50h Th
Number of credits
Bachelor in economics and business management | 5 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
The course is about the general principles of strategic marketing.
(1) Marketing in the economy, (3) Understanding the customer, (4) Buyer's behavior, (6) Segmentation, (7) Attractiveness, (8) Competitiveness, (9) Targeting and positioning, (12) Brand, (13) Distribution, (14) Price, (15) Communication (Numbers refer to Lambin & de Moerloose's (2021) chapters).
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
1. Knowledge: knowledge and understanding of theories and principles of stratégic marketing. This course is devoted to familiarization with the basic concepts of marketing and its analysis tools.
2. Expertise: Critical use of theories to solve management problem. Autonomous, orderly [and critical] info search to solve this problem. This course aims to develop the student's reasoning that integrates concepts in a phased approach and leads to a diagnosis, and a strategic decision. Then, through case studies and exercises, the course aims to develop the ability of implementation of the rationale and methods in practical management situations, finalized by a decision.
3. Assertivity: Students will be invited to interact during the course by asking pertinent questions, identifying ethical issues, answering questions ... Bonus (up to 2 points) may be granted for such activities.
4. Autonomy. Preapring the course with a MOOC covering a part of the course. Answering to tests on Lol@ in a limited timing during the semester (active participation)
5. Finally, through conferences, the course establish a link with the practice of business.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
The course STAT0003 Statistiques descriptives or his equivalent is a prerequisite to this course.
Additionnally the following basics are suposed to be mastered by students : Basics in Excel. Basics in economics (supply / demand, pure competition, oligopoly, pricing, GNP ...). Basics in mathematics (weighted average (!), equation solving, logarithm, exponential function, first and second derivatives ...). Basic in statistics (standard deviation, variance, hypothesis testing, type 1 and 2 error, ...). Hence ECON2234 Microéconomie and MATH2009 Mathématique are recommanded as co-requisite.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
a) MOOC. Home preparation by pre-viewing MOOC's videos.
b) COURSE (4h/week). Lectures by the professor and conferences by managers are presented, and exercices and case studies are proposed (solved immediately or at home)
c) TESTS on Lol@. Tests will be regularly offered each week, covering the recently seen material. In order to promote continuous work during the year they will remain open to students only for a very limited time. (http://lola.hec.uliege.be/ code GEST3014)
d) CONFERENCES. Some conferences by marketing professionals will be offered during the year. The presence is not only mandatory (as in the whole course) but also controlled.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face-learning :
The lecture is given face-to-face by the professor. Marketeers will give conferences during the year. Finally some exercice and case studies will be proposed during the course (some others at home).
Distance-learning :
a) Preparation: Some course sessions should be prepared by watching videos and answering quizzes, offered in MOOC of introction to marketing.
b) Quick check: Tests on Lol @ will have to be solved in the few days that follow the course material.
c) Personal Training: An important exercise and mini-case file is made available to students on Moodle for their self-training in case resolution (some are old exam questions). Solutions can be discussed during question-and-answer sessions with the assistant, by appointment.
Recommended or required readings
Basic reference: Lambin J.J., & de Moerloose Ch. (2021) Marketing stratégique et opérationnel, La démarche marketing dans une perspective responsable, 10°Ed., Malakoff : Dunod
Available on Lol@ : Main slides used during the lecture (not all) and additional notes (exercices, case studies, video ...)
MOOC LOUV11X "Découvrir le marketing"
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( open-ended questions )
Additional information:
a) The written exam with open and occasionnally mutlplie choices questions in January (and September) verifies (1) concepts knowledge, (2) concepts understanding (tested via examples or exercises) and (3) student's diagnosis ability (via exercises or mini-case studies). Students will be allowed to have the reference book in paper version (neither electronic version nor photocopy) as long as it does not contain additional notes. Weighting between theory and practice is approximately 50-50. The examen weight for 80% of the final grade. The September exam conditions are similar to January.
b) The weekly tests on Lol@ weight for 20% of the points. The grade acquired at the end of the semester is final until September inclusive. There is no second session for this part.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
This course targets students of :
- Bachelor in Management Engineering BLOC 2
- Bachelor in Economics and Management BLOC 2
- Passerelle - Master in Management
- Gramme-Program IBE - BLOC 2
C. de Moerloose meets students every Friday am (Louvrex), on appointment taken on chantal.demoerloose@uliege.be. The assistant may be contacted by e-mail.