30h Th, 10h Internship, 10h Pr
Number of credits
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
All year long, with partial in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Complementary with the courses of specific didactic, centred on teaching/learning sequences of particular knowledge, this course of general didactics discusses pedagogical issues that may have a more transversal scope.
The course will deal with the following thematics:
- Teaching: a complex job and a multifaceted professional competence
- Process of planning
- Motivation in school context
- Learning management in classroom
- Discipline management in classroom
- Teachers' believes
- Dealing with heterogeneity
- Supporting all students' learning in the classroom
- Specific attention to students with school difficulties
- Assessment
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
- Discovering and understanding some central concepts of general pedagogy.
- Understanding and developing a critical thinking on certain characteristics of the school system in Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, mainly in terms of teaching practices that can reduce (vs. increase) inequalities between students.
- Confronting one's own ideas for understanding how they may affect one's educational activities.
- Analyzing various factors that may influence students learning.
- Interpreting teaching/learning situations with the aim to understand and evaluate the possible effect of one's actions and to make informed educational choices
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program.
Spécific didactic (partim 1) and associated practical training are co-requisite to general didactic.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The organization of the course is based on the articulation of theory and practice within four training modalities:
A theoretical course which aims at elaborating a conceptual framework linked with educational researches and teaching practices.
The exercises, conducted in multidisciplinary groups, which aim at working on one's own conceptions of teaching, in analysing educational practices and specific topics through different situations (as a learner, a teacher, an evaluator, ...).
An observation training course, which aims at clarifying personal questions concerning teachning and finding some first answers through classroom observations and/or interviews with expert teachers.
The reflective practice seminars, which aim at enabling the exchange, analysis and conceptualization of the situations encountered during teaching and to think about professional identity. One of the seminar will be devoted to heteroscopy.
The realization of the observation training (SO) as well as the presence at the didactic exercises (ED) and the seminars of reflexive practices (PR) are compulsory.
Except in cases of force majeure as assessed by the DG team,
- Two unjustified absences from the ED (and/or failure to submit administrative documents relating to the observation period) will result in the student's ineligibility to the written exam.
- Two unjustified absences from the PR (and/or failure to attend the heteroscopy session) will result in ineligibility for the final individual assignment (reflective individual work).
- Absence (even justified) from more than half of the ED or PR automatically results in a grade of ABSENCE (or EXCUSE) for the course.
A vade-mecum completes the course specifications.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Platform(s) used for course materials:
- eCampus
Further information:
- ppt + course notes and/or reference texts for some chapters
The documents will be available on the eCampus platform
Exam(s) in session
January exam session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )
August-September exam session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )
Written work / report
Additional information:
The evaluation concerns abilities to reflect about the teaching practice in link with the real educational contexts from concepts supplied by the theoretical framework, experiences from the teaching practices and formative activities based on the reflective practice seminars. Two parts will be taken into account in the final certification :
- A written exam (in January) designed to test students' understanding of the concepts covered in the theory course and used in the didactic exercises.
- An individual réflective work (in May), based on theoretical argumentation and critical reflection on certain aspects of teaching practice and professional identity.
Further information will be given during the course.
Failure to attend either part of the assessment will result in a mark of 0 for the whole course. In addition, any serious deficiency (grade below 8) in either part of the assessment leads to a serious deficiency for the whole course.
For the second session, students will be required to re-sit those parts of the assessment for which they have not obtained a minimum mark of 10/20.
A vademecum completes the pedagogical commitment.
Work placement(s)
An observation training course (10h) must be done for the course of General Didactics (see Learning activities and teaching methods).
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Organizational remarks
The schedule of the theoretical course is Monday, 18-20 to allow people who work to follow the courses. Special schedule is also planned for the didactic exercises and the reflexive practices seminars.
No major organizational changes, but slides and course notes may undergo various modifications and updates.