16h Th, 8h Pr
Number of credits
Master in biology of organisms and ecology, research focus | 5 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
English language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Course description
The course presents the basic principles of quantifying the risk that chemicals pose to the environment. The detailed methodology applied to the European Union is also seen.
Table of contents
1. Legal context
2. Principles of the environemental risk quantification
3. Detailed methodology of environmental risk assessment in the EU
4. Cases studies
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
The objective of this course is to give students a basic training in risk quantification as practiced in EU states. The student is then placed in the situation of the expert ecotoxicologist who must analyze a file and issue a conclusion regarding the decision-making and / or the appropriate recommendations.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Students should be familiar with basic concepts of ecology (provided in the 2nd and 3rd bachelier in biology). Students must also have good knowledge in molecular and cellular biology, physiology, biochemistry and analytical chemistry so that they can understand the action mechanisms of micropollutants and the meaning of contamination levels in the biotic and abiotic environnement. The sudy of the impact of anthropic activities on ecosystems also implies a good knowledge of the principles underlying energy fluxes in ecosystems and matter cycling (biogeochemical cycles).
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
After a hands-on exposé of the quantification of risks to ecosystems associated to the presence of chemicals in the environment and real case studies persentations, the studenst will have to analyze dossiers based on real case studies and present their analysis and conclusions.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
The detailed methodology of risk assessment is presented in lectures with slide-shows as support. Exercise sessions (tutorials and individual work) and real case analysis presentations by the students will also be organized.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
The course is largely based on the Technical Guidance Document on Risk Assessment in support of the Commission Directive 93/67 / EEC on Risk Assessment for new notified substances, Commission Regulation (EC) N ° 1488/94 on Risk Assessment for existing substances , Directive 98/8 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market available via the following link: https://echa.europa.eu/documents/10162/16960216/tgdpart2_2ed_en.pdf
Students will be assessed on the basis of the quality of the analysis and of the presentation (risk analysis of a case) up to 20% of the final score. They will be evaluated (up to 80% of the final mark) by an open book oral examination (either face-to-face or via visio-conferencing depending on the sanitary situation) which will consist of the analysis of a case of risk assessment.
Online oral examination via Lifesize (update 10/12/2020)
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
see French Part