25h Th
Number of credits
Master in chemistry, research focus | 3 crédits | |||
Master in chemistry, teaching focus | 3 crédits | |||
Master in chemistry, professional focus | 3 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Based on concrete examples, this course illustrates, through several presentations by chemists from the polymer materials industry, the industrial production processes of these materials as well as their fields of application in relation to their properties. The manufacture and industrial applications of polyurethane foams or rubbers, as well as the characterization of textile fibers and the implementation of polymer-based medical devices are non-exhaustive examples of the topics covered during these lectures.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
The objectives of this course are:
- put the student into contact with actual scientific problems of materials chemists of the industry.
- make understand the relationships between structure, properties and applications that drive the development of novel polymer materials
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Basic knowledges in polymer physico-chemistry, i.e. lectures "Chimie des macromolécules" (CHIM 0283) and "Polymer physico-chemistry" (CHIM 9228)
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Some visits of industrial plants are included in this course in order to immerse the student in the industrial reality.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Further information:
Personalities from the industrial world are invited to present their daily issues face-to-face within the University or directly on the production site. A tour of the facilities then takes place during which all questions from students are welcome.
The active participation of the students in all the activities (on site visits and presentations of the speakers) organized within the framework of this course is mandatory to validate the credits relating to this course. Therefore, any absence at one of these activities must be reported and justified by a medical certificate. These activities are organized on Friday afternoons between February and May. The choice to take part to this course therefore requires not planning any other recurring activity at this time slot in this period.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
When available, a copy of the slides of the speaker is given to the participants.
Written work / report
Continuous assessment
Additional information:
The active participation to all activities (lectures and visits) is mandatory. Absence must be justified by a medical attestation to avoid a 0 at the participation note. The student will have to produce a personal work part of the mark.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Taking place between February and May, generally on Friday afternoon, the course includes:
- lectures (2 Hours each) given at the University by invited speakers from the industry.
- visits of industrial sites (mostly around Liege).
Prof. Christine Jérôme
Centre for Education and Research on Macromolecules CERM
University of Liege, ULg
Sart-Tilman B6 4000 Liege Tel. : 32-(0)4-3663491
e-mail : c.jerome@uliege.be