24h Pr
Number of credits
Bachelor in medicine | 1 crédit |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
These practical course focuse on histology of cardiovascular, respiratory, nephro-urinary, immune and hematological systems.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Objectives are correlation between histological vocabulary and image (real or digitalized). Practical courses allow to use theorical learnings, to recognize tissular organisation and cellular characteristics in order to understand the structure and to do the relation with the function.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
General histology
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
5 on line virtual microscopic sessions.
A forum will be available during this time.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Remote course
Additional information:
on line sessions.
Recommended or required readings
Commented slides et histological slides are accesssible all the year in the reviewing room of histology.
Written notes are disponible on e-campus.
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )
Additional information:
Written exam on histological slides (QCM and/or QROC).
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Tél.: 04/366.51.71 ou 70
Courriel : pascale.quatresooz@uliege.be
1ers Assistants TP:
Melle V. DEFAWEUX: valerie.defaweux@
Mr Vandenbosch Renaud : rvandenbosch@uliege.be
Secrétariat: Mme Rode
courriel: cecile.rode@uliege.be