2023-2024 / PSYC0045-3

Mediation psychology


20h Th, 10h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in education (120 ECTS)3 crédits 
 Master in psychology (120 ECTS)4 crédits 


Audrey Babic

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

1. Systemics of conflict.
2. The history of mediation, definitions, typologies and related processes (conciliation, arbitration, negotiation)
3. The conditions for mediation. Principles, postures and basic conditions for mediation.
4. The process of mediation: phases, context, dangers and contra-indications.
5. Deontology and ethics of mediation.
6. Mediation, the field of application and professionalisation.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

1. To acquire the theoretical foundations for tackling mediation.
2. To enable students to situate mediation within social evolution.
3. To discover the methodological and technical foundations to enable the mediation process to be managed.
4. To learn basically how to use methods and techniques covered in class.
5. To understand the professionalisation of mediation
6. To develop a critical approach in terms of one's own mediation practices and to recognise one's own style.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Theoretical/practical knowledge in interview techniques

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

theoretical sessions and TP

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face to face

Recommended or required readings

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

Case analysis : group report + oral defense




Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

This course is not intended for Erasmus students


Enseignant: Professeur Audrey Babic
E-Mail : audrey.babic@uliege.be

Psychologie des groupes et des organisations, B33

Assistant : Cédric MONTAGNINO : cedric.montagnino@uliege.be


Association of one or more MOOCs