information in scientific literature, critical analysis of results, written and oral expression.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Chemistry lecture (Bloc 1)
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The theoretical lectures are illustrated with examples from practical life using inorganic materials.
The practical sessions consist of exercice sessions and the realisation of a project by groups of 2 or 3 students. This project will be presented orally by the students.
Twelve hours of laboratory are planned per group of 2 or 3 students, and will be the subject of a written report.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Course materials and recommended or required readings
The course materials will be available on ecampus or distributed during sessions.
In order to access the oral examination organised in June, it is compulsory to present the project orally and to transmit the written report of the laboratory sessions. Failure to comply with either of these two conditions wil automatically lead to referral to the second session examination.
The presense of students is compulsory during the oral presentation of the project and during the laboratory sessions. In the event of absence, the student will send the course holder a medical certificate or any other official certificate justifying his or her absence.
Any session :
- In-person
written exam
- Remote
oral exam
- If evaluation in "hybrid"
preferred in-person
Additional information:
The project accounts for 20% of the final score.
Laboratory sessions account for 20% of the final score, which is based on the attitude and work in the laboratory, and the written report.
A written exam is held in June, accounting for 50% of the final score.
In the case of a second session, only the project score is carried over. The written exam then counts for 80% of the final score, with a specific question on the laboratory sessions.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
No remarks
Stéphanie LAMBERT : Department of Chemical Engineering, B6a, Northern Side, Ground 0, room 0/11
Tel. : 04/366.47.71
E-mail : stephanie.lambert@uliege.be