2024-2025 / AESS0248-1

Elements of sociology of education


10h Th

Number of credits

 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Master in economics : general, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in management, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Master in sociology, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Extra courses intended for exchange students (Erasmus, ...) (Faculty of social sciences)1 crédit 
 Master in motor sciences : physical education, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Master in modern languages and literatures: Germanics, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in French and Romance languages and literature : French as a foreign language, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in history of art and archaeology : general, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in history, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in ancient languages and literatures : classics, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in ancient and modern languages and literatures, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in modern languages and literatures : general, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in philosophy, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in French and Romance languages and literatures : general, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in performing arts, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Holder of an upper secondary education teacher training degree1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Holder of an upper secondary education teacher training degree1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Holder of an upper secondary education teacher training degree1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Master in biochemistry and molecular and cell biology, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in biology of organisms and ecology, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in chemistry, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in geography : general, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in mathematics, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Master in physics, teaching focus1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher (Architecture)1 crédit 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher1 crédit 


Jean-François Guillaume

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The objective of the Elements of Sociology of Education course is to provide future teachers with the skills required for the educational resolution of conflict situations or incidents that occur with students in class or at school.

This objective requires the future teacher to be able to take a critical look at the functioning of the school system, to take a step back and detach himself from his initial convictions and representations of the profession.

The approach will be based on a syllabus built around the use of accounts of observations, incidents or conflict situations experienced in the school environment by in-service teachers and/or AESS trainees. Each story is preceded and/or followed by questions and theoretical elements that allow for analytical distance.

The analysis will be based on sociological concepts and fundamental principles of law.

The intention is not to transmit pedagogical recipes, "tricks" or "tricks of the trade" that would make it possible to "manage" the class group or to face delicate situations. On the other hand, each student must be able to identify what, in the situations presented, poses a problem, to formulate this problem and to envisage adequate methods of resolution (i.e., in conformity with the legal requirements and the mission of civic education which the compulsory school has been invested with since 1997 in the Walloon-Brussels Federation).


Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of the various class sessions, the personal work required (formative evaluations), and the feedback and corrections given after these personal assignments, each student must be able to analyze the report of an incident that occurred in the school, between a teacher and a student or between a trainee and a student or between two or more students, to answer a precise question succinctly and to justify this answer in a synthetic manner.

This implies being able to extract facts from a report written by an in-service teacher or an AESS trainee; to identify what is problematic in the course of the facts; to identify what is problematic in the resolution of the conflict or incident; to suggest a resolution of the conflict or incident that is consistent with legal requirements and the mission of civic education; and therefore, to mobilize the notions and/or theoretical principles identified during the work sessions, personal work and feedback from this work.


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Knowledge of the institutional mechanisms of the Belgian school system (see Analysis of the school institution and educational policies). Fluency in French.


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

First, students will be invited to read and appropriate a part of the syllabus that is made available to them via eCampus. Then, problems from the syllabus will be solved during face-to-face sessions. In a third step, students will be asked to complete a formative evaluation and to communicate it to the trainer (Jean-Francois.Guillaume@uliege.be) within a certain time frame. The individual responses will be the subject of a global commentary, which will be transmitted via Ultra eCampus.



Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

Face-to-face teaching, supported by the provision via eCampus of course material (syllabus), formative interim assessments and feedback from these assessments.


Course materials and recommended or required readings

Platform(s) used for course materials:
- eCampus

Further information:

An electronic version of the course handout is provided (available via eCampus, in word and pdf format).

Collective feedback from formative assessments is provided in electronic form. The aim of this feedback is to help each student acquire the essential principles for resolving school incidents with a view to citizenship education.


Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Each student's performance will be evaluated on the basis of a score of 200 pts distributed as follows

Out of 40 pts: having written the assignments requested during the course sessions. The points will be acquired for the student who will have handed in the work within the announced deadline.

The assignments to be completed individually: the first personal work submitted via eCampus and the account of an incident in the classroom (10 pts); the six formative evaluations listed in the course material (6x5pts).

Out of 160 pts: a written exam, open book: analysis of four unpublished problem situations based on the theoretical elements identified during the course (work sessions; formative evaluations; feedback from these evaluations; syntheses).

An optional exam will be organized at the end of the Elements of Sociology of Education course (date to be determined). Students will be asked to analyze three unseen situations. Students with a grade of 60/120 or higher will be exempted from part of the written exam: their exam will consist of only one question, instead of four questions for students who are not exempted.

For students who have passed the exemption test, the final grade on the written exam will be composed of the score on the exemption test (out of 120 pts) and the score on the written exam (out of 40 pts), for a total grade out of 80 pts translated into a grade calculated out of 160 pts.

For students who did not pass the exemption test (score below 60/120), the score of the written exam will be calculated on the basis of the written exam only, that is to say a score of 160 pts.




Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Students are encouraged to check Ultra eCampus regularly to access the documents that will be made available to them.



Jean-François GUILLAUME 04/366.35.03 Jean-Francois.Guillaume@uliege.be Bureau 1.90, Bâtiment B31 (Faculty of law, Sart Tilman)

Association of one or more MOOCs