2023-2024 / VETE2070-1

Infectious and parasitic diseases (PID) of equines, including zoonoses


16h Th, 3h Pcl Pr.

Number of credits

 Veterinary surgeon2 crédits 


Benjamin G. Dewals, Laurent Gillet, Annick Linden

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Bacterial, parasitic and viral diseases of equines (etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, zoonotic potential ).

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Its main objective is to bring the future doctor in veterinary medicine in the understanding of infectious or parasitic disease based on the interactions between the pathogen, the infected organism and the environment. The focus is especially on the pathogenic mechanisms and zoonoses. The course should be an opportunity to train in an intellectual approach that will make the future doctor in veterinary medicine able to easily understand current and emerging infectiousand parasitic diseases, to place these diseases in the differential diagnosis of equine  infectious and parasitic diseases or not infectious ones and better understand and use the new means of prevention and treatment. The course also pursues other more specific objectives regarding the acquired knowledge in the following areas:

  • general notions on important infectious and parasitic diseases in the tropics, with emphasis on notifiable diseases;
  • sampling to perform laboratory diagnostics;
  • interpretation of results from laboratories;
  • vaccine prophylaxis and justify vaccination protocol;
  • Plans for monitoring and control;
  • The environmental impact of anti-infective and antiparasitic treatments.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The study of infectious and parasitic diseases requires prior knowledge of various matters: veterinary virology, bacteriology and parasitology, immunology, molecular genetics, cell biology, general pathology, pharmacology and vaccinology. Indeed the study of infectious and parasitic diseases is located at the intersection of various biological and medical disciplines.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Audience by teaching 16h of teaching in amphitheater; 3 hours of practical work on parasitic diseases

Practical work is delivered in hybrid mode, i.e. remotely and face-to-face on an optional basis.

On the one hand, all the teaching materials, namely the microscopy slides, jars, Power Point and video documents, and the illustrated CD-Rom of Veterinary Parasitology are available online on eCampus and can be consulted remotely, in self-learning. In addition, the professor and/or the assistants and/or the scientific collaborators are available to the students in certain time slots established in advance for remote assistance on eCampus.

On the other hand, each student has the possibility, but not the obligation, to attend a face-to-face practical work session during which he/she will be able to manipulate a limited number of slides unde the microscope and anatomical specimens (slides and specimensalso available on eCampus).

The conditions for registering for in situ practical work sessions are communicated during the quadrimester. Non-registration does not in any way penalty for the student who chooses to do so. However, attention is drawn to the procedures for the practical work examination.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

The courses are given either in amphitheatre or in distance learning according to the health context. The courses are widely illustrated by a computer-assisted presentation. Despite the high number of students, the interactions with the professor are wished during the lecture. Moreover, the professor is available to students for questions at the end of the lecture

Recommended or required readings

  • Virologie clinique des équidés (E. Thiry), collection virologie clinique, Editions du Point vétérinaire.
  • Veterinary Parasitology, partim Equidés, Editors Taylor, Coop and Wall, Blackwell Publishing, 2007, pp 259-315.
  • Infectious Diseases of the Horse, partim Bacterial Diseases, van der Kolk and Veldhuis Kroeze, Manson Publishing 2013, pp 9-122
  • lecture notes on line : (click on the tab: supports de cours)
Lecture notes  e-campus


Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Additional information:

The written final exam comes in the form of open questions and MCQ. 

The practical work exam is organized face-to-face, the precise modalities being communicated during the quadrimester.

It consists of

(1) the identification of different parasites/fungi under the microscope, in a jar and/or on the basis of photographic documents


(2) the answer to short practical questions (clinical signs, lesions, diagnosis, prevention, treatment) on the parasites observed.

Distribution of the rating: 90 % for the written exam et 10% for the practical exam.

The final grade is assigned a global rating collegially by the co-holders of the teaching unit. A grade <10/20 leads the student to have to represent all learning activities of the teaching unit during the second session.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Prof. Benjamin Dewals (coordinateur)
E-mail: bgdewals@uliege.be
Louisa Ludwig-Begall
E-mail : opiedfort@uliege.be
Tél. : 04/366.42.51

Association of one or more MOOCs